Cloud 9? Try, Cloud 15!!

Posted: May 10, 2010 at 9:51 pm

If you haven’t noticed yet, I am one very happy person right now. I was already above cloud nine after the exciting things I announced in my vlog, and then two more amazing things happened today. I am not in a place to disclose them, but they have just topped off my past couple of days better than I could ever imagine. I know it’s a pain not to know immediately what they are. I promise not to say “curiosity killed the cat” or “patience is a virtue” because those sayings can get frustrating, so just know I will fill you in as soon as I can. Am I driving you crazy, yet? 😉

Now, I would like to extend a huge thank you to each of you for your comments and congrats. Every single one put a smile on my face. I know it is extremely early to be announcing it, since I literally took the test yesterday, but I knew I would not be able to keep it in. Also, since you all know how much this has been weighing on me recently and are smart cookies, I figure you would have noticed something sooner rather than later anyways. I just have to keep on praying for this to be as healthy a pregnancy as my last one and nothing to cause me to regret making this announcement early. I’m enthusiastic to take this next step in my life and continue combining my passions for healthy living in all areas of life.

Before I move on, I do want to be clear on one thing. This blog will not become a blog solely about pregnancy. I plan to keep my content similar to what it currently is; continue branching out in new recipes; share healthy living tips; details of my life; etc. I will discuss my pregnancy on occasion (how could I not?), but I don’t plan on leaving behind the topics and form of my current blogging at all. Basically, don’t ditch me because you think all I will be able to talk about now is morning sickness and cravings for ice-cream & pickles. Speaking of which, is there any woman out there who has been pregnant and actually craved those two things together? If so, please let me know because that is just an ick combination…pregnant or not.

Okay. Time for some of today’s fun and adventures. The ones I can share anyways. *insert evil laugh here*

This morning I slept in for an extra 1.5 hours. It was glorious. Especially since I woke up at 5 am yesterday morning. The bummer about this was it had me missing spin, but that is okay. I still hit up the gym for a variety workout on the cardio equipment. I actually like cardio equipment right now. My intensity is low enough that I can read the entire time. Two birds, one stone? Suits me! I read my Harlan Coben book while I did 20 min incline walking on the treadmill, 15 minutes on the stepmill, 10 min on the elliptical, and followed everything up with a good stretch.

Later in the day I fiddled with my camera and my lunch. I also welcomed the fun of microwaving deli meat back into my life. You have to do so while pregnant to kill any possible bacteria. Who knows how much longer I will be able to stomach this for lunch.



My tastes go all sorts of crazy during the first trimester. In fact, on Thursday night I spit out the salad I made for dinner because I couldn’t eat it. The first trimester is a sad time because many of my favorite veggies do not agree with me during that time.

After lunch, I headed to the store to get some supplies for how we plan on telling others I’m pregnant. I told my mom on Mother’s Day because she knew I was trying and knew I was testing that day. I can’t lie so I had to go ahead and share. Same story with my sister. She knows about us trying and will be asking me for results when she comes to visit tomorrow. So I am going to beat her to the punch and have Makenzie wear this shirt to surprise her.


Cute, huh? Although I don’t think it is near as cute as who will be in the shirt.

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These pictures are from our friend Dan who does photography.

I wish there was more for me to talk about today, but there isn’t (besides playing with M and tutoring) and this post is already long enough. Enjoy your night and I will see you tomorrow with a great giveaway. I’ll give you hint…$60 worth of stuff YOU get to pick! If you can’t wait until tomorrow, Morgan is having a cool giveaway you can check out now.


27 Comments to “Cloud 9? Try, Cloud 15!!”
  1. Ameena says:

    Congratulations Tina!! I am so so so happy for you. You are such a sweet, dedicated mother and now two kids will have the best mother in the world.

    I didn’t crave anything during pregnancy except turkey sandwiches. Random, yes?

  2. Wow, what exciting news! Congrats! I’ll keep ya in my prayers and cant wait to hear more updates!!

  3. Tina, Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know how much you have wanted this, dreamt, prayed, and wanted this…huge congrats! Wow, so many pregnancies being announced (yours, Heather’s and others) in this brave new world we live in…called the sphere! so cool that you can tell everyone, all at once 🙂

    When I was pregnant, I had no cravings. I just wanted to sleep 🙂

  4. Hallie says:

    AHHH congrats! I didn’t watch your vlog but I got one sentence into your post today and I stopped because I had a feeling that’s what it was and I wanted to hear the good news. Haha, I’m such a dork. Anyway, I am SO happy for you and your family.

  5. Heather says:

    hurray!!! i’m so SO excited for you 🙂

  6. Tina, CONGRATULATIONS!!! What an answer to prayer! I am SO happy for you and personally SO excited to hear all about your pregnancy (well, at least what you want to disclose) on the blog! It is really interesting to learn more as I haven´t been preggers yet 🙂 Congrats again and God bless!

  7. Vicky says:

    Congrats Tina!! Haven’t watched the vlog yet (can’t at work), but I’m so happy for you! I hope you have a wonderful pregnancy and a beautiful baby brother or sister for Makenzie.

    As for pickles & ice cream, i still can’t stand the thought of ice cream (weird, huh?), but i did have a lot of pickles during my first trimester and i usually never have them. Pickles & ice cream together? Just say NO 😉

  8. Vee says:

    Congratulations! I am so happy for you!

  9. Jessie says:

    Oh my gosh!! Congratulations, Tina! I’m so excited for all of you!! Especially for something that you’ve wanted so much, I’m so happy that you’ll get it 🙂

    Makenzie is so adorable there! She’s going to make a very happy big sister 🙂 Congrats again, Tina!!!!!! 😀 😀

  10. Shannon says:

    Oh Tina!! I missed your vlog post, but I am so, so happy to hear your news. Congratulations! I will be praying for a very healthy pregnancy for you 🙂

  11. Yay! I am SO HAPPY for you girl. Didn’t have time to watch the vlog yesterday, but I just watched it this morning. I got chills and am thrilled for you! 🙂

  12. Oh my gosh! Congratulations, girl! That is amazing:) I missed the vlog post, but am SO SO happy for you.

  13. Good for you for getting to sleep in and still getting in that workout. Hugs!

  14. Sarah says:

    Tina, once again I am behind on reading (and writing!) posts. I just read about your big news. Congratulations! I am thrilled for you:).
    (And I, for one, wouldn’t mind if you write more about your pregnancy.)

  15. AHH So exciting!! Congrats on the new little one!! So happy for you!!

  16. Congrats! I can’t watch vlogs on my computer, so I am glad you made the announcement again 🙂

    Makenzie’s shirt is adorable – great way to tell your sister!

  17. Kelly says:

    I LOVE that shirt…adorable!!! 🙂

  18. lisaou11 says:

    I for one cant wait to read about your pregnancy! I loved following you along when you were having M! 🙂

  19. sunny says:

    congrats again tina!!
    i love that shirt for M..too cute 🙂

  20. cardiopizza says:

    I want to hear about your pregnancy, to talk away! 🙂

  21. CONGRATS x 382904029!! This is so exciting and I’m so eager to read about your posts about your pregnancy!

  22. lowandbhold says:

    Congrats girly!! I’m so happy for you 🙂

  23. I will definitely be following you along in your pregnancy! I love all things babies and pregnancy related…..TOTALLY bugged my sisters when they were pregnant (all the belly touching, questions, etc.). It’s just such a miracle, so I’m glad you’ll be able to share it all with us. 🙂

    Love the shirt – can’t wait to see pics of M in it!

  24. homecookedem says:

    LOVE the shirt idea!! So clever and sweet!! 🙂 You know you are always in my prayers!! 🙂 I look forward to hearing all about your pregnancy!!

  25. Salah says:

    Congratulations!!!! I can’t wait to hear all about your pregnancy!!

  26. Oh my GOSH, congratulations!!!!!!!

  27. Becky says:

    LOVE that shirt! Too cute. Your sister’s reaction in those pics was hilarious. 😀

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