i’m so mature

Posted: August 20, 2010 at 7:50 am

Oh goodness! Where did this morning go?! I always get up early to get writing done, including the bulk of my 1st post of the day, and time has slipped away. Perhaps its lost in the tent that is my bridesmaid’s dress?


I had to go to an alterations appointment last night. It wasn’t my favorite thing to do, but I figure wedding guests don’t want to see me in my skivvies because my dress won’t stay on. I almost wanted to channel my inner kindergartner and shout “I told you so!” to the sales representatives because I knew I wouldn’t need 3 sizes too big to accommodate my pregnant body. Luckily, I’m more mature than that. On the outside at least.

I even have proof of my maturity. I read books like Eat, Pray, Love and experience a few head nods, “Verrryy interesting point you make there Ms. Gilbert” statements (in creepy psychologist accent), and tips of the eyeglasses down my nose.

Now that’s mature!

So, since you asked, I will take you on a journey through my mind and the thoughts which occupy it after a particular EPL snippet.

So, when the old man (a medicine man) asked me in person what I really wanted, I found other, truer words. “I want to have a lasting experience of God,” I told him. “Sometimes I feel like I understand the divinity of this world, but then I lose it because I get distracted by my petty desires and fears. I want to be with God all the time. But I don’t want to be a monk, or totally give up worldly pleasures. I guess what I want to learn is how to live in this world and enjoy its delights but also devote myself to God”.

Who can relate to that? *Raises hand* I know in my heart of hearts God is out there supporting me and loving me, and that my life satisfies me the most when close to Him. I also know life gets in the way of that feeling of closeness because so many things act as distractions. They can wriggle their ways into our lives in good and bad ways. We can overschedule ourselves with good tasks or hold plenty of respectable responsibilities that remove our attention from God. Or we can worry about worldly issues like money, gossip, how others view us, jealousy, anger, and more. So, how do we live a life the pleases us, but also still allows us to not lose sight of “the divinity of this world” and the power within it?


I don’t have THE answers. I only have MY answer. Like I mentioned in this post, I think finding those areas of your life that provoke an encompassing sense of passion is where the focus of our lives should lie. The people, the “work”, the hobbies, etc. Find what ignites you and revolve your life around it. That will give you the delight of this world. Then, never forget that those passions…those things that make you who you are…they are from God. He gave them to you. Praise Him for that,keep it close to your heart, and His presence will abound in your life.

Also, thank you for all the compliments on my post about finding my blog voice last night. It provides the strength to post things like this today. 🙂 You all are a big part of why I keep up this blog and why it fulfills me so much. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart.

  • When do you feel the happiest with your life?
  • For fun – how are you immature? I can’t help to laugh at certain words that sound dirty or like something else. Or it could also be laughing when M farts or burps. The child knows “please” and “thank you” but “excuse me” is not in her vocabulary. May need to fix that.

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25 Comments to “i’m so mature”
  1. I’m most happy when I’m with family, friends, and my dogs 🙂

    I don’t understand bridal dress consultants, they always try to talk me up a size or two for no reason….I really like the color of your dress though!!!

    I’m immature in that I always crack a smile at the most inappropriate times!

    • Tina says:

      They just want money from alterations. That’s what I decided last night. This wedding is going to bankrupt me! Not really but it feels like it some days.

  2. LOL – I can totally picture you stinking out your tongue doing the Na Nanna Booboo song….if you know what that is maybe not everyone does. I am totally immature when it comes to getting my way. I just want to stomp around like a child – sometimes I do 😉

    • Tina says:

      Of course I do know the “nana nana booboo” song. And I think I have done it within the past month even. LOL

  3. Camille says:

    I can’t pinpoint one particular moment, but I am happy right now. I have an amazing boyfriend, we are moving to our dream location next week and we are all healthy. I couldn’t ask for anything more.

  4. When do I feel happiest? To be honest, I don’t know! I feel really happy right now — I have a wonderful husband, a great job, nice family/friends, a growing blog :), a growing relationship with God, I’m getting fitter and healthier every day. I was really happy when Jason proposed, when we got married and when we paid off our last credit card — those days stand out in my mind 🙂

    I am super immature. I laugh at farts and burps and tell dumb jokes. I’ll whine and throw a fit if Jason asks for help with something. Its just part of my charm I think!

    • Tina says:

      Haha on throwing a fit. I used to do that a lot. Now I don’t but mostly because I stop myself so M doesn’t learn from me. I don’t want to deal with other people’s fits. Haha!

  5. Ela says:

    Yes to finding what gives you passion and makes you feel fulfilled! I think those are essential.

    I found ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ kinda frustrating, but I did resonate with some of her interactions with Ketut Liyer myself. Like how you make fun of her!

    Yes, I laugh my head off at burps and farts – and bad smells too! My husband thinks it’s a good character trait that my reaction to stench is to get the helpless giggles…

  6. I’m most happy when I’m not stressed. 🙂 Also, after a big accomplishment or great news – because I work hard for most things I accomplish. 🙂

  7. “A lasting experience with God” – oh man. My ultimate desire. I know it’s yours, too, dear friend. It is SO frustrating when stuff gets in the way of that.
    I’ve been viewing my relationship with AND experience with God in a bit of a different way since I started blogging hardcore again: Every picture I take for my blog has God ALL OVER IT. The picture of my precious girl smiling in her new outfit, the picture of perfectly-grown, beautifully-green asparagus, the picture of Lake Michigan, the picture of a mug full of steaming fresh coffee……..it’s all HIM. You know what I mean?

  8. Rachel says:

    I feel most happy when I’m doing something for “me” i.e. writing because I love to do so NOT because I have a deadline, drinking coffee in cafes, and making scrumptious dinners for myself every night. I also feel my happiest when surrounded by positive, happy people like my wonderful friends and family.

    I am immature because I’m like a little kid most of the time. I still get anxious/excited on first dates, believe in fairy tale endings and finding my “prince charming” and laugh when I don’t understand something instead of asking for yet another repeat. And yes, I laugh at farts…it’s a natural bodily function.

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  10. I would have wanted to say “nanny nanny boo boo”! I love to be immature. I am 31 and I love dirty jokes. 🙂

  11. Great post!! I definitely allow life to be a distraction from God. It’s easy to do and can quickly become a bad habit.

    I feel happiest when I’m spending time with family and friends, I think.

    Immaturity? Oh, let me count the ways. I definitely get a laugh at a lot of the jokes a 12 year old boy would. The first thing that comes to mind is my best friend and I frequently talk about poop. Yep.

  12. I act the most immature when I’m around my girlfriends.

    For ex:
    – My friends and I (all 25+) were laying around in a hotel room giggling for 15 minutes straight. Then couldn’t remember what started it.
    – I laught at (and make) the same dirty jokes a 16-year-old boy would. That’s what she said… aaahahhahaha.
    – Funny faces are my favorite.

    Happy Weekend! 🙂 (I’m even making a funny face RIGHT NOW!)

  13. i have to say that i feel happiest – pure happy – when i’m praising God through song. i don’t have a great voice and i know that, but nothing makes me more joyful than getting lost in Him 🙂

    and my hubby and i laugh at fart jokes, poop jokes, and sex jokes all the time. totally normal 🙂

  14. I am immature in that I love watching animated children’s movies like Dispicable Me and Up. Plus I might be known for ‘accidentially’ throwing some of my popcorn at the kids in front of me…. they laughed and couldn’t figure out where it came from.

  15. homecookedem says:

    Just caught up on your post about finding your blog voice. Now, I am not just saying this b/c you and I are friends in real life… your blog is definitely one of my favorites!! You are such a talented writer and you are so relatable!! I’m so lucky to know you!! 🙂

    I’m happiest in my life right now. I feel like God has been answering my prayers left and right and I feel so thankful for an endless list of blessings.

    POOP humor makes me immature!! Haha!! I love talking and laughing about poop and farts!! 🙂 I guess it’s a good thing I’m having a baby boy!! 🙂

  16. ashleigh says:

    I love the color of your dress!

    Find what ignites you and revolve your life around it. BEST ADVICE EVER! I think I need to hang this up somewhere.

  17. Hey! I’m a psychologist but don’t look like a monkey! Okay… yeah I do. Glasses and all 😉

    Love the EPL quote. I can definitely relate and think that this exact issue – not being quite sure how to live in “this” world and also in God’s – has stressed my relationship with a higher power. Working on figuring it all out…

  18. Lee says:

    My MOH was 6 months pregnant at my wedding and had to buy a dress 3 sizes bigger than her normal size. She still looked great!

    As for immaturity… I’m a graphic designer and there is a font called Vag. It makes me laugh every time!

  19. Me-Linh says:

    I’m happy when I’m surrounded by the people who I love! Including the pups.
    I’m pretty much immature everytime chocolate is involved and when I watch shows like That’s So Raven.

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