my crazy jukebox

Posted: August 3, 2010 at 6:00 pm

Hello lovelies!!! Is it really only Tuesday? Today has been one long, and pretty unproductive, day. I did get my next Examiner article on exercise safety precautions finished. And I guess it’s a good thing it is only Tuesday since I have quite a bit to do before we leave Thursday night. I want to start off by thanking all of you who left such wonderful comments on my last post. I loved reading each one. Your comments always bring such a smile to my face and the love pouring out from you never ceases to amaze me.

Today’s 30 Days of Insight post is to share the 5 songs you would want to listen to on a desert island. I can’t stick with a topic though, so instead of coming up with those songs today, I kept having songs pop into my head that related to how my day went. I call everything that ran through my head My Crazy Jukebox. I don’t think you could find a wider array of music playing in someone’s head. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

California Gurls by Katy Perry

No, I’m not a California Gurl. Pretty much the opposite, as I live in Georgia and wear workout shorts with t-shirts on top. How does this apply to my day? Because I think I am getting sick. Just as, sadly, this song is quickly rising on my “getting sick of it” list. I’ve had a headache all day and my body feels dead. I haven’t been able to focus or get many of the numerous to-dos done. I’ve been trying to rest. Wait. What is rest? I think I forgot how to do that.

Living on a Prayer – my lover Bon Jovi

Love me some Bon Jovi tunes. They and Aerosmith are my all time favorites. But that’s not why I think of them today. I specifically thought of “Living on a Prayer” because I have done a lot of it lately. I’m not going to go into much detail yet, but in September I hope that many of you will participate in a 30 day activity to help affirm our own self love and worth. I pray consistently for God’s guidance in helping me organize this effort and to trust Him to take it where He wants. I actually cried today because I am bursting at the seams to share more with you all, but the husband had to convince me I still need to give it more time in prayer. I know he’s right, but I can’t help to overflow with emotion. This desire is completely, 100% about bringing others joy and has nothing to do with me. I just feel like the vehicle to share it. I have excitement and hope for what this may do for even just one person out there. And also fear that you all will think I’m crazy because it’s no big deal and wonder why I care about it so much.

Baby Got Back – Sir Mix A Lot

Okay, totally crazy to switch it up to THAT, but I had to. My sister visits tonight and this song is basically “our song'”. There have been many road trips where you could catch us blaring some “anaconda don’t want none” and going crazy. I know the words by heart. Plus, we have the booty, so it suits us.

You Are Beautiful – Christina Aguilera

I am LOVING all the positive messages going around for the Operation Beautiful book release week. And the book is stellar. I finished it last night. It surprised and delighted me to see a faith section at the end. Also, I have been feeling beautiful with my new hair. I am in love with the darker locks! I can’t wait for it to get even darker since I have to get a second coloring done in a couple months for my hair to fully take it. In case you missed yesterday’s post (or didn’t realize), it looks like this now…


…in all my haven’t showered yet, super flat, no-makeup, pajama tee-shirt glory. Still beautiful though. I can’t go changing my tune from yesterday. 😀

Push It- Salt N Pepa

I guess I should say “Press It…Press It, Real Good!” instead though. Because this song is for my new friend. The Tofu Xpress. Tonight it makes its grand debut. I have it chilling in the fridge as we speak. Look for the review and a recipe tomorrow.


Lastly, I leave you with the song that makes me feel good every time I hear it. Our God – Chris Tomlin. I seriously love it. Even more than my hair. That’s saying a lot.

I might not love it more than you all though. Let me go ponder that conundrum. Peace out! And give the song a listen if you need a bit of empowerment for your day.

  • What is a song you are sick of these days?
  • What is a song that empowers you?
  • Do you have a hard time going for something you feel strongly about?

66 Comments to “my crazy jukebox”
  1. Rachel says:

    You Are Beautiful was a song assigned to me when I went through a self-discovery seminar a few years ago. It holds a lot of meaning for me! I need to break it out and listen to it again soon!!

  2. im so glad you found my blog bc now i am loving yours!!!!!!1

    you cracked me up with these songs.. i was literally just listening to OHHHHHH we’re halfway thereeee, ohh OH livin on a prayer. somethin about that song is so liberating to scream the lyrics! 🙂

    the Airplanes song has been SO over played on the radio.. the radio station just needs to delete it off of their playlist lol.
    Can’t wait to read more of your blog 🙂 love your new hairdo!

  3. Loved your songs! Especially Sir-Mix-A-Lot!! Your new hair looks beautiful by the way 🙂

  4. I love those songs except the Katy Perry one. I just can’t catch onto it. I would say I’m sick of that California Girls song. I have to pick up the OB book!

  5. As a new reader I am really loving you blog!

    I think that Matthew West, The Motions always re-motivates me every time I hear it. But I too love Bon Jovi. I just saw him in concert for the first time last month!

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