Body Love Song

Posted: July 31, 2011 at 9:00 am

When going through where I get blog post inspiration, I failed to mention my exercise sessions as a prime source of material. Long runs, especially. Me…alone with my thoughts…ramblings in the head for over an hour. Yea. I inevitably find something to talk about with me, myself, and I on my runs.


Yesterday morning’s running commentary in my mind went a little something like this:

Me #1 (in a sing songy voice) = La-dee-DAH. La-dee-DAH. It feels sooooo niiiiccceeee to get back in my workout groove. La-dee-DAH. La-dee-DAH!

Me #2 (in a grumpy voice) = It feels nice to you, but sheesh. Did you have to get those headaches and feel tired and fall off your game? This would probably feel better if not!

Body = Ahem ahem. Don’t I get any say in this? Let me sing you a little song…

Then Adam Lambert’s “Whataya Want From Me” came on and, believe me or not, I felt like my body and mind created a little duet right there on my run out of the song.

Body: Hey, slow it down, whataya want from me? Whataya want from me?
Yeah, I'm afraid, whataya want from me? Whataya want from me?
Mind: There might have been a time when I would give myself away
Oh, once upon a time, I didn't give a darn
But now, here we are, so whataya want from me? Whataya want from me?
Body: Just don't give up, I’m workin' it out.
Please don't give in, I won't let you down.
It messed me up, need a second to breathe. Just keep coming around
Hey, whataya want from me? Whataya want from me? Whataya want from me?
Mind: Yeah, it's plain to see. Baby you're beautiful and there’s nothing wrong with you.
It's me. I'm the freak. But thanks for lovin' me 'cause you're doing it perfectly.
Yeah, there might have been a time when I would let you step away.
I wouldn't even try, but I think you could save my life.
Body: Just don't give up, I’m workin' it out.
Please don't give in, I won't let you down.
It messed me up, need a second to breathe. Just keep coming around
Hey, whataya want from me? Whataya want from me? Whataya want from me?

For some reason that song finally convinced me that I did the right thing by not pushing the workout plans this past week and not getting caught up in the overabundance of cereal or lack of veggies. That my body had been asking for a “second to breathe” and that now it will be “workin’ it out” and “won’t let me down”. All I have to do is see that my body is beautiful and strong…and respect it. Yes, I’m slightly embarrassed to admit that not only is that song on my running playlist, but also that I got such a message out of it. We’ll call it my body’s love song. It was meant to be. And I will never expect you to understand my thought processes…I just share them. 😉

  • What would be your body love song?
  • What song would you hate to admit you have on your music playlist?

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34 Comments to “Body Love Song”
  1. This was great 🙂 I dont think I have a body love song. I have the entire Phantom of the Opera soundtrack on my playlist…i really dont know why… haha

  2. Lauren says:

    Haha, this post is priceless! 😉

  3. Love this post! I always use my long runs to clear my head, think about my day and relax! I love my current playlist – a mix of Journey songs, Jay Z, Katy Perry, Adelle and some old school Madonna! xoxo

  4. HAHA! I love it when a song literally speaks to you during a run. So cool. My body love song is from Imogen Heap and it’s called “Let Go.” These lyrics speak to me…especially when I’m pushing through a run.

    So let go, jump in
    Oh well, whatcha waiting for
    It’s alright
    ’cause there’s beauty in the breakdown
    So let go, just get in
    Oh, it’s so amazing here
    It’s alright
    ’cause there’s beauty in the breakdown

  5. The Glee Cast’s version of Don’t Stop Believing. Trust me, this song makes you feel like you could run forever … until it ends 😉

  6. I have some super hardcore, urban hits, i.e. gangsta rap and I kinda love it when I am sweating like crazy and am powering thru the hard parts of a run. It just makes me run faster! <– cant believe i admitted it. lol

  7. It’s not even funny how much that song can be related to your (and everyone’s) body whoas! I’m downloading that song onto my iPod!

  8. Lee says:

    I have a lot of showtunes on my ipod. I remember several years ago, I had a bbq and hooked up my ipod to a speaker and put it on random. I went inside the house to do something and when I came back out, the theme song from the musical Starlight Express was on and everyone was like, “What is this??”

  9. I love your version of that song! I couldn’t think of a body love song, I guess that’s because I hardly ever listen to music when I run. I’d rather enjoy the silence, doing some thinking, drafting blog posts, etc. Or I talk to my running buddies/co-workers, usually about some geeky tech or science stuff.
    My guilty playlist pleasure would be “Jump Jive An’ Wail” by Brian Setzer. Very cheesy, but I love the fast beat.

  10. Bella says:

    Oh wow, now I am sooo glad I have that on my ipod/ Definitely a must listen to when running haha! Adam Lambert makes working out so much fun.

  11. Adam’s on my playlist too, nothing to be ashamed of. I have to say I was simultaneously laughing at this “back and forth” between your mind & body (only because it seems so funny in the context of an Adam Lambert song) and understanding exactly what you meant. I don’t know what my body song is but I love yours!

  12. Therese says:

    I love this post! It’s the same kind of thing I would write on my blog. I have no musical talent whatsoever, but I truly believe God speaks to us through music when we’re willing to listen.

    I’m going to go download this song now 😉

    It’s totally cliche and obvious, but when I really listen, I do love “I am Beautiful” by Christina Agulera.

  13. I love this post! (and I absolutely love that song!) I think my body love song would be….Who Says by Selena Gomez. Thats the one I can think of right now (though I’m sure i’d change it later. lol). That would be my song because it’s all about loving yourself. I love listening to it! 🙂

  14. Lol the most embarrassing artist on my playlist is nysnc! Can’t get over my middle school favs

    • Tina says:

      They have 90s weekend on one of our radio stations every weekend and I always get jazzed when they play old school boy band songs. You’re not alone!

  15. I love that song by Adam Lambert! And it’s sometimes the most random songs that give the greatest inspiration. As far as embarrasing songs…I have a lot of teeny-bopper ones. High School Musical, Camp Rock, Justin Bieber. I’m a closet fan 😀

  16. Amy says:

    I find listening to my body one of the hardest things to do. Although I am trying to be more ‘in tune’, it really has been struggle…
    Great post 🙂

  17. Oh my gosh, I love you! I’m sometimes embarrassed to admit that I still listen to the backstreet boys, n’sync, and the spice girls 🙂

  18. Haha this is so cute! It’s funny what things can tell us something. I’m always surprised by the little things that have a big impact. Hope your feeling better!

  19. Miley Cyrus may or may not appear on my playlist more than once…

  20. Jess says:

    I really needed this today, Tina. You have such a way of posting the right message at just the right time for me. Thank you!! xoxo

  21. I love this post! So random. It’s funny how you can make pretty much any song relate to the situation you’re in!

  22. That is so funny! I have no idea what my body song would be… I get really pumped up to all of Pink’s songs, especially “Just Like a Pill”… even though it’s SUPER old! The part where she goes “I think I’ll get outta here, where I can
    Run just as fast as I can
    To the middle of nowhere….” always gets me going!

  23. teresa says:

    I totally love your song!!!
    I think you are so wise to listen to your body and alter your plans when you need to.
    I’m going to have to think about my body love song! I like that.

  24. Ela says:

    That is such a great story!
    I don’t have a playlist! Thinking it might be something to look into now I’m working out more–I can go for longer more easily when there’s music.
    I love how it helped things to fall into place for you.

  25. Becky says:

    Can’t think of a body song, but um… “Baby Got Back” by Sir Mix A Lot… On every workout playlist I have ever had, and it always gets me moving. 🙂

  26. Cindy says:

    Whataya Want From Me came on while I was on the elliptical today, and I thought of you!

  27. Love this post! My body’s love song would be Lady Gaga’s Born this Way…love her message and if I’m ever in a “body” funk, I remember God made me this way and I was born this way 🙂

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