Biting The Bullet Part 2

Posted: June 30, 2011 at 4:00 pm

Thank you all SO much for the support and comments on going after my dreams of personal training certification! Knowing that I have fabulous friends like yourselves behind me will make the process of learning new things and believing I can do this much easier. I’m glad I decided to finally bite the bullet and go for it!

Speaking of biting the bullet, I bit the bullet one more way recently. Last night I took a few hours (good gracious it took longer than expected) to set up a FFF T-Shirt Shop for my lovely friends!

fffshirt finishworthitshirt fitlooksgoodshirt spinachwineglassshirt

I almost didn’t make the shop because I didn’t want it to come across as some marketing ploy to make money off of you. I’m not into that. Good thing I would be lucky to make enough money off of this to buy Makenzie a new puzzle…so it works with my values. Honoring your requests also works with my values, so here we are.

When I made shirts for myself about a month ago, many of you showed interest and asked how to get some for yourselves. I kept getting requests, so I finally obliged. I created this shop solely in case you wanted to rock a shirt sporting your love of green smoothies, fitness, and a positive body attitude. I added the designs I originally purchased and a few new fun ones, that I’m kind of jealous of and wish I could have for my own. So, check out the Faith Fitness Fun Shop!

Moving on. I was in an incredibly good mood today. I simply woke up on the right side of the bed ready to tackle the day.  And ready to tackle another challenging workout. I would apologize for the plethora of workouts I’ve been sharing this week, but I won’t. They all work so well that it would be selfish of me to keep them to myself.

I headed to the gym this morning for another short, easy two miler. I simply pop in my headphones (tangle free), hop on the treadmill, push the 6mph button, and go for 20 minutes. I like not having to think about it and just go. Anything more than 20 minutes and I would have to mess around with the treadmill to keep the boredom from taking over.

I followed up the run part of my workout with another group of mini-circuits. They worked so effectively on Tuesday for a full-body workout that I concocted another group of exercises to entertain myself with today. Pushing my body is entertaining, no? 😉

Mini Circuit One Mini Circuit Two Mini Circuit Three
assisted pull-ups split-squats walking lunges
bicycle crunches one arm dumbbell row flat dumbbell chest flyes
front shoulder raises spiderman abs bench jumps
  concentration curls lying triceps press

Thirty minutes later = a sweaty mess high on endorphins! To round out my hour, I hopped on the elliptical for 20 easy minutes of cardio. Honestly, I just wanted to read some of my SELF magazine.


I have quite a few magazine subscriptions because I scored such a good deal on subscription bundles during the holidays. I love reading my magazines, but only really care to read them while doing low-key cardio. I don’t know why, but I almost crave magazine reading with light cardio. Even though I have 6 subscriptions (which I scored for less than $20 total!), I still could read more. Too bad it’s so hard to run and read. That could certainly help my relationship with the treadmill.

All together, I spent a little over an hour getting my fitness on. I kind of dropped the ball with that though. I had forgotten a play date at the library to get to and still needed to eat a real breakfast! That meant rushing home, shoveling food, and rushing back out for Makenzie to have some fun time and pick up new library books.


I hate rushing my meals because it never satisfies me as much. No surprise I ended up hungry way earlier than normal. I don’t know how I used to hoover all my snacks in under 3 minutes and my lunch in under 10 minutes every day when teaching. No wonder binging was such an issue for me then! I likely never felt satisfied because I could barely remember eating! Moral of the story = take time for your food. Those little scraps deserve some TLC (tender loving care chewing).

  • How quickly do you tend to eat your meals?
  • What do you enjoy reading and when? Mags w/ cardio? Books in bed? If any answer goes, a book on the beach for me. Too bad that’s not reality!

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45 Comments to “Biting The Bullet Part 2”
  1. Kara says:

    I wait for nap time to eat, just so I can enjoy my food and relax while eating. I don’t know what I’ll do when she goes down to one nap a day!

  2. Sarah says:

    Oooh, I love reading magazines doing light cardio too especially the elliptical. I can’t necessarily read the articles but I kind of flip through and get the gist. Self and Shape and Fitness are great to read at the gym because they are so motivating.

    I get tons of magazine subscriptions too because it’s cheaper than buying individual issues. Plus I always cut up magazines for image boards or art journaling or other crafy uses.

  3. jobo says:

    LOVE the t-shirts! you should do tank tops too 🙂 I would totally buy one!!

    • Tina says:

      If you’re serious, let me know which design you would like in a tank and I can make it happen. 🙂

      • jobo says:

        awesome! I love the pink one 🙂

        • Tina says:

          I wouldn’t think the body after baby one? Do do you mean the brown with the pink faith fitness fun text or the Spinach one with the pink text? 🙂

          • jobo says:

            Ha! I didn’t even click on the link, just saw the pics here! I liked the pink one on this page “the finish is worth it’ or on the link, I liked ‘make life fun’ (both actually!

  4. These shirts are soo cute! What a great idea!

  5. I like to take my time when eating and HATE cramming food in my mouth. I will opt to wait if I have to eat too fast or grab an apple if I’m on the go.

  6. Mrs. Fish says:

    I hate rushing to eat as well! During the school year, I have barely 20 minutes to eat lunch, and as a result…I’m STARVING by the time that the end of the day rolls around!

  7. Oh goodness I eat my lunches in 5 minutes flat out of necessity…but other meals I try to take about 30 minutes if I can! I love the spinach shirt…too cute!

  8. The t-shirts are super cute! I love the one with your blog’s name on it!

  9. Ugh I hate having to shovel food…it’s the life of a teacher! I’m happy to be on summer vaca so I can eat slow! Love the t shirts!

  10. Robyn says:

    I like to take my time and enjoy my food.

    I am always up for a good book and read whenever I can. Evenings work good for me. I like to read magazines when I work out on the treadmill.

  11. Ela says:

    Many congrats on biting your bullet. T shirts are adorable.

    I love reading and don’t as much as I’d like–if I’m fixing food that isn’t too messy and I know what I’m doing, I read then, I read when I go to the outhouse, I read in bed, whenever I can snatch a moment!

  12. SheFit says:

    Awh, I absolutely love the shirts! They look great. I will definitely have to look into these. Thanks!

  13. Meals are something I look forward to each and every day, so when they are rushed they just don’t feel as “special”. Hate that!

  14. I am so excited to order a few of your shirts! “Keep the Faith” is the motto of the high school I graduated from and am still a big part of so this is a definite must! I am so excited to have something to wear to football games!!

  15. I enjoy reading magazines on lazy Sunday afternoons, and books during down time :D.

  16. Amy says:

    I feel like when it comes to binging, being satisfied is such a major component.

    And i heart the last photo!

  17. Lee says:

    I like to read while I eat. (I know, I should be focusing on the food, but I can’t help it.) I also like to read before bed.

  18. Oh man, I totally feel you on the dissatisfied feeling that comes from inhaling your food. I learned to really slow down while eating at the start of this year when I found myself eating a full lunch and still feeling hungry. I started to make a concentrated effort to actually chew and swallow every bite before taking another one (instead of taking one, chewing for less than a second, taking another one, etc. etc.), and it’s made a world of difference. It also makes me feel like my lunches are a lot bigger when they actually aren’t, which I really like.

  19. I eat so fast! I really need to work on slowing down. I love to read pretty much anywhere that I can. But, reading by the beach sounds pretty awesome 🙂

  20. I hoover my meals…well, used to. I’m getting better.

    I might have to test your binge theory now. 🙂 I get the urge to eat more sometimes…and maybe that has something to do with it!

  21. PS: My little buddy has a Bee Pillow Pet, too.

    She’s adorable…and every time you post one of her smiling, I want to kiss her.

    That’s the momma in me…I swear I’m no creepo.

  22. Chelsea says:

    I’m a scarfer when it comes to chow down time haha. Sometimes I’ll catch myself and mentally say, “Chelsea! Slow it down!” Most of the time I just want that food in my mouth and giving my taste buds a ride though ;D

    As for reading ahh I love love it! I’ll study sometimes on the treadmill at an easy pace just so I don’t get to bored studying/walking. When it comes to my stories though that’s saved for in bed, long car rides, or a nice day of tanning with my kindle 🙂

  23. Anna says:

    those shirts are super cute!!
    I usually eat my meals standing and pretty fast. I have 5 kiddos, and homeschool and I watch 2 babies, so I am usually always pretty busy.
    I ALWAYS read before bed, in the morning w/ breakfast (this is when I read my bible and have quiet time), and then when on the elliptical or doing a treadmill hike. I have about 150 back issues (maybe more!) of the ‘Good Old Days’ magazines-I LOVE them, so I usually read them when working out =)

  24. I totally know the feeling of eating so fast that you cannot enjoy your meal! I eat standing up most of the time and then I end up walking around the house chasing my 20 month old!

    I like to read in bed if I don’t fall asleep. I’ll read on the treadmill if I’m doing light longer cardio workouts but when a good song comes on, it’s real difficult to read and jam on at the same time!

    Oh, the shirts are adorable!

  25. very cool tina! now I just have to decide which one is my favorite! What’s your favorite?

    • Tina says:

      I find myself wearing the green text “more than diet and workouts” one a lot. LOL

      although I wish I had done the pink and brown combo for myself on that one. I don’t have it but I want it. Hahaha!

  26. Kelley says:

    How quickly do you tend to eat your meals?
    –I eat my meals super fast! I am trying to slow down. I spent the last year working in a school where we had to eat with the kids and usually only had about five minutes to shovel it in, that I never really enjoyed my food. I am working on that right now.

    What do you enjoy reading and when?
    –At my current fitness level, I cannot read when working out. I can pay attention to a podcast, but not reading. I love to read magazines, just in general, health and fitness and education magazines. I am currently reading the Suzanne Collins “Hunger Games” series, which is great.

  27. If I don’t do somethin glike watch tv/read blogs, I scarf my food down. I use the computer as a buffer which is kind of opposite of many people! It usually takes me a good 20-25 minutes in the morning to eat my oatmeal!

  28. Brittany says:

    Love the shirts! I LOVEEEE the “the finish is worth it”

  29. YAY!!!! Congrats on the shirts my beautiful friend!!! You are a Solidified Brander and I love it!


  30. sophia says:

    Love the shirts!!!! Hope “business” goes well. 🙂

    I hate eating fast too, but sometimes I have to. It’s okay though. Because there’s always the next meal!

  31. Mac says:

    I love reading while I bike (stationary), elliptical, walk (on my own), ride in the car, before I go to bed, basically any spare moment I can get… maybe that’s why my eyes are so bad because I’m constantly working them! I love magazines, but I don’t have any that I get regularly so just whatever they have at the gym and I also LOVE reading books.

  32. Anna says:

    What did you teach? I have been teaching first grade and I am a total fan of protein shakes from Special K for lunch because I can get things gone without starving! Lol.

    Love, love, love magazine work outs!

  33. […] tina from faith fitness fun has a t shirt shop and i love it. i want to wear one and feel like we are closer. ok, that sounds strange, but i love tina and want to support her and love the message she rocks on these t-shirts. […]

  34. Dorry says:

    Love your tees!! Very fun. I try to eat slowly, too – and acknowledge that I’m eating rather than rushing through it. Like you, I eat foods that I really LOVE so it’s always worth it to slow down and enjoy it. I’ve been reading in bed at night lately – it puts me right to sleep. Haha. And I love magazines, but almost never read them unless I’m on a flight.

  35. Katie says:

    Ugh, I’m such a fast eater and I hate it! I always have been…but like you said, I think teaching really made me inhale my food. I have to make it a BIG point to slow down and enjoy each bite.

  36. Jill says:

    I LOVE your shirts! I am ordering mine today. The Finish Is Worth It! You are so right! I can’t wait for my shirt to arrive! Thank you!!!!!

Leave a Reply to Jill




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