Give Me A Break..
Posted: May 28, 2010 at 4:42 pm...give me a break. Break me off a piece of that Kit Kat Bar! Now I want one!
Although not really because while it sounds good I don't feel like seeing it twice (aka a before and after eating scenario). Today is ROUGH. I still haven't gotten sick yet, but I sure do feel like I could at any second. I planned on writing a post about how I approach vacation so I don’t stress over food, working out, body image, etc but I hate to say it just isn’t going to happen. All I’m going to do is curl up on the couch during Makenzie’s nap and hopefully find the strength to do some packing before we leave this afternoon. I hope you all have great weekends! I do have some posts already written and scheduled to go up over the weekend, so you can look forward to those (Why I Love My Body and Intuitive Eating Part 8). If you want some reading today, I would love to hear your thoughts on my post about Body Dysmorphia that I did last night. And I guess I’ll save my vacation post for before my other travels.
I’ll close this with a different form of Flashback Friday. Here are some pictures of my progression through my last pregnancy. Enjoy the pictures that are both a flashback but also a flashforward to the types of changes you will be seeing my body make this time around. It’s like the Twilight Zone!
8 Weeks –> 12 Weeks –> 16 Weeks
19 Weeks –> 22 Weeks –> 24 Weeks
26 Weeks –> 30 Weeks –> 32 Weeks
34 Weeks –> 36 Weeks –> 37.5 Weeks Front (about 5 days before M was born)
I noticed a few things looking at those pictures…
1. I show FAST compared to other people, even if I don’t get as big as some other people by the end.
2. When your belly grows bigger, your butt/arms/legs/etc look smaller and smaller by comparison. Me likey!
3. Even starting at the same size, at week 6 of the current pregnancy I am already somewhere between the size I was at week 8 and week 12 during my pregnancy with M. And no, that is not body dysmorphia. It is apparently true that you get bigger much quicker with the second pregnancy. Too bad I couldn’t just bypass the awkward bloated and chubby phase that of course has to hit while I’m at the beach. Oh, God’s irony. I sure do love you Big Guy.
- What are your weekend plans?
- What’s something ironic to you? I got one. The other day there were two women walking out of the gym the same time as I was and were parked next to me. While I was loading M in her car seat they both pulled out some cigarettes and started smoking while they continued their conversation. Huh? Even more ironic, they were badmouthing a friend for her how inconsiderate she was while blowing smoke TOWARDS MY BABY!
Tags: pregnancy
Awh, I love looking at progressive pictures like this!
Maybe you show fast b/c you’re smaller? You still looked cute and I’m sure you’ll be just as cute this time around!! My weekend is rather busy and I’m starting to rethink some of the plans now. I really just want to relax…
Oh Tina! I love the belly pics! You are such a beautiful pregnant woman! I have heard that the smaller you are, the earlier you show. I am pretty small so I feel like my bump looks big in comparison to the rest of me. I also have heard repeatedly that you show sooner in subsequent pregnancies.
Have a wonderful vacation weekend. I hope you are feeling well and can really enjoy it 🙂
I only have one child but I have heard that you get bigger more quickly with your second 🙂 I love your pregnancy pics. You look beautiful! I looked like a gumball lol
You look fabulous pregnant. I hope I look half as good!
Aw, you are so beautiful! You are like one of my friends who just had her baby last month… her stomach got HUGE but she didn’t gain anything anywhere else. It literally looked like she had stuffed a huge beach ball under her shirt haha
Hope you are starting to feel better!!!
I think it’s so cool watching a growing baby bump 🙂
People smoking right after the gym blows my mind. And blowing smoke towards your baby? Um, RUDE.
LOVE seeing your preggo pics!! You are so GORGEOUS!! 🙂 Can’t wait to see you NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!! 🙂
You had such a beautiful pregnancy last time with M. Wishing the best this time around too. I’m also showing much faster this time around. Can’t say that I enjoy that part but at the end you will have another beautiful healthy baby. Pregnancy really does agree with you. Have a great vacation!
You are so cute pregnant!! I hope I can stay small too- & just have the cute big belly – like you did. Love the pictures 🙂 Can’t wait to see your new baby bump- I think they are the cutest!!
baby bump! I love it
I hate when people ride the elevators at the gym to go up one flight of stairs. I also find it really ironic when people wearing bluetooths with blackberries attached to their hips complain about too much technology use
The best part about these pictures is how big your smile is!! I love it!! I have a lot of friends who are/have been pregnant and it’s so fun to watch (although – maybe not experience! 😛 ) Some weeks it seems like no growth at all and then bam, they’ve got this belly poking out.
Oh my goodness… have the cutest preggo belly ever! I can’t wait to see your pics with this pregnancy, too.
I hope you’re having a great weekend, too, Tina!
I just realized that I have missed a lot of your recent posts! For some reason, my link to your blog got linked back to your old blog and I kept wondering why you weren’t updating it. 🙂 Haha oh well. Now I’ve got 4 posts to catch up on. But that’s actually great because I love reading your posts anyway. I love that you posted these pictures. I was actually going to ask if you would because I wanted to see what your transformation was from the beginning to the end of the pregnancy. You looked so pretty! I can’t wait to keep up with you as you go through this 2nd pregnancy. Have fun on the rest of your trip!
You looked amazing with M and I know you’ll look amazing with baby #2! Your revelations about pregnancy weight gain are much the same as mine have been so far – I like that everything looks smaller next to my big ol’ belly these days. I have had friends who didn’t show until 20 weeks and friends who showed at 8 or 9 weeks (with their first, no less) – it’s so unpredictable. You have a great attitute, that’s what is most important, and your lifestyle is a great example for women around you AND for your child (soon to be, children).
[…] in the bathroom, the afternoon on the couch, and somehow managed to pack up for our trip and get a Flashback Friday post up showing my baby bump progression from my pregnancy with baby M. We left at around 6:30 to hit […]