Bang For Your Buck

Posted: May 4, 2011 at 8:11 am

On Monday night, Peter & I attended a financial seminar at our church.

financial experience

Joe Sangl, the author of I Was Broke. Now I’m Not. came to visit and speak at our church. We weren’t sure if we planned to attend, but after hearing him speak during our Sunday worship service, we knew we had to go.

financial experience 2

Plus, knowing our church provides great entertainment at these sorts of things and that we would have a night with some friends didn’t hurt the decision.

And a free dinner always helps. You know, since we can’t get one of these.

Money Tree! 

The church catered in Jason’s Deli sandwiches. I picked up the box with turkey sandwich on wheat bread.

jasons deli sandwich

It also came with some chips (which I didn’t eat – not a huge chips fan), a pickle (which I ate both mine and Peter’s), and a chocolate chip cookie (which you better believe I ate!).

jasons deli cookie 

Sure, it wasn’t the most extravagant meal, but it satisfied my tummy. We all know how important that is if I’m expected to pay any sort of attention.

Joe Sangl provided a lot of insight into different ways to help manage finances better. A lot were practices Peter and I already follow - like creating a budget and planning to save – but he also had some good reminders and things I have not thought about as seriously. He discussed creating a will, making certain to have life insurance, and the fact that saving just $100/month will net over $1,000,000 to use in retirement in 40 years with the average interest rate investments earn.

The night may sound boring but it actually was a lot of fun. Joe Sangl should pick up comedy on the side. He had our table cracking up quite a few times. Overall, he definitely engaged the audience and provided many useful tools and ideas. In fact, you can find all the tools on his website – budgeting spreadsheets already set up to do the math for you, calculators to determine the time to pay off certain debts, and “payoff spectaculars”…


…which as you see above are different pre-made files you can print off and determine how much each box is worth to achieve your saving goal. When you put that amount of $ towards whatever you are saving for, you get to color in a box. Pretty cool visual idea. And yes – one of the pictures is for a llama. Told you he had a sense of humor. I guess I appreciate it because its random, like mine. Now, I will stop sounding like a commercial for him. I just wanted to pass along the information to you all. I think it’s pretty cool how over the internet we can garner so many aids for so many things!

Just like my workout yesterday morning. It came straight from the internet. From Kristin’s blog, more specifically. I mentioned before that I’m now doing my Tuesday runs on the treadmill at the gym to better fit my schedule. I love that getting my run on the treadmill allows me to get my entire workout completed earlier in the day with child care, but I do not like the treadmill unless my run includes intervals to entertain me. I did Kristin’s 5-4-3-2-1 treadmill workout.

Minutes Total Time Speed
0-5 5 6.0
5-9 4 6.5
9-12 3 7.0
12-14 2 7.5
14-15 1 8.0

I completed two rounds of the 5-4-3-2-1 intervals (first time at 1.0 % incline and second time @ 2.5% incline) and then finished up my 4 miles at 6.5 to finish my run in just under 37 minutes. After the run, I hit the weights. The workout was killer.

Move Bodypart Reps
deadlift hamstring/lower back 3x15
overhand barbell row back 3x10-12
walking lunge legs 3x12/leg
narrow lat pulldown back 3x10
side lateral raises shoulders 3x12
barbell bicep curl biceps 3x8-10

My body sure feels that workout today! And it will even more so after I have some fun with Cathe and her IMAX 3 workout.

Speaking of which – I just realized that Cathe is hosting a fitness challenge at the Fitbloggin’ conference. I. Am. Stoked!!! Love her and I cannot wait to do a live workout with her. She rocks my world. I cannot believe its only a little over 2 weeks away. Eeee! Well, hope you all have a fantabulous Wednesday. Make it what you want it. You do have that power after all. 😉

  • Are you a spender or a saver?
  • Who would you LOVE to have the chance to workout with?

If you like money talk, Katie wrote a really unique piece on approaching budgeting (or “intentional spending as she calls it) like intuitive eating.

57 Comments to “Bang For Your Buck”
  1. We are ABSOLUTE savers…with a lot of debt. Sigh. Too much education.

  2. Luckily Hubbs and I are on the same page with money- we’re both not big spenders on little things like clothes and odds and ends. We do like big ticket items, like houses, though- haha! 😉

    I love learning more about finances and listen to Dave Ramsey’s show a lot. I think he’s a bit extreme, but hearing people’s stories of money trouble are fascinating to me.

  3. I am a saver and Jason is a spender! I love learning about finances, I’ll have to check that guy’s site out!

    I would love to work out with Jillian or Bob from Biggest Loser or Jackie Warner. Or Billy Blanks from Taebo or Chalene from TurboFire. Ok I guess I want to work out with everybody 🙂

    • Tina says:

      As much as I adore Cathe, I think I would pick Jillian over her. She just seems so hardcore but fun to work out with.

  4. Coco says:

    I am a saver.

    OMG, your TM workout is hardcore, badass, and killer!

  5. Genie says:

    OOH! Thanks for the link. I like to think that I am a spender and a saver. LOL! We are pretty good about using cash only, so that helps a ton.

    • Tina says:

      I feel the same way about myself. I do spend on some things, but always try to be frugal and save as much as possible on the whole.

  6. Love that workout! Intervals are fast becoming my favorite.

    I’d like to work out with Jackie Warner one day. 🙂

  7. So funny we both posted about finances today, and that’s something neither of posts about often! I am by nature a spender, but I’m trying really hard to change into a saver (and get out of credit card debt!)

  8. What a great event! I really want to check out his website I think that it could be really helpful to us.

    Right now we are not really spenders or savers because we’re in such a transition! But I really want to start saving as soon as possible. Thanks for the info Tina! 🙂

  9. Sounds like a great night! I’ve heard that church-sponsored financial seminars are really growing in popularity. And thanks again for sharing my post! 🙂

  10. I would definitely consider myself a saver but I do love spending too! And I think it would be fun to workout with YOU! Seriously though, it would be a blast 🙂

    • Tina says:

      Ditto to that. I want to workout with you too. And eat with you. I have a few things in mind we could share. You don’t mind cooking right? 😉

  11. Heather says:

    LOVE the money tree, so cute! We did a study in sunday school a couple years ago on finances and budgeting, I can’t remember what it was called now (it wasn’t dave ramsey, but I have done that, too!) But it was fn to do together with my husband and as a group with my class!

  12. Errign says:

    I’m a spender & a saver, depending, but I do always have a small savings. Better than most college kids I’d say.

    I love the idea of the 5-4-3-2-1 workout – sounds awesome!

  13. I love events like this.

    I’d like to think I’m a saver, but I haven’t been doing much saving lately….just throwing money at Nursing School 🙂

  14. I’m both! I love to shop but I’m very thrifty. Lately I’ve been saving 50% of my paycheck and it feels so good!

  15. I’m a saver but will treat myself when needed! And I would love to work out with Jillian Michaels…that would make my life!

  16. I am definitely a saver. I just read a great blog post by Gail Vaz Oxlade on 9 Money Management “Don’ts” here

  17. jobo says:

    LOVE IMAX3! SO effing hard though 😉 I love the advice from your seminar, sometimes it really is the little things that add up exponentially over the years. I try to save as much as I can, knowing in the end, it will be very important. I am jealous of your meeting up with Cathe! I am not going to this year’s Road Trip, and will miss seeing her!

    • Tina says:

      This will be my first time since I’ve never done a Road Trip. So happy I get to get a mini experience of one. LOL

  18. Jess says:

    LOVE IMAX3 too…and so sad that I have to back out of Fitbloggin now…was so jazzed to be able to see Cathe this year since I won’t be at the Road Trip for the first time in three years. Sad face! 🙁

  19. Julie says:

    I’m a spender, husband is a saver. We’ve had quite a few arguments over the years, but I think that we balance each other pretty good. My theory is…enjoy today. His theory is… enjoy retirement.

  20. Meg says:

    We are spenders, but slowly learning. It’s so true what they say about saving is like dieting.

    If I could work out with anyone, it would be YOU! You are always putting up fun exercise combinations and you have so much motivation, I feel encouraged all the way over here. 😉

  21. I’m more of a saver. My husband and I took a financial class a few years ago, too, Financial Peace University with Dave Ramsey, and it rocked my world. 🙂 Glad you enjoyed your seminar.

    I’d like to work out with Jillian Michaels. (I might be slightly afraid, too, though, ha, ha.) I got into her on a fluke. I happened on some dvd’s at TJ Maxx for a few bucks and decided to try them. I have enjoyed her workouts and her style. I’ve watched The Biggest Loser some, too, after enjoying my Jillian dvds.

  22. Sounds like you have an audience made of savers ! I’m definitelly one of them.

    Every time me and hubs talked about what we would decide if we had more money, we end up saying that we would still watch the qualitity/price ratio.

    Being a saver doesn t mean being cheap, but wise.

  23. Rach says:

    So glad you guys got a chance to go to this! My husband and I have been working hard to pay off our debt and while we’ve never been to an actual Dave Ramsey seminar, Christopher likes to listen to his radio show. I’ve never heard of Joseph Sangl, but from what I can see of the website (and what you wrote here) he seems to be along the same lines as Ramsey. Good stuff for sure! 🙂

  24. I love these sorts of things. Im all about finding more ways to deal with my money (or lack of).
    I dont think Im much of a spender OR a saver these days. More of a budgeter. But since I just dropped most of my savings on my dog’s surgery, saving about to become a necessity.

  25. I am a spender, but only spend within my budget. The husband and I each get fun money every month, but still put a chunk of our pay into savings each month no exceptions ever.

  26. Allison says:

    Hmm ill have to look him up. I grew up with my parents listening to larry burkett and dave ramsey and even though i know i should budget, ill probably just wait till december when i graduate and have to start paying off my ever so helpful student loans:(:(

    I too hate to run on the treadmill (and rarely do any machine cardio) but i love to run intervals! I walk at a 3.5 for a few minutes to warm up then run one minute at 11mph and one minute one 3.5 and do as many as i can or when i get bored lol When people say thats too fast for them, i say “if all the overweight/obese people on the Biggest Loser can do it, im sure you can handle it!”

  27. I am a SPENDER!!! I needed to go to that seminar with you!! GREAT WORKOUT…intervals make the treadmill FUN!!! LOVE FREE FOOD especially if it is Jason’s Deli! Have a great day gorgeous girl!

  28. LOVE Imax 3. Probably one of my faves. So glad you get to meet Cathe. She’s the nicest person!

  29. Melodie says:

    Sounds like a GREAT seminar!! I have a question for you. I was looking at some of Cathe’s DVD’s on Amazon and I ws wondering what level I should be at before trying them? The reviews seemed pretty intense!!

    • Tina says:

      Her workouts are pretty intense, but I think that some can certainly be modified, especially any of the kickbox ones. And weight training ones can always be done at your own level. 🙂

  30. Jen says:

    If anything on the menu comes with a pickle, it’s mine!!! I love pickles!

    Oh, and I’m a total spender, drives the husband crazy.

  31. Sounds like some great information! I am trying to save! We are so tired of owing anything to anybody! We want to live a lot more self sufficiently! I would love to own land and our home…without a mortgage. I know we will get there one day! That is awesome on the Cathe workout! You know I love her…she has incredible energy!

  32. I’m a saver!! I love saving but do wish I was a bit more strategic about it (i’m basically like I want this # in my account, if it gets way above that I can spend a little; if it gets close to that # I cut back). I love the idea of a seminar – good for you!

    I’d love to work out with Jillian!!! (biggest loser)

  33. Wow you’re going to get your butt kicked with Cathe! She does NOT mess around 🙂
    That seminar actually sounds REALLY interesting! As a broke college student.. um, I definitely need help haha

  34. Karen says:

    I”m mostly a spender, but am getting much better at being a saver. My husband has helped me turn that around fairly well! He’s both a spender and a saver, so I’ve learned that you can have both.

    I love that 5-4-3-2-1 workout – going to try it!

  35. I’m definitely a spender. I like nice things, but I also like a good deal. Window shopping is no fun for me. But as my husband and I try to save up for a house, I’m slowly becoming a saver. Plus, one of my biggest goals in life is to be able to give abundantly (oh hey, you can’t afford to take your family to Disneyland? We’ll pay. Have fun!)

    We’re actually going to start Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University soon, so I hope to gain some insight from that. =)

  36. Will have to show hubby that site…he’s all about the budget! 🙂 Sounds like a fun night!

  37. I am a spender with good intentions! I always try to save, but somehow, it never works! It’s definitely something I need to work on! Thankfully, my bf is all about saving, so he keeps me in check!

  38. vivoir says:

    Ahh that sandwich looks LOVELY! i.e. crammed with meat and not like you usually get in deli’s where they seem to just put in a teeny weeny slice…

    I’m def a saver 🙂 I love the buzz of seeing my bank balance go up- but I’m a bit black and white about it too as I don’t feel at ease treating myself even when I’ve earned it and worked hard

    Surely there’s a happy medium?!! 🙂

  39. I’m sure you get this question a lot, but when you first started weight training, were you nervous to lift with all of the guys? I want to start weight training, but I’m finding it difficult to swallow my fear and just get over there. The guys in the weight room at my gym are a bunch of meatheads! 😉

    • Tina says:

      I actually started weights with DVDs. I did a lot of Cathe’s at home weight workouts and built up a good base of knowledge so when I went to the gym I felt pretty comfortable already. Then, I read a LOT and learned from others more as I went along.

  40. That seminar sounded really informative!!
    You’re going to have so much fun at FitBloggin! Wish I were going!

  41. I am a definite saver – I’m very very frugal. My church did something similar – they did Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace Seminar/Class series. My sister and brother in law follow it and it got them out of a lot of debt!

  42. Amy Lauren says:

    I’m definitely a saver and not a spender. I won’t really buy anything unless I have a coupon AND it’s on sale. Seriously. I’m debt free though and have savings, so I guess it works, but sometimes I think I can be a little extreme.

    The guy at your church sounds really interesting (and it’s awesome that they had food). We did a Dave Ramsey class and it was informative, but I didn’t necessarily agree with everything he said. I still learned a lot from it, though.

    5-4-3-2-1 workouts are intense but they work :).


  43. I’ve become A LOT better over the past couple of years at saving money but believe I still have a ways to go.

  44. Karolina says:

    I’m a saver. I HATE spending money, and get anxious/angry when I have to. I like to save, partly because I have very very little extra money past my monthly expenses. I’m glad you were able to attend such a great seminar! Even when things are a review of what we already know, it’s good to hear again!

  45. Bethany says:

    SAVER. Like whoa. Honestly, I get buyer’s remorse when my total bill at any one location comes to more than like $20 (which makes buying groceries a rotten experience, never mind putting gas in my car…). I don’t know why I’m quite so stingy. My parents raised me to be smart with my money, but not to the extent that I am. I think it’s more of a I refuse to live beyond my means sort of thing. Like I’m going to Scotland for 20 days in a week (!!), and I have a ton of money saved up to spend there. I doubt I’ll spend it all, but I also don’t think I’m going to have much trouble spending it 😉 . I don’t know. I’m really weird about my money *shrugs*

  46. […] Recent Posts: My Ideal Day | Bang For Your Buck […]

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