Attached At The Hip

Posted: July 9, 2011 at 10:00 am

After my recent two eventful runs – bug attacks and lost keys – I determinedly set out for an uneventful run this morning. For my seven mile long run of the week I visited the running trail (to avoid the bugs - which is ironic, huh?), wore my Spibelt (to avoid key fiascos), and had my music all charged up. Talk about a feat for me!

I even stopped my belly aching and got myself up earlier in the morning to eat my standard pre-run fuel so I could be out the door by 7:30 am.

 pbj pre-run

Is there anything quite as delicious as the peanut butter and jelly combo? Wait. Hold that thought. There is. Peanut butter and chocolate. What were we talking about again? Oh! My run! Although peanut butter and chocolate would certainly a great conversation make.

With all the components aligned properly, I did in fact manage to have an uneventful, calming, and good long run for the week.


7 miles. Average 9:20 pace. Check week # 3 off the training plan! 

I celebrated with my still cold drink awaiting me for when I got back to my car!


Under Armour has joined forces with Thermos for a stainless steel water bottle (they call it hydration bottle, but I’m not quite so fancy). Friends joke that I always have a water bottle attached to my hip because its true. I love having water with me. But my water has to be cold. I can’t do lukewarm water. Blech. Apparently that’s a good thing, because according to some studies cold water helps keep core temperature down so athletes (or fitness freaks like myself) can keep up performance.

I don’t know if cold water really affected my performance this past week, but I will say I love the bottle.


It does keep my water really cold for a long time. It also lives up to another important standard of mine – large enough to hold a decent amount so I’m not constantly refilling the thing but still fits into cup holders in my car and in my strollers.

Don’t laugh. That is quite important and the biggest issue I have had with most quality water bottles I find that actually hold more than 2 cups of water without leaking. It’s a big deal to me. So, thanks Kristin and Thermos and Under Armour for a great product!

  • What item do you always have on you?
  • Any features you look for in a water bottle?

** I received the Under Armour hydration bottle from Thermos free for review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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33 Comments to “Attached At The Hip”
  1. Agreed, most water bottles big enough to hold a decent amount of water never fit in cup holders appropriately! I’m attached at the hip to the under armoire one I have too, but yours is way cooler since it actually acts as a thermos. Mine’s just clear plastic and the water gets warm really quick. Gross.

  2. Lee says:

    The water was still cold? Nice! I hate when I go back to my car after a run and my drink is all hot.

  3. Congrats on a great, non-eventful run! I love to zone-out on long runs and just enjoy the scenery. 🙂

  4. Kat @ Living Like the Kings says:

    That water bottle looks awesome. Mine is almost always steaming hot by the time I get back to the car.

  5. Allison says:

    Your water bottle requirements are super important! Lol i hate when cups or water bottles are too wide or too skinny or to tall to fit in the cup holders!! I like my water to be cool but not too cold or it hurts my stomach and of course warm water is just gross!!

  6. Do you ever take your kids on runs with you or do you try and plan to run when your husband can watch them?

    • Tina says:

      I always plan my runs for when my husband can watch the kids or I can use the treadmill with the gym childcare. We don’t have a double jogging stroller yet…and I don’t think I could handle one! LOL Plus, its a nice way to get out on my own.

  7. My coworkers pick on me for the same thing — I’m always refilling my 24 oz Camelbak bottle at the water bubbler thing — I drink a ton of water!

    What I look for — is it easy to drink out of (this is why I love my Camelbak one — I can drink while driving and not have to tip my head back), does it fit in my cup holder in my car and can it fit in my purse if need be.

    Just curious — do you not drink any water during your run? I can’t go more than 2-3 miles without needing some water.

  8. Katie H says:

    Hooray for an uneventful run! I can’t believe your water was still cold after an hour- that’s awesome. After my long runs last summer I found myself drinking lukewarm water (ew).

  9. I carried a Camelbak waterbottle with a sleeve for your hand this morning on my run that I like. I forgot to put ice cubes in it and it got warm after a half an hour…. gross.

  10. Way to kick but on your run this morning!! I ALWAYS have a water bottle near by as well. My husband always gives me a hard time because I have to frequent the little girls room quite often as a result of my water bottle love! 🙂 The main think I look for in a water bottle is one that doesn’t leak around nozzel!

  11. Nice pace on that 7! Good to see you kept your keys on you too. 🙂

    I always have gum, my watch, and my iPod Shuffle. No water – but I chug it when I get back!

  12. Sarah says:

    I always have lip balm and tissues mainly because my nose is constantly runny due to the insane amounts of pollen in VA.

    Have you tried Trader Joe’s chocolate covered peanut butter pretzels? Talk about an amazing combinations…but slightly addictive!!

    • Tina says:

      I have yet to try those…but you better believe I want to. Next trip to TJs I plan on looking for them!

  13. You are awesome and reading your blog makes me want to get up and go running or do

  14. Errign says:

    I always have my wallet on me, and more likely a whole purse containing keys, phone, lipgloss, ipod and gum 🙂

    I like aluminum water bottles, though I don’t have an insulated one, so my water gets warm 🙁 My favorite water containers I own are the ones that have straws (I have one aluminum one & two plastic cups with lids that have straws, and one regular SIGG)

  15. Yay for an uneventful run! That is a really cute water bottle. I love the color of it 😀

  16. Glad you had a successful run after the not-so-successful ones earlier in the week! And funny that you’re a cold water person… unless I’m SUPER hot, I love lukewarm water!

  17. Hilary says:

    Nicely done on the run…I love just getting up and out the door and getting it done. Lukewarm water actually doesn’t bother me, but I’d agree with you…I need a bottle big enough to hold lots of water and still fit in car cupholders!

  18. Nadia (aka sunshine from O2) says:

    I finally looked into what a SpiBelt is.. Thank god I did! I have to carry an epi-pen (I’m allergic to bug bites) when I walk/run with my dogs and it’s been such a pain to carry that, my keys, a dog poop bag and my cell phone. I almost purchased a bulky fanny-pack! Thank goodness I looked into the SpiBelt instead – it’s like a fanny pack but cooler lol.

    • Tina says:

      Love the spibelts! I had never heard of them before reading about them on blogs.

      And I know who you are Nadia! Which reminds me – sorry I never responded on Facebook. Thanks for finding me there!

  19. YAY for a great run! I always have chapstick, an extra layer (hello SF ever-changing weather!) and a water bottle on me.

    I use the Camelback Better Bottle and I love it – I must refill it about 8 times a day. It has a straw (which automatically makes me drink more water) and is totally spill proof!

  20. Mac says:

    I always look for a water bottle to keep my drink cold, a clip is nice to have and a spout that is not too wide… Lord knows I’ll spill it all over my self if it is too wide.

  21. Amy Lauren says:

    Sounds like an awesome water bottle- glad you had a nice uneventful (but fast) long run this morning :).

  22. Er says:

    Nothing is worse than a leaky water bottle. I go through so many because within a week or two theres a leak. I’ll have to give this one a try!

  23. Megan says:

    Looks like an awesome water bottle. We’re similar in that I need my water cold! I can’t stand luke warm water, blarg!!

    • Tina says:

      I will sometimes chew mint gum just so I can make my water feel a little colder if its warm. I hate warm water that much. LOL

  24. I always have my stainless steel water bottle with me, too. This one looks great for keeping the water cold.

    Great run!

  25. Great water bottle! I love my camel bak – so much easier than plastic water bottle and green too!

  26. That sounds like a good bottle… It’s nearly impossible for me to put water in my car and have it still be cold when I get back during Las Vegas summers!

  27. […] Wrapping Up Week 3 of Half Marathon Training […]

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