The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

Posted: April 5, 2011 at 7:14 pm

Please excuse the cliché and overused title, but it fits my day too well and sometimes I don’t feel like getting all witty up in here. You’ll understand.

The Good

Good Food: Remember how much I raved last night on avocado, salsa, goat cheese, and hummus as my favorite things to add to a meal? Well, I decided to star them in my lunch today. I spread goat cheese on one half a wrap, smashed some avocado on the other half, and made a pile of spinach, tomato, and a Morningstar veggie burger in the center.


Plated it with mounds of mango, grapes, and cucumber slices with salsa to give me a full plate and full belly for lunch.


Perhaps this meal doesn’t fit in the “good” category, as it far exceeded the description “good”. Alas, the saying does not go “The Phenomenal, The Bad, and The Ugly”. We’ll have to deal I guess.

Good Workouts: I continued my fist-pump-worthy workout streak with another goody today. I hit my push muscles yesterday (quads/chest/tris) with a light cicuit workout; so today called for a heavier pull (hams/back/bis) workout.

Split Squat Legs 3 x 15 / leg
Dumbbell Pullover Back 3 x 10
Lying Hamstring Curl Hamstrings 3 x 12
Wide Grip Cable Back Row Back 3 x 8
Upright Barbell Row Shoulders 3 x 15
Incline Seated Dumbbell Curl Biceps 3 x 10

I already felt sore leaving the gym. A good sign…until I had to pick up the kiddos from the gym childcare. Ouch.

The Bad

Calf Pain: I decided to take the afternoon off my planned run because my right calf feels a little tight. Nothing serious, but I figured it smarter to rest and foam roll the heck out of it instead of possibly making things worse.

No Sister Night: I have to go without my beloved sister night this week. My sister wasn’t feeling well, so I told her to go ahead and rest on her one day off this week. I miss my partner in crime! At least some good comes of this “bad”. I get all the Mexican Black Bean Casserole I made for dinner and its leftovers to myself. That’s a very good thing.


The Ugly

M has a double ear infection. ‘Nough said.

  • What is your favorite body part to work with strength training? I love back!!!

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71 Comments to “The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly”
  1. I hope M gets better soon!!! Sorry to hear that!

    your wrap has all my favorite things, looks so good! I am also loving mango right now…have a bunch (is that mango there on the side?)

  2. aw, poor little m! feel better soon pretty girl! 🙂

    you are right about your wrap though… it does look like a VERY good thing.

  3. Lee says:

    That combination of hummus, avocado and goat cheese is like my perfect sandwich.

    Hope M feels better. How’s B doing?

    • Tina says:

      He’s great. He just had a bit of a cold and was better by Monday afternoon. Just in time for Peter to sick. And now M. I better watch my back!

  4. Love it when I feel that soreness right away. Sorry the sis night didn’t happen. Hope she feels better soon. I like working biceps.

  5. Kelly says:

    Oh poor M and poor mama!!!

  6. I love back and legs — only because I “like” when my legs are sore, but when my arms are sore it just sucks! It hurts to do anything.

  7. ohh that casserole looks deliciously gooey!

    sorry to hear about the ear infections, I remember having so many of them when I was little!

    I would definitely say that glutes are my fav body part to work. I love squats and lunges 🙂

  8. Michelle says:

    BOTH of my boys have histories with getting ear infections, and my youngest is only 1! He has already had 5 ear infections in his short life. So I feel you there with the ear infection! NOT FUN!
    My favorite part of my body to work is my back and arms.

  9. hope M feels better soon! i want some of that black bean casserole tonight!!

  10. Aww feel better soon lady!
    My favorite part is to work my arms and shoulders, I always love feelin the burn 🙂

  11. Aww I hope M feels better soon!!! There’s nothing wrose than a sick kid.

    I love training back too!

  12. I love your mixed bag of praises and pleasehurryandgetbetter. I love reading your day in and day out life stories and lessons. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me.

    As far as working out, lately, I’m loving the bicep/tricep area. Kettle bell swings in CrossFit class are KILLER arm burners. For some reason, I’ve got some extra chicken wing thing going on and I need it GONE!!!

  13. Sorry about your calves and your sisterless night. You’ve got some good eats there! Poor M…that is horrible. I hope she feels better soon. I always feel so bad for them with ear pain.

    Favorite body parts to work out…back and hamstrings. My hamstrings always hurt after I work them. It makes me feel strong in a weird way.

    I hope M sleeps well tonight…and everyone else there.

  14. aww, what a bummer that m is sick! i hope she recovers quickly!

    i love the goat cheese/avocado/salsa combination! it sounds amazing!

  15. michelle says:

    I really love to work my arms and shoulders. However, I *know* I need to work my legs more – especially my inner thighs..

  16. Oh no! So painful 🙁 I hope M feels better soon.
    I love working my arms – having defined arms makes me love wearing tank tops in the summer!

  17. Marie says:

    Hope Kenzi and the family feels better soon! that black bean casserole looks good

  18. Meg says:

    At least there was some good in the mix! 🙂 Sorry to hear about M’s ear infection, poor dear.

    How is it that I missed this Mexican casserole? It’s definitely going on the menu this week. Do you think whole wheat tortillas would work instead of corn?

    • Tina says:

      The corn might hold up a little better because they are thicker, but I still think the wheat should work. If they are large tortillas you won’t need the full 8 though. The corn ones are small.

  19. Song says:

    Just stumbled across your blog – can’t wait to dive in and read all that you have to say. I’ve struggle a lot with my weight – and recently, God has been revealing so much to me – that I am worth more than this obsession with weight and food…. but to live a life that will glorify him – and to be a steward of His body. I’m so addicted to calorie counting – that I no longer listen to my body but “count calories” to see if I have enough left for dessert… Saw that you had something on intuitive eating… will get to it soon 🙂 Thanks.

    • Tina says:

      Thank you so much for stopping by and your words of support!! I always hope to share the true joy of life and that health is about honoring our bodies as they were meant to be cared for. I know I have been in your shoes before and it takes time to move past it, but it IS possible. Have faith! 🙂

  20. Me-Linh says:

    Poor M:( Hope she gets better soon!!

  21. So sorry about M! I hope she feels better soon!

    I love working my triceps.

  22. Mellissa says:

    Ear infections, no good!

    I love working shoulders, that tends to be the area that I see the best results on.

  23. When I could still lift weights, I used to LOVE doing triceps!

  24. Karen says:

    I hope M feels better soon!! Ear infections are no fun!!

    My favorite body part to strength train is shoulders! I love being able to see the definition in my muscles when I work that group of muscles.

  25. I like working my triceps… I love feeling cut there, but this is only if I eat right. 😉

  26. Stacy says:

    Aw I hope M feels better soon! Poor girl.
    My favorite body part to strength train are my arms. Feel the burn! 🙂

  27. Michelle says:

    Sorry about M’s ears! Hope your little lady feels better soon. Ear infections SUCK!

    That wrap does looks delicious 🙂

  28. Stephany says:

    Eek…so sorry about M! No fun. 🙁

    My favorite part of my body to work out are my shoulders!! I don’t know why, but I feel so strong when I work them out. 🙂

  29. I hope M is is better soon! Sick toddlers are no fun. 🙁

    My favorite body part to workout is legs. My arms are so weak, but I have strong legs so I guess that’s why I like legs better. 🙂

  30. Coco says:

    I hope M feels better soon – and that the germ sharing stops!

    I love avacado and salsa. 😉

  31. Anne Marie says:

    Oh no!! I hope she feels so better soon 🙂

  32. Dorry says:

    I’m glad you paid attention to your calf and foam-rolled. That makes such a difference for me!

  33. You always have the YUMMIEST looking meals! :drool:

    Hugs – ear infections are NO fun for anyone!

  34. I agree with you! I love working my back and also my shoulders. I just think they are a body parts that look so amazing when they are toned! 🙂

  35. jobo says:

    Aw, hope M feels better! And the wrap looks damn good!! AS does the black bean casserole. yummy recipes, as usual! I actually HATE working back! Abhor it for some reason. Just bores me. I have no idea why. I love doing tris and shoulders, and always always always legs!

  36. I just had a mango a few days ago and fell in love all over again. It had been so long since I had a fresh one!

  37. Aw, I hope your family members feel better! As a young child, I once had such horrible ear pain that I woke up crying in the middle of the night. My mom called the advice nurse, and she told us to put a hot potato in a sock and put it in my ear to soothe the pain. Sooo my mom had to stay up all night with a sick child and a hot potato in a sock. Moms are the best!

  38. Shannon says:

    Poor M :(. The only thing worse than an ear infection is a double ear infection.

    Love the avocado wrap…. I just started Noah James on avocado (he loves it!) and have lots in the fridge. I think I have to borrow some from him for my next sandwich!

  39. ahh im sorry about M.. ear infections are no fun! your wrap is GORGEOUS- with all that lighting and the colors or the fruit- almost too beautiful to eat… almost 😉
    i love working my abs or back the most!

  40. Heather says:

    Awwww….ear infections are the worst. Hope she feels better soon!
    I love working my shoulders. Strong shoulders are HOT! 🙂

  41. Jen says:

    Oh no, ear infections are the worst 🙁
    I hope she feels better quickly!!!

  42. I love training my back too! There’s something about all the rows and raises that I love haha.

    I hope M feels better! 🙁 That’s one thing I’m not looking forward to but it’s all part of the deal, right?

  43. Runeatrepeat says:

    Hope M feels better soon 🙂
    The fruit and wrap plate looks amazing!

  44. Awww I hope M feel better really soon!

  45. Oh no – I hope M feels better soon! Ear infections are no fun.

    That wrap sounds amazing.

  46. Lisa says:

    OUCH! Calf strains are brutal. I hope the foam roller helps. Lots of Icy hot too! I’ve been miserable with sore hamstrings for 4 days. I feel ya!

  47. Boooo for the ear infection and missing sister night 🙁 Hope M feels better soon!

    For some reason, I my favorite part to work is my arms. I think because I’ve never had definition in them, but I’m still holding out hope!

  48. Awww, I hope M feels better soon!

    And my favorite muscle group to work is my arms because as J. Michaels puts it, “It’s the one part of you body that is naked most of the time.” Hey, whatever works, right?!

    • Tina says:

      Haha! I don’t know why but the arms being naked most of the time makes me laugh. Never thought of it that way but it is so true.

  49. Bummer, hope her infection goes away soon!

  50. That wrap just might be my heaven… YUM!

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