Don’t Fall Apart On Me

Posted: July 14, 2011 at 4:00 pm

Wow! You all sure get riled up about round-about compliments and just straight up are-you-kidding-me???? comments too. I loved reading all your thoughts. And, like many of you mentioned, I strive to remember the premise of such comments usually comes from a kind, albeit misguided, place. Join the discussion if you haven’t yet!

I had a most excellent lunch today. I have had a hankering for Mexican lately, so we had taco night for dinner last night. Taco night for dinner always equates to taco leftover lunch the next day. I certainly don’t mind! I piled up a whole grain wrap with some shredded cheese, a huge pile of black beans, corn, and salsa.

taco lunch 1

Those four components are my taco essentials. Avocado is always nice too…when it fits in the grocery budget. Because mango on sale clearly takes precedence over the avocado. And carrots because they are simply a must have in this household.

taco lunch 2

My almost Chipotle sized taco wrap and I had a jolly ole time over lunch. I snuggled him tightly so he could keep all his goodies wrapped inside, yet he thought a party of flying beans and corn sounded more fun.

taco lunch 3

We made quite the mess. I must admit I actually ate most of the taco by bringing my mouth to the plate to eat because it would not stay together and I would not give in to a fork. You simply mustn’t use utensils with tacos!!

I also must admit that I did something slightly stupid yesterday.


Typically my workout plan has me complete a short, easy run on Monday along with a cycle class. Since I was basically a walking zombie on Monday, I skipped out on spin. Yesterday afternoon I felt great and kind of had a niggling to make up that workout I missed. Plus, I kind of just wanted to get out of the house and a workout makes a great excuse. Despite all those things, in my gut I knew tacking spin on to a day that already included a tough tempo run would not be a wise choice. I went anyway.

And I really did feel great before, during, and immediately following the class. I patted myself on the back for making up my workout and spent the evening with an endorphin high. Then, this morning came and my right quad and IT band felt a little off and tight. That meant calling off my 2 mile easy run for the day and instead doing some light elliptical for cardio, which I probably could have done without as well. I plan to take tomorrow as an extra rest day to stretch and make certain my slightly tight IT band doesn’t become an injury.

I made a mistake and pushed too hard. Yet again – the body is smart and I should have listened. I don’t want my body falling apart on me. Note to self: sometimes it pays to take it easy…and not just in the kitchen.

  • What are your essential ingredients in a taco?
  • What is the last fitness mistake you made?

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39 Comments to “Don’t Fall Apart On Me”
  1. Kelly says:

    Fresh tomatoes are a must for me when eating tacos. Whenever I go our to eat I always order a side of diced tomatoes (not pico but just plain tomatoes) to go with my meals. My husband finds it revolting.

  2. I have to have some kind of meat (or refried beans) in my tacos…that plus cheese, salsa, beans, and lettuce! And avocado is nice too but you hit the nail on the head about if it’s in the budget!

  3. Errign says:

    My taco essentials = salsa, greek yogurt, avocado on top of all of the usuals. I like my tacos in salad form – so good!

    Last fitness mistake? I’m not sure it was a mistake really, but it was a lot of work – I took two yoga classes in a row on Sunday (one power followed by one gentle) and three hours of yoga left me feeling great, but just about killed me 🙂

  4. marcia says:

    I love tacos!
    My last fitness mistake was Tuesday..I should have not tried to run when I did. Did I learn my lesson? Kind of… 😉
    I cut the workout short so maybe I did….

  5. Now I want a taco…. 😉 I’m pretty boring but I just love meat, cheese, and lettuce in my tacos! Hope you have a wonderful Friday, it’s almost the weekend!!

  6. Ah hope you are feeling okay!

  7. tacos: ground beef, refried beans, lettuce, black olives, avocado

    I have made that same fitness mistake — I thought I felt good and exercised too much, then felt horrible the next day and had to take a day or two off. Other than that, my other big fitness mistake was using a kettlebell without really knowing how to use it. My back hurt for days.

  8. Ela says:

    Nice to catch up a little bit–sounds like you’re still being so sensible, even when you make mistakes. I guess having a long-term goal in view is so helpful for being sensible in the short term.

    I make fitness mistakes all the time, and they all tend to be along the lines of overdoing and underfueling. Now that I have the energy to exercise again, I want to start talking about it on my blog and getting some feedback.

  9. Carly says:

    Two words… Foam Roll!!!! It helps get those kinks in your legs out and soften up the muscles 🙂

    • Tina says:

      I rolled that leg into oblivion today and plan to tomorrow as well. Its funny because I will foam roll (and use a rolling pin) while sitting playing with the kiddos. Makenzie probably thinks a rolling pin is used for muscles and not cooking. LOL

  10. cheese! some kind of bean is important for me too 🙂 Luckily, I have a produce store close by where avocados are usually 99 cents each. So much cheaper than the usual grocery story price so I tend to have those on hand often.

  11. lindsay says:

    snuggling the burrito is best. especially when you can scoop it all up again.

    Sorry about the IT band. Did you get a foam roller? I think you one. Hop on that sucker tonight. Maybe some wine will help…..hehe. thats my trick.

  12. Sarah says:

    Beans and lettuce for me. The softness and the crunch are just too good.

    I made a mistake only yesterday when I was doing some ham curls inside and kicked straight back into my lounge suit. My knee wasn’t impressed.

  13. Sarah says:

    I love black beans, lettuce, salsa, black olives, and tomatos for the perfect burrito. I don’t like rice in my burritos (or really at all except for a little bit in sushi).

    Whew, I’m glad you took it easy today with the elliptical. We want Tina fit and healthy! I made tons of fitness mistakes over the past couple of years. But I think the worse one I made was waking up on Saturday morning and deciding I didn’t have enough time to digest any food before working out even though I hadn’t eaten since around 8pm the previous night. This was when I was grossly underweight and hunger can shut you down physically. I went to the gym and did an hour long step class followed by an hour long body pump class. I was so hungry that I cried on the walk home but still made myself wait till noon to eat because I couldn’t eat lunch before noon. Definitely never doing that to myself EVER again.

  14. Sarah says:

    Beans, something spicy (spicy guacamole, salsa…), and something creamy (that could be guacamole, avocado, cheese, sour cream) are taco musts for me. Yours looks delicious- even if it is falling apart!

  15. Yum…lunch looks awesome! 😛

  16. Lauren says:

    Tacos are only best eaten that way! I don’t think there is a more appropriate way. 😉

  17. Please allow me to say that I’ve been skimming your blog and I just love it! The fact that you incorporate faith into fitness and health means a lot to me as a fellow faith/food/fitness blogger!

    Keep up the great work because I’m going to be coming back 🙂

    • Tina says:

      Yay! And thanks for commenting so I could find your blog. Gotta love connecting with like minded blends. 🙂

  18. Priyanka says:

    Oh know, I really hope you feel better and it doesn’t bother you too much.

    Guacamole is an absolute must for me in a killer burrito!

  19. My wraps aalllways fall apart on me! I love the taste of those Flat out wraps, but they don’t hold too much!

  20. Lee says:

    Refried beans and salsa, for sure!

  21. My burritos always fall apart. I just pull out the fork right away because I know better. I over-stuff and I’m ok with that 😉

  22. Rebecca says:

    I actually had a burrito for supper tonight… 🙂
    I pretty much always have to have sour cream and cheese with my tacos. Sometimes salsa and tomatoes too.

    Last fitness mistake? Hm. Well, I don’t have a regular fitness plan or anything, but the last few days I’ve wanted to go on a walk or ride my bike with my dad and haven’t asked him because I’ve felt he’s too busy. Plus last night it rained. 🙁 But yesterday I spent like half an hour walking around the mall… Does that count as exercise? Haha. 🙂

  23. I am not really keen on mexican food but when I do get the odd craving it has to include sweetcorn!
    Probably the last fitness mistake I made was going out cycling in the rain. Bike got filthy and I caught a cold!

  24. Mandy says:

    YUm on tha taco!!! I love me some mexican 🙂 When we do tacos, cheese and salsa are my essentials LOL! but I also love beans and/or some chicken too 🙂

    BTW–question for you– when did you start asking them not to tell you your weight at your doctor’s appts during pregnancy? I’m gaining faster this time and it’s messing with my head 🙁 Thinking of not looking anymore so I can enjoy the next 5 months.

  25. essential taco ingredients: lettuce, and tomato/or salsa. My worst ever fitness mistake….. not working out. 🙂 I just went two days without exercising. I’m about to go run now though!

  26. Lunch looks Yummy!! Have you ever tried to cook beans from scratch in the crock pot? It’s so easy and you have a bunch of beans ready for the week. Being vegetarian, it’s such a help to know they’re there and ready for me.

  27. Krit says:

    You haven’t been to Chipotle in a LONG time if you think a Flatout is anywhere near the same size, ha! But hey I like to tell myself those sorts of things are just the same too. 😉

  28. Becky says:

    Essential taco ingredients – beans, fresh tomatoes or pico, diced onions, guac/avocado, sour cream or greek yogurt, taco sauce.

    Man I want a taco now…

    Fitness mistake – going from no running/walking/workouts to 8 miles in 2 days in the extreme heat. Sun stroke caught me yesterday 🙂

  29. Amy says:

    I can totally relate to this post. Sometimes the ‘non-exercise guilt’ is more powerful than common sense with me.

  30. Vanessa says:

    I think I could eat at Chipotle everyday!! You know I’d never been there until this past Fall when we went to visit my little bro at Virginia Tech(GO HOKIES!) I fell in major love. I got the veggie burrito and it was the size of a newborn baby!! I ate every bite and wanted to go back the next day. Sadly, I’ve only ate there 3 times since I didn’t get to go visit very often. But hey he was only a freshman and so I have lots more visits to go!! I will demand we eat there every trip! HahaWe don’t have one. However, I tried to recrate what I had and it was similar to yours except bigger and had lots more veggies and a pound of salsa on top. I agree that taco night is awesome!!

  31. i’ve made mistakes with back to back marathons (may–july) without taking enough time off. i actually pulled my quad! it was horrible and could have been prevented. its hard when you’;re super motivated for fitness to pay attention to every little sign from your body. i’m still working on it.

  32. The last workout mistake I made was not stretching my lower back after a run. My lower back and hip were stiff for over 2 weeks.

    • Tina says:

      I hate when my lower back gets tight from running. I always try to remember to foam roll it out really well because it helps so much. And feels so good!

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