creme brulee cheesecake and cute towns

Posted: August 8, 2010 at 12:33 pm

As usual, I took yesterday off blogging. Weekends are always busy and I like having the break one day a week. It revitalizes me. I do admit to seriously missing all of you though. I haven’t been able to visit other blogs to comment and connect. Blogging and the community has become such a huge part of me that I feel like something is missing when I don’t have adequate time for it. Weird how that happens. I also want to say a big thank you to all of you who continue to visit me and leave little messages of kindness even though I am not able to return the favor these few days. It makes my day.

I guess it is now time to recap all the wedding fun. Friday afternoon we headed out to the wedding rehearsal. The rehearsal took foreeeevvveerrrr because my friend just graduated from seminary, his fiance is a pastor’s daughter, and they have 3 pastors involved in the ceremony. Needless to say…it’s an intricate wedding.


It was hard for me to even figure out when I was supposed to go up to complete my reading for the wedding! Don’t I look confused? Haha!


We still had fun though. My pal Thomas donned a “Game Over” shirt as a joke and Jen says “Greeeaaattt!!” And don’t worry. In the picture he was trying to look like it’s the end of his freedom. He’s smiling on the inside.


Once the rehearsal was over we headed over to this cute little Italian place for dinner. They served the best bruschetta I have ever eaten out on the patio. I savored two pieces while mingling.


Then came the toasts and dinner time. I served myself a plate with a roll, some Caesar salad, a small bit of grilled chicken, and a veggie primavera pasta.


All of it tasted amazing, but was a bit heavy on my stomach. That didn’t stop me from getting dessert though. Creme brulee cheesecake. Love in my mouth.


Not the rapper Kilo kind though. Anyone remember that dirty song? I remember singing it in 8th grade on the way to a competition and our cheerleading coach suddenly catching on and giving us the hugest lecture ever. I don’t even think I knew what it meant then. Hahaha.

We left shortly after that. We didn’t want to because the conversation was flowing with the new friends we made at our table. The bride laughed because about a month after she had planned out the seating arrangements, 3 of us let her know we’re pregnant. I’m four months and the other two are three months along. We all have 2-3 year old little girls too! How funny is that?

I knew we needed to get back to the room, though, to get a decent night’s sleep. You bet I slept like a rock! In the morning, after taking advantage of lazing in bed together for a bit without Makenzie, we hit up the hotel’s “fitness center”.


I think you can gather why I use quotations. Not a weight in sight and some pretty sorry cardio equipment. I hopped on the elliptical.


The thing squeaked like crazy and either had too much or too little resistance. I decided to up the resistance and do a shorter workout. That way I could make the most of it and leave without a brutal headache from all the squeaking. I worked up a good sweat and covered 2 miles.

I needed fuel by that point and free always sounds good. We ate the complimentary breakfast. I picked up a Belgian waffle with pb + maple syrup and a banana.


Saturday morning, I got this post started and searched things in the Philly area. Then we visited downtown Doylestown for lunch. I opted for BBQ because after smelling it I couldn’t resist.


It wasn’t too good though. I couldn’t even eat the potatoes. We killed time before the wedding by walking around the cute little town.

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This post has gone on long enough now. I’ll stop here and recap the wedding and our fun in Philly tomorrow. That’s right! Peter’s friend ended up not being able to get together until after 3 instead of wanting us over by lunch. Since we had extra time to kill, we managed to visit the actual city for a great afternoon. Once again, thanks for the love and comments. I promise to visit everyone soon enough. I always feel odd receiving kindness without giving it outwardly in return.

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33 Comments to “creme brulee cheesecake and cute towns”
  1. Aw wedding dresss rehearsals are always fun. haha.

    Creme brulee cheesecake? I’m sold! That looks amazing!

  2. Hotel “fitness centers” drive me crazy! Once in a while you’ll find a really great one, but most of the time they are so limited in the equipment and stuffed into storage closets leaving no ventilation in the room! I have been trying to plan ahead enough to map routes in new cities I visit, but it’s always hard not knowing the area. And so I often end up in the so-called fitness room… Grrrr!

  3. You look great!

    And creme brulee cheesecake?! That is just cruel!!!

  4. Your friends shirt is hilarious!! Haha I love people who have a good sense of humor! Have fun at the wedding!

  5. It looks like the bride and groom have a great sense of humor! I’m glad you guys are having fun!

  6. That cheesecake looks delicious! I bet you savored every bite.

    I love the groom’s shirt! That is hilarious. My husband would have wanted to wear that to our ceremony — he would have thought it would be funny.

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Dinner looks great! I love rehearsals and weddings…so much fun!

  8. Sounds like a fun evening! The cheesecake sounds amazing! Although it is always hard to get away from the little one, it is nice to get to just be a couple again for a few minutes! I hope you are feeling well!

  9. I HATE “fitness centers”. My hotel one over the weekend was just awful!

    And for one of the first times ever, I had to “mark all as read” on my google reader. 🙁 An inbox with over 300 will only create panic attacks…

    Have a good Sunday!!!

  10. why is it that all ellipticals in hotel gyms squeak? I swear they all do. I already miss Philly. Can’t wait to get back. Hugs girl!

  11. oh my gosh i totally died and went to cheesecake heaven! if it tastes even half as good as it looks and sounds, i’ll take 2 🙂

  12. Sofia says:

    Hi! Following you from Bloggy Moms! (I’m one of the photoless followers thanks to google) Come visit me and follow back!

    That dessert looks so yummy!! I want one!

  13. Kati says:

    Sounds like a fun trip so far! And your waffle breakfast is what I’ve been eating A LOT of lately! :>

  14. “He’s smiling on the inside” hahaa

    The “fitness centers” in hotels are always pretty weak. Sometimes I think it’s best to just go to the pool & swim around.

    Looking forward to the Philly/wedding recap!

  15. homecookedem says:

    Haha, that shirt is hilarious!! And that cheesecake looks reeeealllllly good… and I don’t even really like cheesecake that much!!

  16. blogging does the same thing to me. I don’t realize how much I “need” it until I don’t have the time and blogging gets kicked off the plate. Good job pushing through that workout despite squeaking, resistance issues, and the “weightless” status of the room. Have fun at the wedding!

  17. Sandra says:

    That creme brulee cheesecake looked TO DIE FOR!

  18. Jennifer says:

    Gotta love hotel “gyms” Your like me, I always go for the waffles at the complimentary breakfast. I look forward to seeing more from your trip!

  19. Nicole, RD says:

    I feel the exact same way about blogging…I couldn’t have said it better myself! It’s funny when I hear people talk about long rehearsals for weddings…ours was literally 40 minutes and the ceremony went off without a hitch! The creme brule cheesecake….omg. I think that would be love in my mouth, too!

  20. Ameena says:

    You look so pretty up on the stage…not confused at all. 🙂

    Hotel gyms are often disappointing! But a free breakfast would certainly make up for it. Now I am craving waffles!

  21. Mmmmm @ that cheesecake! I am so jealous 🙁 lol

  22. I was getting really excited about reading about the wedding (and seeing photos) and then it was like a “To Be Continued” message! Haha. I can’t wait to see how the wedding turned out and more importantly, what the food was 😉

  23. Way to go for making due with what you’ve got at the “fitness center”. They are often so small and lacking. At least you’re usually by yourself, so you can make a fool out of yourself trying to “make due”.

  24. Oh, nice, you were out our way! Only “Philly” in the most generous of senses. 🙂

    Ha, my brother’s friends had that shirt at his wedding, too!

  25. Looks like you had a great time!

  26. Nichole says:

    Look at your bump!! Precious. Hotel gym equipment can be so suspect sometimes. And everything is always so quiet in the gyms, I am used to music, etc.

    Gorgeous wedding, and sadly my hubs has that same t-shirt. His guy pals pass it around to everyone who is getting married.

  27. Haha oh yes, gotta love those hotel “gyms”!! But hey, a short workout on a squeaky elliptical is better than nothing, right? 🙂

    That creme brulee cheesecake looks absolutely scrumptious!

  28. That Game Over T-shirt is hilarious, love it! I also love the look of that cheesecake… major foodgasm! I hear ya on feeling ‘out of the loop’ after not being able to read blogs. Sometimes I feel that way even if I miss one day! I’m so glad you’re having fun though. Enjoy the rest of the trip! 🙂

  29. I can totally relate to your feelings! I havne’t been able to keep up with my usual blogs and it makes me feel bad! Glad I’m not the only one. Summers just do that to ya though! Looks like a fun weekend! Thaty bruschetta looks amazing!

  30. You looks so pretty in your dress! I also take the weekend off blogging to focus on the fam. 🙂 Way to go on working out during pregnancy. I was SO lazy!!!!

  31. THREE pastors!?!? Wow, that IS an intricate wedding! Do they all get a speaking part? 🙂

    I know what you mean by “missing” blogging. I just got back from vacation and I feel like I missed a bajillion things in the blog community!

    That cheesecake looks YUM-MAZING!!! I can’t wait to see the rest of your pics and hear about the rest of the wedding trip!

  32. Oh, the food looks awesome! I love weddings – they always have such great food 🙂

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