Guest Post – Goals & Kicks

Posted: June 19, 2010 at 6:00 pm

You all know that I love the workout Group Kick offered at my gym and even had hoped to become certified, but didn’t due to focusing on getting pregnant. Well, fellow blogger Jessica from the blog EatDrinkBreatheSweat did go through that process. She is here to share about it for all of you. Enjoy!


I have to say, I’m totally honored to be guest blogging for Tina while she’s away – ever since I stumbled on her blog, I’ve loved reading every last word. It’s equal parts inspiration, perspiration and awesome insight on everything from family, faith, fitness and well, fun. Hence the name of her blog, duh. 😉

Anyway, I’ve been mulling over what exactly I wanted to impart on all of you today and I think it’s only fitting that I focus it on what I’ve learned from going through the process of becoming a Group Kick certified instructor. And not just what I learned, but also what it is about Kick that makes it an incredible workout and why I’d urge ANY of you to take a leap of faith and fulfill your dream, whatever it may be. For me – it was sharing my love of fitness with others by stepping out from behind the class and standing up in FRONT of that same class as an instructor (cue “eek” from me back in December when I signed on for the initial training weekend).

Not gonna lie – this entire experience has been scary, stressful and has TOTALLY taken me out of my comfort zone. I’m actually kind of shy (hate to admit that, but it’s true) and I’ve had to fight that shyness throughout this process because, let’s face it, nobody wants a SHY fitness instructor, I mean, c’mon! And, it’s taken me six months, yes SIX months, from the start of the training process, to working with my fellow Kick instructors at my gym to formally launch the program for the first time and then taping my video assessment to become certified. I’m giving you all this context to make an important point (at least I think it’s important!) – success never tastes sweeter than success that comes with HARD work, total and utter commitment and the ability to truly step outside of yourself. But perhaps my biggest accomplishment, at least for me, has been learning that I CAN do anything I put my mind to and that all of the sweat, and yes, a few tears, were worth it. I DID it. I became Group Kick certified – even if it did feel like the longest road ever to get there.

So why am I telling you all of this? Because I firmly believe that we all need to set goals – goals that scare us, goals that push us way beyond our boundaries, goals that impart strength and faith. Part of my reason for jumping into Group Kick was to find inspiration when I wasn’t feeling very inspired with my “day job” and wanted an outlet that was fulfilling on a personal level because my job certainly wasn’t (and quite honestly, still isn’t) cutting it. And, I’d always secretly dreamed of teaching a group fitness class but never dared to make it a reality. But it’s fulfilled me a way that I never thought was possible – and I urge you to reexamine your goals and find something that excites (and scares) you that you’d LOVE to do but have never had the guts to take that leap. I promise you, it is so, so, so worth it.

Now, as I sit here typing this, I’m drenched from my Kick workout tonight and thinking I probably ought to shower before bed or my husband will probably not enjoy sleeping next to me tonight (!) – which brings me to my last point. Why is Kick such a great workout? Honestly? Of ALL the workouts I do, Kick is one of the toughest endurance workouts I’ve ever experienced. It builds total body strength, improves coordination, increases core strength (oww those oblique’s – they are sore for weeks after your first few Kick classes, I swear), and improves overall endurance. I can honestly say I run harder and longer, I spin faster and with more resistance – and I totally credit Kick’s conditioning for that, in large part. If your gym carries the BTS (Body Training Systems – the company that runs Group Kick and other group classes like Group Power, Group Ride, etc.), definitely check out the classes – they include great music and programming and will totally kick your butt (Tina can attest to this!).

So – that’s my story and my advice. Find something that scares you (a little bit or a lot) and take the leap of faith. Your instincts will never steer you wrong.

Question from Tina...What is something you would go for if there was no chance of failing?


7 Comments to “Guest Post – Goals & Kicks”
  1. homecookedem says:

    I just love Jessica!! Her enthusiasm for fitness is so contagious. I am so proud of her for reaching her goal of becoming Group Kick certified, wahooooooo!! I would love to try out a class after I have my baby. I’ve never been to one… not even sure it was offered at the gym I used to go to. Maaaaaybe Jess should put out a DVD so I can do it at home, hehe! 😉 Great post!!!!! 🙂

  2. I just started taking some BTS classes at a gym in my town and I love them! I haven’t taken kick yet – only power, step, and active, but now I really want to try out kick 🙂

  3. […] other bloggy news, go check out my guest post over at Faith, Fitness, and Fun. I wrote about my Kick journey for Tina, which was super fun especially since she loves Kick and […]

  4. Jolene says:

    Well put sis – this totally recapped our Group Kick experience so well, and the others commenting here are right, your enthusiasm jumps through the screen. Love it 🙂 Proud of you!

  5. Holly says:

    Okay, Jess, you might have inspired me to try Kick very soon! We don’t have Group Kick, but we have Turbo Kick…hopefully it’s along the same lines?

    I love how you found something you loved, and just went out there and accomplished this goal by becoming certified! I think it says a lot about you that you went outside of your comfort zone and still rocked your training, especially in that amount of time. And I love your advice….I sure could use it. I’m a “wuss” by nature, so sometimes I need to be nudged (or shoved) to go outside of that comfort zone. I love hearing stories like yours, because it shows how much that pays off!

  6. Sarah says:

    Such a great post! I enjoyed every minute of reading.
    Just a few things I’d like to do without failing…
    -mentoring my girls in youth group
    -teach yoga
    -write for a living
    -be a mom

    I think I’m on track to do those things, but not without some failures mixed in (of course.)

  7. Jess says:

    Ahhh! These comments are such fun to read!! Thank you ladies for your thoughts, such fun sharing our sources of inspiration, even if those moments of inspiration involve being WAY out of your comfort zone and just going for it. It’s scary, VERY scary in many ways, but totally worth it in the end.

    LOVE that you girls wanna give Kick a whirl (if your gym has it, awesome!) – its an incredible workout, I promise you won’t regret it 🙂

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