It’s Going To Be A Long 18 Years Ahead
Posted: September 13, 2011 at 1:27 pmIn a twenty minute time frame the other night…
Braedon decided to splash in the dog’s bowl.
I grabbed him as fast as I could and gained another battle scar.
Just another to add to my list of scratches from the little man clawing to escape every time I hold him. He drew blood this time, the little bugger.
Bath time came. He drops a turd in the tub.
I’ll spare you a picture on that one.
Get him out and cleaned off. Start disinfecting and cleaning the toys from the tub only to look over and see this…
Suddenly he can pull himself up! That means a whole new level of keeping my eyes on him.
It’s going to be a long eighteen years with this one. I can already feel it.
- What’s the craziest thing that happened to you in the past 24 hours?
- Any funny stories from your own kids? Or your own childhood?
Tags: braedon, motherhood
I just had three different moms this morning tell me how different boy babies are than girl babies. I really didn’t have to do a ton of “babyproofing” with Meghan, but apparently it’s different with boys. This post just confirms what they were telling me. Guess I better brace myself. 🙂
I swear that little guy is growing so freakin’ fast and he’s not even my kid!! haha.
funny childhood moment? How about the time (my mom and my dad love to share this story at the most inopportune moments…) I took off my own diaper and proceeded to smear poop all over the walls, the crib, my face…and may have resulted in my mom calling poison control to see if poop was harmful if, um, ingested. Yeah, that was me. Probably not one of my proudest moments haha
M has done that too! LOL
It never stops with kids does it? I’ve never had a girl to compare to the joys of raising a boy, so I think I’ll be happy when I do have a daughter.
My stepson, D, is four now and good for the most part, but when he was young, he would get into everything. He hated bath time, but if he saw a puddle outside, he would sit in it. He loved to pull hair because he loved to hear a responding yelp. He loved his reflection so would often place his gooey hands on the TV screen. So exhausting!
Craziness! At least he is wicked cute…:-)
You’re really convincing me I DO want kids! 🙂
Craziest thing I did lately: zip lines! Terrifying!
When I was about 2 years old, we were living in Canada and I absolutely loathed sleeping in my crib. My mom used to work nights as a restaurant manager and came home one morning to the kitchen an absolute disaster, empty Popsicle wrappers everywhere (two empty boxes), cereal all over the place and Tupperware strewn across the counter tops. My mom assumed it was my Dad and left it for him to clean in the morning. Lo and behold, I wake up the next morning complaining about my “tummy hurting”. Oops 😉
Haha! You must have been a hungry little girl. 😉
Craziest thing that happened to me was getting my 20 week ultrasound (gender scan) cancelled by the doctor’s office only a few hours before my appointment. I couldn’t believe it! I waited 5 months fot this appointment and they cancel right before my schedule time! Luckily I got over it! Also crazy is how fast time goes by! Being almost 20 weeks pregnant is just crazy to me!
I would have been so upset!!!!
Tee hee hee hee. Welcome to the Floaters Club!!!! LOL Maddie would drop one EVERY TIME she got in the tub for like a month’s time. Even if she had a dirty diaper just before tub time. Hehe. As for the other stuff…Maddie’s been harder for me than Hannah was, but it does get better. It’s getting easier now that she can tell me what’s wrong and I can tell her why something’s bad.
Funny `poop story for you. Hannah was about a year and a half old, sitting in a corner reading a book. Well, “reading”. I was cooking dinner. I realized it was quiet, asked Herrick what Hannah was doing. “Reading her book.” Okay. 2 seconds later, she’s tapping me on my leg, “Momma, momma, momma.” I look down to see her handing me something dark brown…great, a kitty turd. No…not a kitty turd.
“Babe!!!! Get in here!!!”
Herrick walked in…and I handed him a diaperless, poop covered Hannah. “Now, Mr. She’s reading her book. You go bathe her.” LOL
Haha! I can so picture this same scenario happening in our house.
Oh goodness! No wonder you just commented you were scared of walking! Obviously, speed-rolling is the excitement of our past 24 hours. 😉
Scary story from my childhood (there are many): At 18 months, I escaped my crib, went downstairs, and, by dragging a chair around, got hot dogs out of the freezer, filled a pot with water, put the hot dogs in the pot, and lit the stove. At this point I was caught. My mom said the only thing I did wrong was failing to take the hot dogs out of the wrapper. EEK!
I saw that instagram pic of the dog bowl the other day and couldn’t figure out what it was for the life of me! Now I know 🙂
Craziest thing that happened in the last 24? My dog actually catching a squirrel in the yard. She chases them all the time but somehow actually got one this morning when we let her outside. No harm done, she freaked as soon as it was in her mouth and let go. I think the poor thing was so shocked to be caught it will probably find a different yard to go play in from now on.
Well Sydney pooped in her pants a few hours ago. Ugh…I had already taken off her dress so it would be easier for her, all she had to do was pull down her panties. Nope…in the pants!
HAHA, oh the joys of parenthood. I’ve taken care of many babies and while I’ve been peed on more times than I’d like to count around bathtime, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a baby drop a deuce in the tub. Have fun keeping up with your precious little man! 🙂
I remember taking a bath with one of my sisters when we were little and I recall seeing a turd float around in there — even at a young age I knew that was gross! Yuck.
But good job to B for pulling himself up!!! That is wonderful.
Awww…he may be a troublemaker, but he sure is CUTE 🙂
This story is about my boyfriend when he was about 3. He though the dishwasher detergent looked like lemonade and when his mom was turned away to deal with something else, he drank a bit, she turned around and saw him, freaked out grabbed it away from him and got on the phone with poison control. His dad ran to get he brother and sister in the car so they could take him to the emergency room. While his mom was on the phone with poison control and his dad was gathering the other two kids and various things to take to the hospital my boyfriend went behind the entertainment unit and started pulling cords, and electrocuted himself. His mom screamed to the people at poison control ‘I have to go, he’s electrocuting himself!’ Every time I hear this story I can’t help laughing because my boyfriend is very rambunctious and lively, and this story of him as a kid definitely shows it!
That story cracked me up!!!
That made me laugh out loud!!
I’m sure 18 years seems like a long time from now, but when that day comes it’ll probably feel like time went by in a flash.
I’m the eldest of 5 and the youngest is finally about to graduate college (there’s 11 years separating us). I think my mom deserves some sort of award. 😉
Ha! I can only imagine what its like when they start reallyy moving!
You should do a comparison post on M and B as babies! That would be a fun read!
Clara seems to think the tub is her own private toilet. By the time I get the water out and everything sanitized, I put her back in…and she’ll do it again. This has happened 3 times!!! Ugh. But she’s super cute so it makes up for it!
Poop in the tub is NEVER fun! The adventure never ends Tina, it just changes. The boys had a talk with Tony about fights at school the other night. I had to leave the room. Honestly, it was probably for the better. Oh, they don’t fight, but they’ve seen fights for the first time and the questions started…ugh, they are getting so big!
Oh man, there are some things that I don’t look forward to about being a mom haha. Apparently when I was younger my dad was changing my diaper in the kitchen (I have no idea why he would do it there) and I had projectile diarrhea that went all the way across the room hahahaha….sorry if that was tmi!
I think TMI doesn’t exist anymore once you become pregnant and have kids. LOL
[…] love my Santa-hat-wearing, turd-in-the-tub-dropping […]
I mean this in the nicest way possible… I’m so excited to keep reading along as Braedon grows and discovers new trouble he can get himself into 🙂
Haven’t done much of anything crazy lately, but i want to!!!
My daughter would poo in the bath AND shower for years. It was a never ending cycle of disinfecting, begging her not to do that and even just washing her over the basin for a while.
She grew out of it at 3. Thank goodness.
Oh yeah, taking a pad out of its wrapping from my handbag in public and using it to wipe her nose beats that!
Wow. Sounds like you’re girding your loins for an exciting time. I love how you keep it real, that the sight of him pulling himself up standing at that particular moment was more of an ‘omigosh, gotta keep an even sharper lookout’ than an ‘oh wow’–although I’m sure it was both!
I 100% agree with you. It will be a long 18 years with these wild boys. I can’t wait to see what kind of trouble they will get themselves into! 🙂
I know what you mean! Peanut is now pulling up, crawling around, and getting into everything. When did time fly? And I finally agree with those who told me to live up and love the years when they’re immobile.
It’s so true! I remember with M I kept wanting her to grow up and DO things. Now with B I’m like “no…no no no no no…just HOLD ON!!!!” 😉