One Fine Day

Posted: November 5, 2011 at 11:35 am

I ran a half marathon this morning!!!!


I know what you’re hoping. To see an update of how the race went. Too bad I have to recap all of yesterday’s fun first. I also wrote this post last night, so I don’t have all the details to give you just yet. Maybe if you’re nice and keep reading, I can sneak in a little hint on how it all went. I like to help like that. Regardless, a lot of great stuff happened yesterday, so let’s not waste any more time!

We got into Savannah around 11 am and headed directly to the convention center for the expo.


I picked up my bib number, then headed over to switch my corral. I made a very conservative finishing time estimate when signing up and felt the need to move to a corral more suited to my current pace.

After taking care of that business, Peter and I headed into the expo area for an hour of sampling fun and gathering up some race mementos.


The expos at larger races are pretty much a grab bag of numerous goodies. We got to try everything from protein samples…


…to beer! You won’t ever find me turning down a sample of beer.

I also scored big at the Larabar booth.


I mentioned my intense adoration of the bars and that I regularly use them before long runs, then suddenly found myself behind the counter “modeling” for them.


I had to sign a release and everything. So unofficial. Winking smile

Once we finished at the expo, we made a trip on the ferry over to downtown Savannah for lunch.



We chose a little spot called B. Matthews that I found on Urban Spoon.



As soon as I saw the menu, I knew we picked the right spot. The restaurant served so many intriguing combinations and quite a few craft beers. I opted out of the beer, but into a sandwich combo made for me.



With a bacon and blue cheese pasta salad on the side.


It all tasted even better than it sounds.

Once we had full bellies, we went out to explore Savannah a bit. It’s one of my all time favorite cities! We walked around to different parks, down different streets, and chatted a few hours away.





We may have also made a pit stop at the renowned River Street Sweets.


Which means we definitely made a stop – for a hunk of PUMPKIN PIE fudge and a large chunk of pecan praline.


Did you hear that? Pumpkin pie fudge! aknvoadihfjadljdf <--- that’s me with no words to express how much I loved it

By this time, we were nearing 5 o’clock and had to make the decision on whether to hang around and eat dinner downtown or take the ferry back to our car. I knew I didn’t need to walk around for another hour or two, so we went to wait in line for the ferry. It was looooonnnngggg.

Luckily, the boat transportation control men helped find a remedy by opening up one of the huge river boats to shuttle people back over. What a nice surprise to get a free river boat ride!


Although not as nice as finally getting back to our car, then checking into our hotel room. By 7 pm I crawled into my pajamas, ready for a carbilicious dinner.


I didn’t know how well that decision would sit with my stomach. But it must have sat well. Let’s just say I ended up beating a secret little goal I had for myself. Hint hint hint. Any guesses? Open-mouthed smile

I’ll let you know if you’re right come Monday morning. Have a great rest of the weekend, friends! Time for me to CELEBRATE!


  • What are some of your favorite cities?
  • Have you ever “modeled” for anything?

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42 Comments to “One Fine Day”
  1. Khushboo says:

    Woo so glad your training paid off! Way to go!!

  2. YAY! Congrats! Thats soo awesome 🙂
    I REALLY want to go to a Larabar booth!! 🙂

  3. Katie says:

    Oh my! It’s like LaraBar heaven! They’re my FAVORITE!

    Congrats on finishing the race! I can’t wait to hear the details! 🙂

  4. Can’t wait to read your half marathon recap, Tina! I’ve been wanting to run one for awhile so maybe reading yours will motivate me to actually sign up. 😕

  5. I’m guessing your goal was under 2 hours??
    We’ll see on Monday I guess! Rest and recover and enjoy Peter!

  6. Melissa says:

    I can’t wait to hear! It looks like you & your husband really enjoyed yourselves pre race. What I wouldn’t do for some child free time with my husband!

    My guess is your goal was to finish under 2.5. Wait, too slow? My second guess is that you wanted to finish in 2.0, wait, too fast? My third and final answer is you ran it in 2:07.

    Can I phone a friend, use a life line, I’m stumped 🙂

    x M

  7. Diana says:

    I have always, always wanted to go to Savannah – it looks gorgeous!

    I am so excited to hear how the race went!!! Sounds like you dominated! 🙂

  8. Rachel says:

    I love Savannah and really LOVE those pecan pralines – they are so good!! Can’t wait to hear your recap!

  9. trisha says:

    So glad it went well! I wouldn’t expect anything less 🙂
    By the way…is the shirt you’re wearing from Gap? I think i have it…haha

  10. Reading this post just made me smile and so happy for you! It looked like you got some great quality time with your husband and had a great race too?! Can’t wait to hear the recap on it. 😉

  11. Holly says:

    Congratulations!!! 🙂 That’s so exciting, the first half marathon is such a special experience! I’m glad it went well.

  12. jobo says:

    sneaky sneaky 😉 I was thinking you posted this SO fast!! 😉 Congrats on the race, I know you rocked it! And all of these food choices look utterly fab!!

  13. that sandwhich looks AMAZING. whenever I see anything with goat cheese on a menu I slightly freak out:) i cant wait to hear a recap of the race!!

  14. I love Savannah! It’s so beautiful and has so many cool things to explore!

    I can’t wait to hear your recap! Great job!! 😀

  15. You WERE a rockstar today with that running time! Yowza!!!

    I love Savannah – you made me miss it!

  16. Congrats on the race, lady! Looks like you had a blast! I LOVE Savannah, so much so that it was one of our honeymoon spots! 🙂 Enjoy the rest of your time there celebrating!

  17. Woohoo congrats ! Can’t wait to hear the full recap!

  18. Ahhhh I am dying to know the race details! So glad it went well – congratulations, Tina! 🙂

  19. lindsay says:

    Way to go TINA!! I knew you’d beat your secret goal, now i just can’t wait to hear more about it.

  20. Mac says:

    Yay for kicking butt on your half marathon! Can’t wait to hear more about it 🙂

  21. Jen says:

    Congrats, Tina – I knew you’d rock it! As fast as you have been running lately, I’m guessing under two hours? Can’t wait to hear the recap!

    BTW, I LOVE that last picture of you…too funny!!! 🙂

  22. Savannah is a pretty cool city, although I have to say I like charleston more! Haha I went to school in Charleston and a friend of mine went to school in Savannah. I hope the race went well!

  23. Lee says:

    I saw your tweet and you did amazing!! Congrats Speedy!

  24. Rhonda says:

    It’ll be along time before i get to run like that. I love these pics-and you love pizza! YAY!

  25. Congrats! Can’t wait to read all about it!

  26. Sounds like a fun one! Congrats on the Half!!!

  27. Hilary says:

    Yay you! Congratulations. And it looks like such a fun weekend….I heart freebies…expos are great for that! I’ve never modeled for anything (someday…sigh). Fav cities? London Ontario (my university town), Chicago, Myrtle Beach, Toronto, Philly was pretty great too for HLS. Now why didn’t you go to the Lady and Sons? Or have you been there already? Eating there is certainly on my “bucket list”!!!

  28. STUFT Mama says:

    Tina- CONGRATS!!! I can’t wait to hear about the race! I’m so happy and excited for you! I hope your celebrating!!! Love the last picture and now thanks to all your fun I want to go to Savannah. Adding it to my list of places to visit someday! 🙂

  29. Wow Tina! So much fun! I could just live my life vicariously through you I think.

    PS. I DID do some modelling as a skinny (read anorexic) youngster… some fashion parades, regional TV commercials etc. (Best not to ponder on those days too long!)

  30. Race or no race,it looks like you guys had a great weekend ’cause I don’t see any kids in the pics! Lucky you a weekend away! I hope the race also went well!

  31. Congratulations on the race, I can’t wait to here all about it!
    It looks like you had a lovely time. Your food all looks great and your sandwich looks particularly delicious 🙂
    My favourite cities are Durham, Paris, Montpellier and Florence. All beautiful in different ways, all hold special memories 🙂

  32. Ah, I can’t wait to hear all about your race!!!
    I would kill for all of those Larabars, lucky girl! And your lunch looks amazing!

  33. Amy says:

    Congratulations on your race!

  34. Rock on!!! Love the last photo! In my area I love Princeton!

  35. Congrats! Looks like you had a blast! Can’t wait to read your next post!

  36. Tara Burner says:

    Congrats! and my favorite cities are St Augustine, FL and Charleston SC as far as east coast cities go

    I surprisingly did not like Savannah but yet do have pics of the Sweets there! lol

  37. Amy Lauren says:

    It looks like you had an amazing time in Savannah! A lot of people from my area went down there for the marathon too. Pumpkin fudge sounds so amazing, I had a pumpkin muffin yesterday after my race and it was tasty, gotta love all things pumpkin!

  38. I can’t wait to read the recap tomorrow


  39. We must have very similar tastes, because if I saw that sandwich on the menu, I 100% would have ordered it, too. It looks and sounds like it was beyond amazing. And the pumpkin pie fudge? Yup, I would have been overly excited about it, too. Give me pumpkin pie anything & I’m a happy camper.

  40. janetha says:

    Congratulations and GOOD JOB!

  41. […] One Fine Day – enjoying all of Savannah on Friday […]

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