Giving In

Posted: July 11, 2011 at 3:58 pm

I’m a lover. I love helping others. But…I’m also a fighter. I will fight tooth and nail to not give in to particular things. I ended up giving in today on some of those particular things. I guess waking up at 1 am will shatter will power. Yes. You read that right. I woke up at 1 am. Not I woke up and fell back asleep an hour later. No. I tossed and turned for an hour and a half before finally giving in to chilling on the couch by myself in the wee hours of the morning.

I even decided to head to the gym for when it opened at 5 am because I figured a dose of endorphins couldn’t hurt. I ran three miles on the treadmill and almost instantly felt more energetic. Then, I came home and got going with my day…when I suddenly realized the fatigued body was now a fatigued, achy body. My inner thighs, around my knees, and my IT band seriously needed some rolling pin action.

After rolling pin rolling (is that what you would call it??) while reading to Makenzie, I determined we needed new library books . So, we packed up and headed to the library for the morning. I had another motive as well. A pit stop by the grocery store to use a $1 off Kashi coupon while Kashi cereal was on sale at Kroger lead to this…

IMGP9955 IMGP9956

I gave in to the $12 bag of xanthan gum. I told you. Diminished sleep = diminished willpower. I always want to buy the special powder others swear by to help make thicker, creamier smoothies but stop myself because of the price. Of course, I had to try it out to determine whether I should rejoice or glare you all down for lying to me all this time.

power gy smoothie 2

Shake consumed after giving in to a long, much needed nap. Thank heavens!

I added vanilla almond milk, a frozen banana, a spoonful of peanut butter, a pinch of xantahn gum, and 1/2 a serving of vanilla protein powder to the blender to whirl into creamy oblivion.

power gy smoothie ingredients

It works. Creamy, thick, shake-like consistency achieved. I tried to capture the better texture on camera but I’m not so talented.

And the shake’s taste? Ohmygoshsogood!!!! I have wanted to pick up some protein powder to add to my shakes for awhile since I usually enjoy my shakes post-workout. The extra protein makes a good option for post-workout fuel. Then, Power GY came to the rescue offering me to review some of their whey protein powder geared for workout recovery.

Pictures of refuel AFTER

I like that the product has less ingredients than other powders I have seen, but still has similar statistics with 110 calories, 26 grams of protein and no sugar – just sweetened with stevia. I appreciate that it blends up smoothly with no grit and has a smooth vanilla taste most of all. Not kidding when I say ohmygoshsogood!

My will power would have succumbed to ordering myself a full container had I not ended up giving in to something else.


I now have an iPhone. I kept fighting the smartphone, but here we are. I knew I would give in eventually. Now…HELP ME!!!

  • What are your favorite apps? Especially for things like social media (anything special for Twitter/Google Reader/etc?), practical stuff (like weather/music?), or other fun. Clue a girl in!
  • What’s something you thought you would never give in to trying or using but eventually did? A food item? A workout? A big purchase? A popular trend?

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68 Comments to “Giving In”
  1. Lee says:

    t looks like B is foam rolling next to you.

    For apps, I mostly use:
    Echofon (twitter)
    Words with Friends

    You definitely need to download Scoutmob. It’ll automatically save all the deals to your phone so if you are thinking of going out to eat, you just scroll through them and see if anything appeals to you instead of having to get the deals emailed to you daily.

    • Tina says:

      I already added Scoutmob because I remembered you saying the app is so much easier to use. I love how they do deals but you dont have to purchase in advance!

  2. LOVE the iPhone 😉 I have so many apps I don’t even know where to start…let me just list them out lol

    facebook, twitter, google,, shazam, instagram, imdb, yelp, starbucks, epicuious, fandango, netflix, infinity, all my bank/crdit card ones, tons of games, gtalk pro, the weather ch,, flickr, skype, dictation, ps express, pixelpipe, ebay, nike+, pandora, paypal, meetup, angry birds

  3. […] plan has me complete a short, easy run on Monday along with a cycle class. Since I was basically a walking zombie on Monday, I skipped out on spin. Yesterday afternoon I felt great and kind of had a niggling to make up that […]

  4. […] ended up with another peanut butter, banana (the victorious fruit!), and Power GY vanilla protein powder smoothie thickened up with the xan (my new nickname for xanthan gum). All topped off with the […]

  5. my fav apps are
    1 – myfitnesspal
    2 – google reader
    3 – weather bug

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