Tuesday Tangents

Posted: September 13, 2011 at 7:12 am

I think I maxed out on the serious writing yesterday.

And then I have part two of the Blogging Numbers: Page Views and Money Talk post planned for tomorrow morning. I like to keep us all sane around here, so I think we need a little more fun, easy reading. Tuesday Tangents should just about do it.

Why do I have such problems filling my car with gas? This appeared Sunday afternoon….but it took me a full 24 hours to finally fill up.

Speaking of which, I miss gas prices under a dollar.

I went to the gym last night for a legs/shoulders/abs workout and spin class. I forgot my water bottle at home. Don’t ever let me do that again. *pant* *dehydration* *pant*

I love breakfast for dinner. Especially this red potato, spinach, onion, and mushroom hash with two over easy eggs

Recycled meal idea? Yes. Recycled photo? I was too busy guzzling water to snap a pic!

I’m bummed the temperatures crept back up to 90 again this week. Not only do I miss the slight chill in the air, but I also can’t comfortable hide my hairy legs under jeans anymore. It’s getting pretty bad, too.

I got this email recently.


On Christmas Eve last year my sister and I purchased a steal of a deal for two day tours through Georgia Wine Country. We planned to go in the fall this year because the North Georgia Mountains are simply gorgeous and perfect for wine hopping at that time.

Cancelled!!! I had been trying to schedule it as a special sister day to celebrate the Saturday after my half-marathon! Now, it makes me want to sign up for this race even more…

Three weeks after my first half in Savannah. A well put-together race series. Hosted at Chateau Elan – aka a wine vineyard and country estate close to home.

Beautiful, right? And did I mention that there is live music and wine after the race? I have a feeling I need to get my booty signed up if I’m going to do it. It’s a 2000 person race cap!

Please check out Heather’s raffle for Team In Training.

 2011-09-01083029 251568_10150271908536350_51829811349_9383342_692189_a

There are some awesome prizes up for grabs and every entry donation goes towards TNT.

I wrote a guest post for Gabriela this weekend. All about going to Crazy Town with my eating habits in the past.


You should check it out.

And, with that, I’m out! 

  • Are you bad about getting gas in your car too?
  • Race cap of 2000. Really want to do the race. Should I suck it up and register now? Or wait and see how I like my first half?

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49 Comments to “Tuesday Tangents”
  1. Okay, I HATE filling up my car with gas. In fact, my tank is seriously on E right now as we speak. That just means though that I have to get it before I head to work because I have to drive for 30 minutes!

  2. Khushboo says:

    I’ve actually never filled a car up with gas…I am also yet to get my license so that may explain it!

  3. Wait, a race at a vineyard?! That’s awesome!

  4. Emily says:

    I think I would sign up for ANY race that ended in wine 🙂 Oh and I am so bad about putting gas in my car…I haaaate it!

  5. I’m SO bad at getting gas! My boyfriend likes to refill at 1/4 of a tank…I wait til i can feel myself going slower. HA

  6. nate always makes fun of me and tells me he’s proud of me for being a grown-up when i fill up my car with gas. i always let it go til empty before filling up!

  7. Amy Lauren says:

    That race looks awesome. I wish we had more cool ones around here, practically everything is a 5K but now we have some obstacle races occasionally, that’s really it. Plus at a vineyard, I would definitely go ahead and register as soon as you can for it. I think you’ll like your first half and either way, you could always just do this one for fun.

    Last time I got gas, I was grateful I made it to Sam’s Club. I turned off the AC and everything just hoping I’d get there and not run out of gas completely. I’m so bad about filling up!

  8. Lee says:

    Did you see that Kristy is doing a giveaway for entry to that race? It’s a few posts ago, but I think it still might be opened.

    But aside from that, you should sign up if you want to do it. You’re already running 10 miles and you like that so I’m sure you’ll like 13.1.

    We might go to Charleston for Tgiving, but if I’m in town, I might do the race (if it’s not sold out.)

  9. My husband always waits till our tank is on E, with the light on…I don’t understand it…I hate feeling like I might run out… It’s one of our constant arguments… 🙂
    Happy Tuesday girl…
    xoxo from Trinidad

  10. I hate filling my car up with gas!! I really dislike doing it, so I leave it till empty all the time, for as long as possible 🙂

  11. heather says:

    Thank you so much for posting about my raffle! I so appreciate it.
    the race looks Awesome I say do it!

  12. jobo says:

    Aw! What a bummer about the canceled tour company!! I would be so mad! As for gas in my car? I FREAK when the gas light goes on! I find the nearest station asap. I am weird like that 😉

  13. I want your dinner, my car currently has no gas, and you should sign up b/c you seem to be loving everything about running. That is all. 🙂

  14. Rachel says:

    Chateau Elan is great! I’ve been to a wedding there. 🙂

    If you are still interested in visiting a winery in North GA, I HIGHLY recommend Montaluce in Dahlonega. It is gorgeous and they have probably the best wine I’ve tasted in my life! We loved it when we went! The restaurant is also outstanding – great for a celebration. 🙂

  15. Amy says:

    Oh I love this post — so fun!

    I am SO BAD at filling up my gas tank. … It’s just another one of those inconvenient chores that I put off until the last possible minute. I am proud to say that (*knocks on wood*) I haven’t been stranded yet… although I’m sure there have been some close calls 🙂

    …And that race sounds awesome 🙂 I’d say go for it!

  16. Jess says:

    Somehow I have a feeling you’re going to LOVE your first half…so the bad influence in me says sign up for this other race, with wine at the finish, what’s not to love?? 😉

  17. My husband yells at me all the time about the gas. I let it go until the light comes on before I get gas and he is constantly telling me how that’s bad for the fuel pump, blah blah blah. I know, but it’s not going to change 😉 And, I totally miss gas for 98 cents/gallon which is what is was when I started driving at 16!

  18. I hate filling up my car. Like, really really hate it. However, I get really freaked out when the tank gets low, so that keeps me in-check. I guess fear can be a powerful motivator!

  19. I always try to refuel my tank on monday morning, that’s when the price is the lowest, usually. Gas prices are insane in Germany! About 2-3 times as much as what you’d pay in the US. Ack!
    About that race, I’d say just do it! It looks like such a beautiful setting.

  20. I am SO bad about getting gas. There have been more times than I can count that I gave myself a panic attack because I got stuck in traffic when I knowingly left the house with the gas light on.

    I have no one but myself to blame… lol

  21. Too bad about the canceled Groupon! We have a wine tasting one that we need to use soon — thanks for the reminder that I should get on that!

    I’m good about getting gas — only because I drive by a gas station on my way to and from work, so I really have no excuse. Plus I have a strange fear of running out of gas and being stranded, so I never go below 1/4 tank.

  22. This is going to sound stupid, but I didn’t even know that Georgia had wine country!!! That would be a great trip!!

  23. Tina – I knew you lived in Georgia, but didn’t know you were so close to me. I live just north of the Georgia/NC border in a little town called Franklin.
    We should TOTALLY meet up sometime!! I’m in ATL at least once every 3 months.

  24. I LOVE breakfast for supper. Heck, I love breakfast anytime. Especially hash with runny eggs! That looks delicious!

    I hate getting gas because I always think it’s going to get cheaper the day after I fill up or I am going to see it cheaper somewhere else. I don’t know why I make a big deal out of $0.05 cents a gallon….it only ends up being $1 more to fill up.

  25. I am REALLY bad at getting gas in my car. I don’t drive very often, so that makes it even worse because I feel like I can just keep putting it off.

  26. I hate getting gas…even though it takes only minutes. I’m so lazy! hah!

    I say sign up! You’re a natural born runner 🙂

  27. I despise putting gas in my car. I hate the cost of gas as well as just the task of doing it. I hate waiting there, especially because many gas stations look like shady places. I try to wait until the very last minute and just hope that my husband drives it (so he’ll take it to get gas) before it runs out!

  28. Bari says:

    I say sign up now! You are going to love your first 1/2 – it’s really the gateway run to bigger races and you are going to want to do another one. The fact you have the chance to run a race in such a gorgeous location? Bonus!

    And, yep, I’m bad about filling up the car.

  29. Ugh…I hate having to stop and get gas. Blah! I’m terrible about it!

  30. Kiah says:

    I hate filling up my gas tank. I think it has something to do with how much it costs…:-(

  31. Um, I am the WORST when it comes to getting gas, I’ve run out way to many times… My mom and sister and I are the same way, it drives my dad nuts! In high school I would put it off for so long that I eventually have to take the gas can that my dad had in the shed for the lawn mower and use that to have enough gas to get to the gas station. Ha!

  32. Oh I looooathe putting gas in my car. I don’t know why, but it’s a pain in the arse!

    And I think I need a shirt that says “Will run for wine”

  33. Ally says:

    I always tell myself I’ll fill it up when it gets to 1/4 of a tank just so I don’t have to worry about it buttttt that never happens. Ever. More often than not I wait until my gas light turns on and keep driving until I’m literally forced to stop and get gas. I’m hoping once it finally cools down here (it’s still high 90s, low 100s) I won’t be as bad, but that’s doubtful, haha.

  34. I drive half an hour out of my way on weekends to get cheap gas because I just cant justify spending over $50 to fill my miniature car. Right now, (and Im doing this math in my head here, so its not entirely accurate) our gas prices are about $5.50 a gallon. Maybe more. Its ridiculous.

  35. Oh nooo! I always wondered what would happen if a store closed that had an active groupon. I actually went and used one of my Teambuys today (expiry date: tomorrow! eek!). Ended up getting some looseleaf tea. Yummm 🙂

  36. Rebecca says:

    It depended. Sometimes I would get gas right away when I hit the half or 1/4-left mark, and sometimes I would forget about it or not feel like it until the light went on, haha.
    Now I don’t have a car at school, so all I have to worry about is my bike or the shuttle schedule! 🙂

  37. I hate getting gas too. It is such a drain on the wallet!

  38. I always tell my friends who are hesitant about signing up for a race to train as if you’re already registered. then, if you later still want to do it, register then (of course, this only works if the race won’t fill up fast ;))!

    UGH I just had that gas issue. highway driving with the gas light on is not advised. 😉

  39. I am the worst at getting gas. I always try to make it “just a few more miles.” I have been forced to stop at some shady gas stations as a result.

  40. Samantha Williams says:

    You should definitely do the Chateau Elan Zooma race. I did it last year and I had a blast. They had some great vendors last year and I can’t wait to see who comes this year. I have already signed up for this year.

  41. You’re going to kill your first half marathon so I say sign up now for that second one! Besides, it’ll be so fun and motivating to know there’s a party waiting at the end of it.

  42. I’m terrible at filling up my car. And, since lately it’s always over $100 (big tank), it takes FOREVER. So I wait until the last possible moment. The light went on yesterday, that I have 50 miles left ’til empty. Guarantee: It’ll be at 10 or 5 when I actually stop to get gas.
    PS: Sign up for the race. Running –> Wine tasting? Perfection.

  43. Samantha says:

    I’m horrible about filling up – I was nervous in traffic last week, thought I was going to run out!!!!

    Definitely sign up for that race, looks like a great party afterwards!

    And your breakfast for dinner looks SO UNBELIEVABLY GOOD. I want it. Now.

  44. I am very OCD about filling up. My previous car, the gauge was off, so 1/4 tank meant almost empty. So, at half a tank, I start thinking I need to fill up. Honestly, I would wait until after the first half. But, saying that, I think you’ll sign up for this one right after your race 😉

  45. Putting gas in my car is the bane of my existence! It is one of my last favorite things to do ever, so I totally understand why you waited so long. PS– totally sign up for the race! You can do it, girl! 🙂

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