Easy Reading
Posted: July 2, 2011 at 10:00 amI know on the weekend I like easy reading. I don’t think reading gets easier than bullet points and highlights, so that’s where my focus shall lay today. I left off yesterday morning with a recap of my June goals. Since writing my goals out worked so well for me, I figure why not go for it again? I promise to keep it short, sweet, and to the bullet point.
Personal: A Balanced Life of God, Family, and Personal Passion
- at least 20 minutes each day in concentrated, quiet prayer and Bible study
- create and begin a study plan for my personal training certification
- continue following our budget and tracking our expenditures daily
- remain balanced with my time to work effectively and keep priorities in line
Health/Fitness: Continue Trusting My Body & Making Healthy Decisions Regularly
- one new healthy recipe each week
- participate in the 3000 in 35 #fitblog #fitabs challenge because I neglect core work so easily and community makes exercise more fun
- continue using healthy coping mechanisms when faced with stress or difficult emotional situations
- keep up with my half marathon training
- stretch or foam roll for 10-15 minutes daily <— I’ve let this habit slack and I feel it!
Blogging: Have Fun While Developing My Biggest Personal Passion
- only commit to things I can give full attention to working on
- continue producing quality content in a variety of topics <— let me know if you have anything you want me to write about!
- apply to Fitfluential’s ambassadorship
- organize and complete 75% of the Healthy Living Summit panel prep work
- remain connected with all of you because blogging means nothing without you
It looks like a lot, but I’m always up for a challenge. And because I have no creative way to transition into the features of the week – here ya go!
Featured Personal Post: Registering for Personal Training Certification
A good omen the material arrived on the day I was wearing my Challenge Your Fitness shirt? They even color coordinated!
Featured Workout: Favorite Triceps Exercises
Featured Meal: Hawaiian Tofu
And, oh, do I have a good one for you next week!
Featured Cuteness: Little Man Loving His New Entertainment System
Although, personally, I’m in denial that he is actually big enough for an exersaucer.
Featured News: Faith Fitness Fun T-Shirt Shop
I added a couple new tanks, per a special request. Let me know if you have anything you would like to see!
Featured Reading: New Blogs to Check Out
Courtney @ Pancakes and Postcards
Not only has she spent time living healthy in AFRICA, but she always challenges herself in exciting ways. Like a marathon and her “pescatarian project”.
The host of What I Ate Wednesday and a seriously fun-loving chick.
Shanna @ Shanna Like Banana
Lover of shoes. Lover of fitness. Lover of great recipes. And newly pregnant!!!!
- What is a goal you have for July?
- What fitness area do you slack on easiest? Core and stretching here!
Tags: FFF features, goals
Ooh, they do that triceps workout in p90x!
Really? Ha! Never seen P90X but it kind of scares me I’m on the same wavelength as Tony Horton. I think I’ve shared before how I feel about him. 😉
Great goal list!! have you ever done a post on foam rolling/which exercises you do? I’d love to learn more about that (and so would my hip flexors!) 🙂
I think maybe a post about how you find your 20 minutes of daily prayer is affecting your health/fitness/well being/etc would be interesting. I’m not very strongly religious at this time, so I would like to learn more about your experience.
I would be happy to share about that. 🙂 I’ll add it to my “to-write” list!
Awww thanks for the feature lovely lady. Big hugs to you!
Goal for July? To gradually grow my belly for a healthy little nugget 😉
Hi there! I am a new fan of you and your blog 🙂 I need all the health/fitness inspiration I can get. I found you through another favorite of mine: Peanut Butter Fingers. I am a mother of two, and am learning to change my bad habits so I can be healthy and strong, and be a better example to my husband and kids.
Anyhow, i’m really loving your blog!!
Thanks for saying hello! I love connecting with other bloggers and moms. We have to support each other. 🙂
Yay I’m so happy that you’re going for your personal training cert and a fitfluential ambassador :). That’s awesome! My bf got certified through NASM and he loved it!
I’ve never seen that tricep exercise before, I’m going to have to try that out the next time I train 🙂 Your goals sound great, can’t wait to see how they all pan out in July!
I have those NASM books too! I took the course in college. (My major was Exercise Science.) Although, I never ended up taking the certification exam. Wish I would have! Someday, when the time is right, I will. Good luck with your studying! I’d hire you for my personal trainer!!
I definitely slack on stretching. By the time my workout’s done, I just want to go home and change so I sometimes rush through my stretches. I always regret it the next day though.
I almost spit out my coffee!!!!!! Well… its 5:44 and no way should I even be drinking coffee 😉 bad jenn! but I am and I nearly lost it when I was ooohing and ahhing over your bouncy, smiley little man and then eep! my blog!? that totally made my day!
Thanks lovey!!! You’ll have to give me a personal lesson in time management b/c by the looks at what you’ve got going on – you’re a rooockstar! I’m thinking of applying for the fitfluential ambassador-shenanigans too =) You would be so perfect for it!
ps: those shirts are genius.. i may have to dream one up for you to make for me! 😉
Yay Courtney! She’s awesome and fellow red heads are great 🙂
[…] July’s Goals & FFF Features […]
[…] actually didn’t do all too grand on my July goals because of the overextension of my time and energy. I missed the mark on the following goals I had […]