Catching Up & Chalking Up

Posted: March 24, 2010 at 3:55 pm

Today has been a beautiful day! I went to Group Kick class this morning for a great workout; caught up on blogs during Makenzie's nap; enjoyed my (sick) husband's company throughout the day. And us two girls just got inside from a walk in the beautiful outdoors and playing with some sidewalk chalk in the driveway. πŸ™‚

Now, I am writing this post quickly before preparing some material for tutoring this afternoon. How has your day been? I sure hope it has been good to you.

I do have to do a bit of catching up, though. I don't like to leave you all hanging so I have a few things I wanted to clue you in on, just in case you were wondering about it. πŸ˜‰

First, remember last week when I told you the baby shower I was supposed to throw was cancelled due to the mother having to go on bed rest from suddenly having very high blood pressure? Well, she had been in and out of the hospital since then with contractions and the doctors needing to monitor her blood pressure. Yesterday, they decided to go ahead and deliver her baby. So with a huge PRAISE, they have welcomed their daughter into this world. Both the baby and my friend are doing well. And although the little darling girl is being monitored in NICU right now, she is breathing on her own and there are no foreseeable worries about her health. πŸ˜€ Since I asked you all to pray for her I wanted to be sure to give you an update. Thank you for your prayers and thoughts! For privacy purposes I will not be posting a picture of their daughter, but here is a newborn picture of Makenzie to tide you over on the baby love. πŸ˜‰

Brand New Makenzie - 17 months ago!!!

Second, a few sneak peek shots of Makenzie's Easter photo shoot you voted her into are up on the photographer's blog. You can check them out here. And once again, thank you so much for your support of miss M. You all are the best readers out there. πŸ˜€

Third, don't forget to enter my giveaway as one small way to thank you all for being so awesome.

Fourth, I know there has been a lot of talk recently about Jamie Oliver's new show Food Revolution. I can't wait to catch the show! Even though I haven't watched it yet, I am 100% behind the message he is trying to expose to our society. If you feel passionate about it as well, sign his petition. Quick and painless. Something else quick and painless that goes along with this? Sending in an already written letter to your state's representative about the nutrition in our school's food programs. Click here to do that. I promise it is easy! I got these two tips from a couple other awesome blogs. Thanks Kelly & Rachel!

Fifth, I apparently have another child already. This little guy follows us everywhere...

the beloved "Ted-DY"

Does anyone have ANY clue how to get a mangy stuffed animal clean????? If you have tips I will be forever indebted. Or just give you a virtual hug. It's all the same, right? πŸ˜‰

I'll catch you all later! Happy Wednesday!

No Comments to “Catching Up & Chalking Up”
  1. Krista says:

    I put all of K’s stuffed animals in the washing machine! They have all survived multiple “baths” that way.

  2. I used to love writing with chalk outside. So fun!

  3. Oh gosh Tina those photos are just precious! I love the one where it looks like the bunny is about to kiss her. So cute!

  4. Heather says:

    haha, i never had a mangy stuffed animal, but my sister did and we always threw it in the washing machine! i need to find out more about jamie oliver’s show because i’d really love to see what he has to say!

    i’m so thankful you friend’s baby girl is doing OK. make sure you keep us updated πŸ™‚

  5. homecookedem says:

    So glad your friend delivered a healthy baby!! πŸ™‚

  6. Those photos are just too cute for words!!! Happy Wednesday to you too!

  7. My sister has to was Max’s “Puppy” in the washing machine. It makes him less attractive, but it’s necessary!

  8. Leah says:

    Wow your friend had her baby!! Unreal! My cousin just had her little girl one month early. I guess babies always have their own agendas!

  9. Leah says:

    PS- meant to say Congrats to her and her family! Hope the little one will be out of the NICU soon!

  10. Danielle says:

    I’m glad your friend is doing well πŸ™‚

    I haven’t heard of that show coming out but I’d love to watch it!

  11. awww i love the professional pictures! She is so precious !

  12. lessonstolearn says:

    What a relief that your friend and her baby girl are doing well. What a scary thing to go through.

    Makenzie is such a doll. Such a beautiful little girl πŸ™‚

  13. Krystal says:

    i always throw the stuffies in the laundry too. never lost one yet! πŸ˜‰

    M looks so angelic in her pics! Love her easter dress!

  14. Sweet Cheeks says:

    awww, glad your friend is well! πŸ™‚

  15. Jenn N. says:

    I’ve put stuffed animals in the washing machine too. If you are concerned about him/her losing an eye you could put it in a pillow case and tie the case off with a hairband before washing.

    We just got a TON of sidewalk chalk from my MIL.

  16. Nicole says:

    Stuffed animals aren’t meant to be clean, mommy! Makenzie’s Easter pictures are absolutely ADORABLE! You make beautiful babies! And glad your friend’s baby is doing well πŸ™‚

    Thanks so much for your encouragement yesterday, I really, really appreciate all the kindness!

  17. kbwood says:

    aww adorable post!! she is soo precious!!! love the pictures girl! LOVE SIDEWALK CHALK! haha! its soo messy!

  18. Jennifer says:

    M looks so precious in those pictures. She is such a doll. Yes I am really looking forward to watching Jamie Olivers show. I’ve got it DVRed! Have a great weekend!

  19. laura dishes says:

    I’m so glad that your friend & her baby are doing as well as can be expected right now.

    Okay, I’ve never been to kick but I’m so curious about it. Is it like kickboxing, or more like a boot camp?

  20. Sidewalk chalk was so much fun when I was younger. In fact, if I had some right now, I’d probably still be using it!

  21. Sophie says:

    Her pictures are absolutely adorable, she is such a little model! I love the one with her and the bunny face to face. So precious!

  22. Lindsey says:

    Glad your friend and her baby are doing well. I think I missed that post, but I can imagine how scary it must have been. I love the chalk writing – so cute! And as always, Makenzie is adorable!!

  23. What a fun day! Very cute pictures!
    So glad your friend and her baby are OK. πŸ™‚

  24. Ameena says:

    Congrats to your friend! Babies have their own schedules, that’s for sure!

    Mangy stuffed animals – I tried everything and finally just had to throw them away. Nothing would get them clean and the washing machine kind of destroyed them!

  25. The pictures are just precious!!!!!!!!! I cannot WAIT to have a child!

  26. Kelly says:

    Thanks for the link to my blog and for spreading the message to send letter to our state reps…makes my heart smile!

    As for stuffed animals…I always just wash them in the washing machine and then let them air dry! DO NOT PUT THEM IN THE DRYER it messes up their hair and they won’t be fuzzy anymore (yes…learned that the hard way!!) πŸ™‚

  27. Melissa says:

    Just checked out the Easter pictures. Aww! Makenzie’s dress is so cute. What a stylish Mom, dressing her so well πŸ™‚

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