Guest Post – Jessica’s Q & A

Posted: June 18, 2010 at 6:00 pm

Here is another Q & A guest post. This one is from Jessica at the blog The Process of Healing. She is a fabulous blogger and I always love reading her posts.


1. Give a brief description of your blog.

My blog is about my journey through the "process of healing" from a stress fracture that happened in December of 2009. I'm still dealing with the stress fracture to this day and have not been able to run since December. My blog chronicles my journey, the things that I have learned, and how my faith keeps me going despite having my life turned upside down. On a less serious note, I am a huge foodie and I love to try new foods and cook my favorite dishes! My blog features delicious meals and great recipes!

2. What does blogging do for you? Why do you enjoy it?

Blogging has absolutely changed my life. I started reading blogs years ago and it has helped me to overcome a history of disordered eating. Seeing healthy women eat tons of delicious food showed me that you DON'T have to deprive yourself and that if you treat your body with love and care, it will amaze you with what it can do. Blogging has provided me an outlet throughout this injury. It's woken me to a love of writing and photography and has pushed me to pursue my dreams. But more than anything, it has provided me with amazing friendships and a community that has supported me beyond my wildest dreams.

3. What is your favorite food? Nutritional value does not matter, so choose anything!

Wow, that is a HARD question! I would have to say sweet potatoes, dark chocolate, yogurt, and cake (any kind, I'm not picky 😉 )... not necessarily in that order.

4. What is your favorite type of workout? Why do you love it?

I am a runner at heart. It took me a while to discover my love for it but once I started, there was no holding me back. Something about it just gets me.. It's not easy, by any means, but there are few things on this earth that make me as happy as when I am running. I feel so incredibly strong and just free! I also love that you can see yourself improve with running.. it's never boring!

5. What is a current goal you are working towards?

I am working towards recovering from my stress fracture and coming out on the other end stronger than ever before, physically and emotionally!

6. What is something important that you have overcome, are working towards overcoming, or hope to overcome one day?

Besides the stress fracture, my history of disordered eating. It was not something that I shared on my blog to begin with but once I saw that many others struggled with the same thing, I felt safe enough to share and reach out to others.. and I have never regretted it. I have come SO far in this area of my life BECAUSE of the blogging community's encouragement, support, and positive examples.

7. What is your favorite inspirational quote?

"Whatever will be, will be." This quote helps me to calm myself when things seem out of my control. It reminds me that my God is always, always, in control. It's so hard to admit sometimes but He knows best.. I can only see a fraction of the picture, while he sees the entire thing. I have to remind myself that he has a plan for me and just trust him. Another one is "Life is too short to be unhappy," which has encouraged me to follow my dreams and my passions. Sometimes what we truly want, deep down inside, may not always be the thing that is going to give us the most money or meet the approval of others but you just have to follow your own heart. One day I woke up and realized that I was unhappy with my life, something just clicked. Since then, I have made drastic changes and am in an entirely different place than I was this time last year. Some of my decisions have led to happiness and some have been mistakes.. but you never know until you try. If you are unhappy, change it. Your life is in your hands and God's hands and we do have the power to make ourselves happy or make ourselves miserable. What do you choose?

8. What are some things on your "Bucket List"?

Open my own wedding cake business, travel throughout Europe, fall in love, get married, have children, and run a marathon.

9. What is something you know now that you wish you knew 5-10 years ago?

I don't have any regrets, for the most part. But i do wish I would have known how silly it is to base my own decisions on what others will think. For so long I lived my life to please other people.. who cared what I wanted? And while I want my loved ones to support me, sometimes you just have to follow your own heart... because YOU are the one who has to live with the consequences!

10. Name one crazy, random fact about you.

This is not really crazy but I took 5 years of Spanish in high school and college and I now can't speak a bit of it... and I'm still in college so it hasn't been THAT long. Also, I am SUPER clumsy and frequently run into corners, door frames, and other random things. I sometimes wake up with bruises and have absolutely NO clue where they came from..

11. If you won the lottery, what would be your first big purchase?

I would definitely give some money to charity. Then, I would buy my parents a new house!

12. List 5 of your favorite things.

Since this is a very broad question, I'm going to go with food...sweet potatoes, chocolate, ice cream, cake (any kind, I'm not picky..), and fruit.

Question from Tina…What is something you know now that you wish you knew 5-10 years ago?


3 Comments to “Guest Post – Jessica’s Q & A”
  1. Ameena says:

    Jessica – you look beautiful in this photo!

    5-10 years ago I wish I knew that carbs are not the enemy! That includes white rice and sourdough bread, and cookies. Now that I can’t eat gluten I really regret all the missed opportunity.

  2. Great guest post. I love Jess 🙂

    Happy weekend!!!! XOXOX

  3. […] Check out my guest post over at Faith, Fitness, […]

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