Posted: September 17, 2011 at 4:00 pmHello FFF readers! Your regularly scheduled writer has been kidnapped, and I'm not sure when she will return. For part of today, you won't be met with the fantastic posts you've come to know and love 🙂 Instead, you will have to endure one from me, her better half... As you may have figured out, I'm the one who is holding her for ransom. Shhhh, she doesn't know it yet and I hope she doesn't get too mad at me.
If you've been reading since at least last month, you might know that her birthday was not too long ago and there were a couple of items on her birthday wish list. I tried to satisfy them all but there was one item she wanted/wants so bad. Of course, being the great husband I am, I have to spoil her .
As I'm sure most of you have realized by now, Tina is a tinnie, winnie bit (pinching my fingers together), how should I say this, obsessed, with a show that is in town.
So a short two months ago, i got tickets for today’s show, and if your reading this now then we might just be there. Well, that is if we aren't stuck in good old Atlanta traffic.
Surprising Tina is a monumental task. You guys have no idea how incredibly hard it is to actually surprise her with something she really, really wants. Sometimes I just wanted to give in and tell her. I kept my mouth shut and shut tight. Hopefully she didn’t figure it out when she got home from her run and the kids were gone. Of course they were missing.. “My work meeting got cancelled so I dropped them off at my mom’s.” I can’t believe that worked!
So off we go! I’m sure Tina will let everyone know how the little adventure went. Oh and Tina, you better not be reading this on your iPhone or else I didn't do a good enough job keeping it away from you!
And now back to your regularly scheduled blogging…
[…] diet and workouts. Powered by WP Greet Box WordPress PluginHello, strangers! Long time no see after Peter hijacked the blog yesterday and then the usual Sunday self-love reflection this morning. I’m not complaining, though. I was […]
Hahahahaha this is so fantastic. Can’t wait to hear all the details!