Lost Symbol, Hidden Meaning??

Posted: December 1, 2009 at 4:06 pm
***If you have not read Dan Brown's new book and want to, I suggest you skip over this post***

I just finished up my morning devotional Bible reading time and a very odd and interesting thought struck me. Dan Brown's book The Lost Symbol. I know, weird, right? I read this book a couple of weeks ago and had some issues with it while I was reading it. I thought it was a great story, filled with lots of good suspense and wanting to know what would happen next. What was behind the story, however, not so to my liking. Like The DaVinci Code, this book is a chase to figuring out a mystery that will unlock some incredible knowledge. The Lost Symbol's chase was to find some hiding place that contained the knowledge of the "ancient mysteries", which is the knowledge that will make man equal to God. This is where things got a little irksome for me as I was reading. Despite enjoying the suspense of the novel, I found myself constantly being distracted by thoughts of "Come ON! We can never be equal to God!!! And how can you promote such insanity, Dan Brown?? *hiss*".

But then came today. As I was reading the Bible and learning new things to help me grow into a better person and have a more fulfilling life, it hit me. In Dan Brown's book, Robert Langdon (the main character) and his partners in crime do find the "lost symbol" aka "the word" that will bring man godly knowledge. Guess what they found? That special godly knowledge was in The Bible. While I don't really agree with how the book claims that there is all sorts of secret meaning to the gospels that will make man some powerful person that can change the universe's matter and do all sort of crazy science stuff, I do have to agree that The Bible is a powerful source to godly knowledge. And even though it is impossible, as we are all sinners and cannot completely remove that part of our nature, we are in fact meant to be equal to God. Yes. God wants us to be like Jesus. Jesus IS God. The Bible teaches us how. There you have it. The Bible IS in fact a book to hidden knowledge that can help us learn and grow to be like God, although not so secret since it is perpetually the top selling book in the world. And while I know that no matter how much I study that book I will never fully understand it and be able to apply it to my life 100%, I do know that its' worth giving a shot because it will undoubtedly teach me things that will only do good in my life. You know what? I didn't even have to go on a deadly, scary hunt through a bunch of symbolic puzzles to figure that one out either. Sorry, Robert Langdon. 😉

No Comments to “Lost Symbol, Hidden Meaning??”
  1. SuperDots says:

    LOL, I love the last sentense to Robert Langdon.I'm glad you were able to sort of turn it around and understand, even if not 100%, instead of getting crazy over it like some people have!

  2. Heather says:

    I skipped over since I've not read it yet but we watched Angels & Demons this weekend. I never would've expected to be drawn closer to God during that movie but for some reason I just felt His presence. Weird, eh? Need to read this before the next movie comes out!!!

  3. ktbwood says:

    skipped over this since ive never read it!! BUT hope you had a great day!

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