Lasers, Haircuts, & Pumpkin Pie In A Cup

Posted: October 10, 2011 at 7:18 am

Ah, Monday. Here again. I definitely prefer the weekends, but Monday isn’t all bad. For one thing, it means I get to catch up with you. Let’s do just that. I didn’t get the chance to fill you in on all of my weekend. You already know about:

Now, I need to fill you in on the rest!

Part One: Meeting The Boyfriend & Laser Shows

Saturday night we scheduled a family outing to Stone Mountain Park.


Whew! It was a packed house!


Peter and I try to go every year with the kids for a picnic dinner and to watch the laser show that plays across the mountain’s side. We did just that this weekend, but invited along his sister and her new boyfriend. Smile


Oh, the days of meeting the family! I met Peter’s family in an ambush when I thought I was meeting just his brother…but it turned into an entire family dinner. Talk about nerve-wracking just weeks after meeting him! Although not as bad as when Peter met my family. I wasn’t even there the first time because I was flying back from Europe. They all decided to go together to pick me up, though. Crazy.

Hopefully, our little outing made things a little more low key for John. We had a lot of fun and I hope he did too. He’s a great guy!

Back to the show…

We had the standard picnic dinner for us – Subway!


Although perhaps a bottle and spinach, collard greens, and kale puffs would have been a tastier option?


One would think with the way Braedon inhaled those suckers!


Finally, we enjoyed the laser show, which was revamped this year. Meh. The classic is a lot better. Although the fireworks sure were fun and the kids loved it.

Deer in headlights Makenzie…Drooly drooly drooly Braedon

A great night all around. Smile

Part Two: I Got A Haircut.


I just had my regular cut cleaned up and added in a bit more of a layered look to the front. I was so tempted to go shorter again to have something different…but then I remembered how much I hated growing my hair out. And how much I love being able to pull it back into a ponytail.

Part Three: Pumpkin Pie In A Cup.


It’s back. I love them. I made sure to have one last night. I don’t think a weekend can end on a sweeter note. I will likely have another sometime over the course of the month. It truly is pumpkin pie in a cup.

  • Do you like switching up your haircut or go with the same look?
  • Any fun “meet the family” stories to share? I’m all ears!

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56 Comments to “Lasers, Haircuts, & Pumpkin Pie In A Cup”
  1. Amy says:

    I typically always go with the same look with my hair it suits me and my hairdresser is happy so that’s a win!
    I met my boyfriend’s beautiful grandparents after I had only known him for three days! We went down to visit them in San Diego and had the best time – drinking champagne, eating strawberries and dancing to jazz music in their lounge room. Then they decided to order ribs for dinner and the look on my darling boy’s face was hilarious (I’m a vegetarian!) we sorted it out of course and had such a glorious evening. I can’t wait to see them again when I get back to the US.

  2. Katie says:

    What fun! I love doing family things! Looks like the kids really enjoyed it!

    LOVE your haircut, the layers look great, you look beautiful!

    Pumpkin Pie Blizzard at dairy queen I have had once, but i love Coldstone’s Pumpkin Pie in the Sky, I get that every year! SO good!

    I need a haircut, and keratin treatment, need to get on that soon!

    Happy Monday! xoxo

  3. I hate getting my hair cut. If I had straight hair I’d probably change it more often but my curls are unruly! They have a mind of their own.
    If I had straight hair I’d definitely consider a bob! 🙂

  4. Kelly says:

    I had a pixie cut a few years ago and loved it but I hated that in between stage where it was too short to wear in a pony tail but too long to wear down when working out…ugh…that wasn’t a fun time!

  5. Khushboo says:

    Your haircut looks fab- so stylish :)! That blizzard looks so delicious- way to turn a great weekend into an even better weekend!

  6. oh meeting the boyfriend…i remember those days! and now it’s my sister’s turn (when her BF comes back from europe) and i’m going to have to fight everything i can to not grill him! glad john is great guy and y’all had fun 🙂

  7. My boyfriend had met all of my relatives individually but he met them altogether two weeks ago. We were probably so overwhelming for him. We went to a nice restauarant for dinner and my uncle and brother played video games on their phones… at the table. And my mom and I managed to catch a napkin on fire. We are not a calm and quiet bunch:)

    I love the haircut. I have been putting mine off. I have no idea what I want to do with it.

    • Tina says:

      haha! Your family sounds like mine. We are pretty overwhelming too. Peter said he just sat there and watched the madness at our first big family event.

  8. Lee says:

    When I first moved to GA, I went to the laser show and I was expecting some sort of trippy, Pink Floydesque thing. Umm, not so much! I didn’t expect dancing soldiers!

  9. Katie @ Raisins&Apples says:

    I loved going to Stone Mountain growing up! It’s one of the things I miss the most about GA.

    I’m getting a haircut this week and am hoping for something different…but not wild

  10. Amy Lauren says:

    We don’t have a DQ here, so I’m super jealous of your blizzard! And the Subway looks so yummy too, I love eating there :).

    Your new haircut is cute… I’m with you on the ponytail thing, I always tell them that before they cut it :).

  11. Lauren says:

    What a great way to end the weekend. I love your hair by the way! Definitely a fantastic look on you. And I have been wanting to try the Pumpkin Pie Blizzard ever since it first came into existence. I still haven’t yet but I WILL this year! 🙂

  12. I love the new haircut! It frames your face perfectly!

    The first time I met John’s entire family was at a family get together they have every last Sunday of the month. it wasn’t too bad, and actually they didn’t pull any pranks on me like they have done to past girlfriends. His one uncle is definitely a trickster and when John’s older brother brought a girlfriend one time, his uncle played a very mean mean trick on her! Glad I got out of that one!

    Aaaand, M’s hair looks super strawberry blonde in one of the above pictures. Sometimes it looks super yellow blonde and other times it’s more of a reddish blonde!

  13. Bari says:

    Cute haircut!

    But, now I want to go to DQ and it’s 8:30 in the morning!

  14. Cute haircut and pics! LOve em 🙂

  15. I love your haircut! So cute.

    I have a problem with my hair. I am incredibly impulsive, and admittedly it’s the worst when I’m a little hormonal. So I’ll do things like watch an America’s Next Top Model marathon and then decide I need a pixie cut… and then immediately do it. I am constantly chopping my hair, then growing it out, then chopping it off. I am a crazy person.

  16. Cute Haircut….Im am seriously thinking about cutting it all off in 2 weeks…Im going back and forth…I love pony tails but I feel like if all I’m going to do is wear a pny tail everyday – it need to all come off. Not sure…
    xoxo from Trinidad

  17. Sounds like a great way/day to meet the new bf:)

    Your hair looks great, Tina. Love the new flirty style!!

    And I had totally forgotten about the pumpkin pie blizzards until now. I think I want one for breakfast…lol!

  18. I so so SO want a pumpkin pie blizzard right now!! I made pumpkin pie shooters (pumpkin pudding, oreos, whipped cream) for dessert on friday. delicious!!

  19. I love ALL of the family photos!! I’ve been to Stone Mountain, though not for the laser show. I must say it’s pretty impressive! I scared to death of heights but I went all the way to the edge. Wonder if they still let you do that? We stopped at a DQ on the road on the way home from NM. Unfortunately, they didn’t have this flavor yet…:-( I don’t think we have any DQ’s around here. Guess I need to look that up! Cheers and I love the new do! I keep being tempted to grow it out, but I haven’t gotten the nerve yet. Maybe for winter!

  20. Cute haircut! I like the added extra layers in the front. I used to always want a change to my hair, and I still sometimes get a little bored with it. Now I don’t change it as much for a couple reasons: 1) it gets pricey; 2) I’ve recognized what I like for me…longer hair and more of a natural color. I used to cut it short, get sick of it, grow it out, cut it short, get sick of it… I’m glad I finally found what works for me!

  21. Mellissa says:

    I met the boyfriends family on our 2nd date by accident, his entire family plus some extended members. VERY embarrassing! We headed to an event and he didn’t think his family would be at it, oops. Oh well, at least I really like them all.

  22. love LOVE your haircut… makes me want to cut mine!!

    I was catching up on your posts- the grocery workout is just about the most creative thing ever!!

  23. I’ve been to the Stone Mountain Laser Show a few times and its so fun! 🙂
    Loving your new haircut, you look GREAT!! 🙂

  24. I love the new haircut! I’m getting mine cut next weekend – I can’t wait! 🙂

  25. Evan Thomas says:

    Oh, I’ve been there! It’s a blast. Do they still do the great balls of fire routine? That was my favorite part.

    • Tina says:

      I don’t think they do! They changed so much it’s kind of ridiculous. I feel like an old woman saying “that’s not how they used to do it”…but it really did used to be so much better!

  26. Your hair looks so good!! I love getting my hair cut 🙂

    Those puff things are actually good, my sister and I ate my niece’s sweet potato ones when we were “tasting” them for her. Woops! Haha.

  27. Braedon is adorable! Love that pic of him stuffing his face. haha 🙂

    I like the new do – it suits ya!

  28. I met all of Lee’s family at once…parents, cousins, aunts, uncles, etc…and it was the worst experience of my life! Every single one of his cousins still had a close relationship with his ex, so they wanted nothing to do with me. Thankfully, it is all good now, but it was rough for a few months!

  29. The haircut looks great! I always go with the same cut, I’m too scared to try anything different! Looks like you had a great time with your family!:)

  30. Ohhhhh man. I’ve been seeing ads for the DQ pumpkin pie blizzards. It’s going to happen for me…SOON.

    There is nothing cuter than a baby wearing snuggly pjs. I just want to squeeze him!!

  31. Your hair looks great! Don’t you wish you could make it look “straight from the salon” every time you do it yourself afterwards? I’m always so psyched about it the day off and then I wake up the next morning and can’t get styled like they did. Me + blow dryer = a hot mess. Braedon is so cute in his pajamas with the drooly face 🙂

  32. Your haircut looks GREAT!

    And I’m seriously obsessing over the Blizzard right now…mentally I’m already planning when I can get one!

  33. Love the haircut – it looks so cute! DQ Blizzards rock my world. I’m craving one right about now 🙂

  34. Annie says:

    I love the Stone Mountain Laser Show. It has been years since I’ve been, though.

  35. Love the haircut!! You look gorgeous!

    On another note… I have been wondering about the new laser show. I go a lot too, but haven’t made it to the new one yet. Would you say it is worth it? I am curious so I’ll probably end up going, but I’m disappointed to hear you like the old one better! Maybe they’ll change it back. One can hope? :] Glad you had fun with your family!

  36. Love the hair! And though short hair is tempting, it’s good you didn’t get it cut. Short hair = lots of pulling by little ones.

    Oh, and so jealous of your blizzard. I wait every year for the Pumpkin blizzards!

  37. Jessica S. says:

    Your haircut looks great!

  38. Ashley says:

    The Stone Mountain Laser Show!! I lived in GA for about a year when I was 6 years old, and our family went to see that. I just loved it. I bet your kids had such a good time!

  39. Do you know that I’ve never been to Stone Mountain?!?! Lived so close all my life but I’ve never gone…that needs to change. I hear there are some good hikes??

    • Tina says:

      The mountain is a pretty good hike, but not a traditional hike by any means. It’s very “touristy” and relatively short (about 40 mins to the top), but it’s fun and has some good views of Atlanta and Buckhead at the top.

  40. I have worn my hair in an angled bob for over a year now and am debating growing it out to my shoulders. I miss my ponytails! I don’t know how it will look. Before I got the bob, my hair was down to my waist!

  41. Braedon is so cute! I love watching little kids eat their food. And the footie pajamas are adorable. I miss those (now that my stepson is 4 he doesn’t wear them anymore).

    I hate having my hair cut. Every single time since I was 12 it’s been horrible and I have a fear of a stylist coming near me with a pair of scissors.

    Love your cut. It looks fun and easy to style.

  42. Tina, your haircut looks beautiful! I am always tempted to go shorter too, but I almost always regret it. (Bangs and going darker are common urges as well. I indulge every couple of years because I guess after a while I forget that I hate these things on me. LOL)

    You’re family is so lovely, btw. This sounds like a really nice family outing. Anything outside, but especially under the star, um, i mean, lazers, is nice, right? 😉 I can’t wait to have kids to do fun things like this with them.

  43. I love your haircut-the layers look great! I am always looking for new things to do with my hair – it’s not that I don’t like what I have, it’s just that I always want to be brave and try something new, and then chicken out! This year I finally was brave enough to go from blonde to brunette – and I love it!

    That pumpkin pie blizzard…. I had no idea they existed! I will be there ASAP = convincing my hubby to take a DQ trip tonight! 🙂

  44. Love the new haircut!

    All the pictures of Stone Mountain remind me of all the trips my family and I made back when I was a little kid. I remember being terrified of falling off the edge.

  45. Spring says:

    First of all- I LOVE turbojam, and cardioparty is my favorite! Chalene is hilarious! Second of all- I normally get the exact same cut, only trimming enough that no one can tell the difference. However, this week comes the chop! Shoulder-length bob and about 8 inches off, here I come! 🙂

  46. Diane says:

    Drew loves those green puffs, too! The same company also makes what we call “squeezies”. Drew’s favorite is green beans, pears, and peas (with “Salba”, a nutritious grain). It’s basically an apple sauce consistency which he sucks from a little pouch. It’s a great way to get in some veggies when he’s being picky or when we’re out and about.

    The new haircut is very cute!

  47. Mac says:

    1. Laser show sounds so fun!
    2. Braedon is getting so big. And so handsome!
    3. Haircut=adorable!

  48. You’re sister in law looks really familiar to me. Does she live in the NYC area by any chance?

    I’m digging the haircut. My hair needs a cut real bad, but I just don’t know what to do with it.

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