Posts Tagged ‘strengths out loud’

These Women Rock!

Welcome to the weekend, my friends! Friday afternoon has arrived. And what better way to kick off the weekend than with a large dose of positivity? Time for another installment of your Strengths Out Loud! These women rock…and you do too. So, keep that chin up this weekend and play up your many strengths. Hugs and love!

Katie @ Healthy Heddleston


I am my biggest cheerleader. I have an awesome husband who supports my crazy adventures. I seek new challenges and enjoy the roller coaster ride that comes with them. I love myself and have the power of choosing my mood.

Andrea @ Vegvacious


I am passionate and full of fun. I am free-spirited and open-minded. I am very good at my job. I love working on my blog and am proud on how far it's come and how much I've grown since starting it!!

Anna @ Active Fingers


I am a good listener. I am there for my friends (even when it feels like a one way street or they have hurt me). My family is extremely important to me. My faith is the foundation in my life. I am creative and organized. I am enthusiastic about what I love.

Lauren @ Run Yoga Repeat


My strengths are patience, optimism, and a positive attitude!

Janetha @ Meals and Moves


I am awesome because I have big legs and can do lots and lots and lots and lots of squats with my husband on my back.  I used to want supermodel chicken legs for the longest time.. but then one day I realized that my legs, albeit big, are beautiful.  And muscular.  And strong.  And mine.  I think I will keep them.


Chelsey @ Clean Eating Chelsey

I'm proud of the way I care. Whether it's my family, a stranger, or a friend, I get highly invested in how others feel. I am quite a lover, and I never want to make anyone feel bad because of something I did. Watch out - I'll hug you if I meet you... yes, you.


Heather @ Side of Sneakers

team fight

I go after what I want and I do whatever it takes to make it happen. My success is not measured by my job title, what other people think, or the dollars I make or don't make- it's measured by the impact I'm making.

Kelly @ Laughter, Strength, and Food

Kelly @ L, S, and F

I am proud that I have a compassionate heart and will put others first before myself.

Lisa @ Healthful Sense


My love for God and for my family is strong and unconditional. I stay strong and positive through challenging times. I am persistent and work hard to finish the task at hand. I am proud to have a masters degree in nutrition and to be a RD. I take care of my body by eating nutrient rich, nourishing foods.

Michelle @ Crazy Running Legs


I am loving. I am helpful. I am open-minded. I am a great listener. I am silly. I have a good heart. I am smart. I have a tough mind. I have strong running legs. I am optimistic. I am a good mom, wife, daughter, and sister!

  • Any fun weekend plans?
  • What made you feel strong and confident this past week?

**To participate in Strengths Out Loud – send me an email with a photo, link to your blog, and a short description of your strengths. Feel free to share this post! #strengthsoutloud

Posted by on June 24th, 2011 29 Comments

YOUR Strengths Out Loud

Wow, you guys! Thanks for the accolades on my Body After Baby progress I shared yesterday morning. You all rock! In fact, I want today’s post to focus on YOU and just how much you rock!

Last week, I shared a post where I wanted to put aside the stigma that declaring our strengths means cocky or self-absorbed. I wanted to declare my strengths out loud for the world my fabulous readers and show the freeing sensation of believing in ourselves. We should all have the option to shout our worth to the world! And so, I opened FFF as a platform for you to do just that. To share a photo and tell the world exactly why YOU are so awesome. I wanted to hear your strengths out loud! Let’s see them now…

Katy @ Katy Widrick


I am strong inside -- I believe that dreams do come true (with hard work!) and that good things happen to those who strive for greatness. I am strong outside -- I nurture my body and soul with daily workouts, sweat sessions and challenges, and I'm repaid by knowing that I can achieve anything. I am strong for others -- I love being a resource and a role model for people who are looking to find healthy sparks in their own lives. I am strong for myself -- for the woman I am, the mother I want to be someday and a citizen of the world.

Heather @ Heather’s Dish


I am beautiful just as I am, I am strong in body and spirit, I love and allow myself to be loved, I am truthful and honest, and I have been saved and loved by an almighty God.  I am Heather, nice to meet you!

Brooke @ B and the Boy!


I am a great baker. I have set myself to becoming a more healthy person for my son and myself, and discovered that I can stick to my goals and I LOVE IT! I am a good friend with a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on and a heart overflowing with love.

Julie @ Peanut Butter Fingers


I am a good dog owner! It sounds silly, but when my husband and I decided to get a dog, I fully committed to exercising her regularly and giving her the love and attention she deserves. It's so easy to slack off on being a good pet owner because they'll never complain, but I take my responsibility as a dog owner very seriously and think that if Sadie could talk, she'd tell me I was the jam. 🙂

Brooke @ Smart, Strong, Sexy


I am adventurous. I am active. I am fun. I am silly. I am killer when it comes to organization. I love my family well.

Annette @ With A Side of Brownies

Annette fff

I have gone from couch potato to exercise enthusiast. I have introduced my family to a healthier lifestyle.  I started on the road to fitness by working out on the Wii using EA Sports Active game. I lost 15 pounds, gained muscle and am in the best shape of my life. I've since added going to the gym and am slowly working on becoming a runner.

Keren @ The Music Barr

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I am a great teacher. I care about people. I always look on the positive side of things.
I am a loving wife. I am always learning new things.

Gina @ Running To The Kitchen

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I am determined. In work, in my friendships, and in finding happiness for myself!

Dawn @ Blonde On A Mission


I am a great writer. I am incredibly flexible and have been able to do poses that none of my yoga instructors could. I love unconditionally and don’t have a hard time forgiving if I know the person is sincere. I have the ability to laugh at myself and to not take myself too seriously.

Jenn @ A Knack For Nutrition


I continually challenge myself to achieve fitness goals I once deemed impossible. This picture is of me right after I finished my first half-marathon in October 2010. I expect to have a similar photo the moment I cross the finish line of the Disney World Marathon in January 2012!

It turns out, I had a bit more interest than anticipated in this project. Each person should get the attention he/she deserves, so instead of overloading one post with a bunch of entries, I decided to share ten awesome #strengthsoutloud entries now and will continue with more in a future post. In fact, if the interest continues this could become a fun series on FFF – so keep those entries coming! Simply email a photo of yourself, a link to your blog if you have one, and a short description of your strengths and what makes you awesome. If you have already emailed me and were not in this post, I have you ready and raring to go for the next one.

Now go out and live your life with the belief that you have a LOT to offer this world. Say it loud. Say it proud. Share those strengths out loud!

If you would like to share this idea of declaring our strengths, use the hashtag #strengthsoutloud for Twitter, like on Facebook, create your own post on your blog, or send in your own entry! 🙂

Posted by on June 8th, 2011 41 Comments


Catch Up With Recent Posts

Announcement Time

Posted: November 23, 2011 at 7:47 am

Well, I have had a whirlwind of a few weeks over here. I missed all of you so much! I can’t express enough gratitude for your patience while I got some important things sorted out. Some scary things. Are you ready for the announcement? Here goes! I will no longer be blogging at Faith Fitness […]

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Self-Love Reflection: The Road Not Taken

Posted: November 20, 2011 at 11:47 am

Hello FFF readers! Nice to meet ya! My name is Carissa and my husband and I blog at Fit2Flex.  Well, I blog…he consults! We are both certified personal trainers with a passion for healthy, active living and clean eating.  I am also studying to become a registered dietitian, a race announcer, and a runner.  Stop […]

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Healthier Eating For Kids

Posted: November 19, 2011 at 10:56 am

Thanks to Plum Organics for sponsoring my post about tips for baby feeding magic. What if you let baby choose what’s for dinner? Check out their cute "Quest for Yum!" video and see what happens! As parents, we want the best for our children. We help them to feel loved. We strive to teach them […]

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Posted: November 17, 2011 at 3:36 pm

Hey, everyone! I wanted to pop in and say I am working on some new and exciting changes.  As a result,I may not be posting as much during the coming week.  Please stay tuned for the big announcement! Love you all! And still feel free to find me on Twitter and Facebook for the time […]

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Where The Change Happens

Posted: November 16, 2011 at 7:54 am

It’s kind of funny. I become a certified personal trainer and the first workouts I turn to this week come from someone else. The book came in for me at the library last week and, after flipping through it, I couldn’t wait to give the circuits a go. Making The Cut includes a lot of […]

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From Beginning To End

Posted: November 15, 2011 at 11:53 am

Good morning! First off, thanks for the many congrats yesterday. Love you all bunches for the tons of support you have given me in so many things this year. I hope I can return a little bit of that love through this here blog as well. So yesterday I had my first parent-teacher “conference” for […]

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