Posted: July 1, 2010 at 6:17 pmHowdy friends! We are almost done with Thursday and then we are one day closer to a three-day weekend. Well for those of us living in the US and working in jobs that give Monday off. And Happy Canada Day to all you Northern friends out there.
I am in such a good mood today. I think not being under house arrest helps out just a teensy bit. Although, I did have to get up earlier to drive Peter to work so I could get around today. Being a one-car family is no fun! I guess it wouldn’t be so bad if we lived in an area where you could actually walk to get anywhere. Sadly, that is not even remotely the case. So I drive. To eat donuts no less. 😀
Thursday is always playgroup day for the Mom’s Group I am in, and after being away almost all of June, I was excited to attend today. Since so many people were attending, the location got moved last minute from my friend’s house to the special local doughnut shop.
Dutch Monkey Doughnuts has amazing creations and when I found out we were meeting here I knew my resolve would be nonexistent. I indulged in a blueberry lemon poppyseed doughnut. It was a lemon poppyseed donut with a light lemon glaze and topped with fresh blueberries. Yes, it was amazing and yes, I am saddened I did not have my camera to capture the beauty. It was certainly a good start to my day. Even more so when accompanied by great friends and being able to finally share my pregnancy news with them. The support of friends is so heart-warming. 🙂
After noshing lemony goodness, I had to go back to Peter’s work to pick him up so he could be home for an A/C estimate. I will leave that one at OUCH! A/C isn’t so important is it??? After all, I can escape the heat with doctor visits and library runs.
I had to return the three books I finished from vacation. The Yada Yada Prayer Group Book #2 (9/10), They Did It With Love (8/10), and A Hopeless Romantic (6/10).
I was pleased with each of these books. A Hopeless Romantic was a little dragged out, but it was still fun to read. The other two I highly recommend if you are looking for a summer read. I also needed to pick up a book to keep me company during the wait time at the doctor.
I had my last visit of the first trimester today. It was all good news, baby! I heard the heartbeat for the first time, which was amazing. I got a clean bill of health from all my blood work. And I even had a healthy weight “gain”. I was a little frustrated because I asked them not to tell me my weight or how much I gain since I don’t plan on knowing either during my pregnancy. The nurse made sure to not say anything except things were healthy, but then the midwife let it slip that I actually lost a pound when she was reviewing my progress. She just wanted to assure me that it’s fine during the first trimester, but I really don’t care to know. At least it did reaffirm that listening to your body (even on vacation and amidst eating doughnuts), whether preggo or not, is fine and dandy. Your body is smart and will do what it needs to do.
Now I need to eat and then settle in with my new book and the So You Think You Can Dance results show later. Nighty-night!
- Do you live an area you have to drive everywhere or somewhere that promotes walking/biking? That is one thing I like about cities. The ability to walk to almost anywhere. Small-town suburbia is not designed for that at all.
- What is a treat that you ADORE and have a hard time turning down? Mine would be GOOD doughnuts or freshly baked cookies. Also lately for me is anything lemon flavored. I was a gonner today that’s for sure!
Tags: pregnancy
Aww, yay for a clean bill of health 😀 And hearing the heart beat!
Lemon poppyseed blueberry muffin? I WANT!
I’m with you on the freshly baked cookies- right out of the oven and it’s over for me!
Congrats on the good news from the doctor’s visit!
So glad your appointment went well! 🙂
I’m sort of in awe over the donuts right now…I can barely focus. I’ve written down these books as I am always in the market for a good book! I just finished The Help and really enjoyed it. I twas long and a tiny bit slow in places but I still recommend it!
Freshly baked cookies get me every time! And scones too…those are my biggest weakness!
Congrats on your clean bill of health Tina!! You’re a healthy mama, working out and eating right so you should expect nothing different. The occasional doughnut…well heck, I’d eat more if I was pregnant 🙂
I do love some fresh baked cookies though. They are sooo good when they are fresh out of the oven. I could probably eat a dozen 🙂
No A/C? Oh, that is a no-no. Although, I guess I did live w/o A/C my freshman year of college in the dorms. It wasn’t that bad but then again that wasn’t during the peak summer months.
I live in the city so everything is walkable or bikeable. I’m in a 3 mile radius from Target, the grocery store, the gym, etc. And there are tons of smaller stores closer by too.
Bet it felt so good to hear the heart beat, congratulations on a healthy 1st trimester. Could you request not to be weighed at all? When I was pregnant the midwife never weighed me at all,she said I’d gain what I needed to & she didn’t want to make pregnany all about what I weigh, I can honestly say I have no idea what I gained in my pregnancy.
Congratulations on such a great doctor’s visit! I never get tired of hearing the heartbeat. Its just so amazing!
I grew up not having an A/C. Now that we do, I rarely use it.
I so glad to hear the news about your progress! hooray! and I read the first yada yada and didn’t like it until the end when I felt hooked to read the next one (why does my library have books 1, 3, 4 but not 2?). I am going to check out the other books you have here
So glad to hear that all is good with the baby. I hear you on the A/C. Ours went out (upstairs unit where bedrooms are mind you) while we were on vacation. It was the last night my sis was staying at the house before taking our pups back to her house. She didn’t tell us b/c she didn’t want us to freak out, so we didn’t find out to call the A/C man until Friday (the day before we were heading home). Thank goodness he got it fixed for us about an hour before we got home on Saturday – the thermostat only goes as high as 95 and the needles was past that. Sorry for that ramble LOL.
We live downtown and work downtown so we could technically walk to work and the Farmers’ Market on Saturdays for veggies. But other than that, we have to drive anywhere. The public transit here really leaves much to be desired.
Glad you had a good appointment! (Except for the midwife slippage.) I’m with you on freshly-baked cookies – soft, warm, and gooey, right out of the oven…who can resist that?!?!?
I’m so glad everything is looking good with baby-that’s so awesome!
I am so glad that everything went well with your doctor appointment today! That is great news about mama and baby! 🙂 I can usually pass up cookies but my weekness is bagels! LOVE THEM! There is this bagel shop in Austin that makes the best ones ever! I could eat my weight in them (and probably have a few times…haha)
That donut sounds glorious!! How exciting you got to hear the heartbeat!!!!!!! Best sound ever!! 🙂 So glad to hear that everything is doing well with you and Baby!! 🙂
Glad you had a good appointment!
I’m moving somewhere that I can walk around a lot more, I can’t wait! Right now, nothing!
I can’t say no to cupcakes 🙂
hurray for good appointments 🙂 i love living in a place that is super friendly for walkers, joggers, and bikers…it makes it so easy to move around!
So glad to hear all is healthy! Hopefully they will remember and not let anything slip next time.
Oh, and I would most definitely drive for donuts. I can turn down ice cream easy b/c I’m just not a fan, but donuts—that’s a whole other story.
oh and I live in Oklahoma–cant walk anywhere either!
Yay for good doctor visits! I’m so glad everything went well. As far as treats I can’t turn down….umm there are a lot…tortilla chips from my favorite Mexican food place, Mitch’s mom’s chocolate (Jello) pudding with Cool Whip, the peanut butter cookies that a volunteer brings into my work from time to time…free samples at Whole Foods…yeah, willpower is not a strong suit of mine 🙂
Congrats with everything going well!
How funny! I just wrote about biking to work today! Things are close enough here, but not necessarily safe…
Glad everything went well at the doctor!
I used to live in the Highlands and I definitely miss being able to walk to restaurants (and Yoforia).
I’m so glad every thing is moving along the way it should! I’m going to school to eventually become either a midwife or a neonatal nurse practitioner so I love hearing all the baby news 🙂
Absolutely no one walks in my town. We drive everywhere. However, my boyfriend and I were a 1 car family for about 6 months and it really wasn’t hard since we spend most of our time together anyway. That and our jobs are right next to eachother, so that kept things convenient.
Fresh baked cookies would be a treat I’d have a hard time turning down. But I’m very rarely around them so if I were to indulge, it would be a rare occurence and therefore 100% okay 🙂
Have a good 4th!!
Glad everything went well at the Doctor!!
I live in a fairly small college town. We have great jogging and biking trails, but it is not very commuter friendly. Everything is really spread out and bike lanes are limited!
My weakness is definitely hot apple pie with vanilla ice cream. Will power….What will power?
Happy 4th of July!
i am so happy the doc is going well! that is awesome. at my college there is DEF ways to run/bike/walk/ etc .in spring time campus is FLOWING with walkers and stuff! HAPPPY 4TH beautiful!
I’m glad everything is going well with the pregnancy 😀 I love that you’re listening to your body
I was actually never a fan of doughnuts…well ok, I liked ICING. I would only eat the top (the icing part) haha. Same with cake…it’s really just a prop for the icing
My town is definitely all about biking. Not quite as much about walking, but the town was designed to be bike friendly with bike lanes on almost every non-residential street. I’m always surprised about what cities are super friendly to walk in. My brother lives in Pittsburgh and basically the only time we get in the car when I visit is when they pick me up from the bus stop (bus runs from airport fairly close to their place), and if they need to get something at Home Depot. Otherwise it’s all about walking. Now with any city that depends on where you live… but I think it’s wonderful to have the ability to find a place to live that doesn’t involve lots of car trips. That was one of my major complaints about my time in San Diego actually – that you couldn’t go anywhere without getting in your car – there are a few neighborhoods where that isn’t true, but the bulk of it is definitely designed in such a way that a car is a requirement. And there you have more than you wanted to know about various cities.