Posts Tagged ‘positive attitude’

The “Me Time” Debate

**Did you enter the SHAPE Magazine and Fiber One fitness pack giveaway? You don’t want to miss this one before it ends tomorrow!**

Ever since I got home from Savannah on Sunday, I have had little motivation for doing too much productive. I have just wanted to keep the fun going! Good thing this week somehow turned up with little on our schedules. No school functions. No church meetings. No deadlines. No pressure.

In other words, I have done fun activities with the kids and squeezed in a lot of “me time” in between. Lately I have tried really hard to prioritize my time in as non-stressful a way as possible. Instead of cramming *more more more more* into my days, I hope to focus on the things that must get done. The things that have the biggest lasting impact. And the things that fulfill me most.

Such as library and park play dates with the kiddos.

Taking time for my passions, but also taking time for things like reading books.


And getting in my favorite form of “me time” of all – killer workouts!

I did four miles on the treadmill yesterday and it felt so good. I love running so much! I also did Level 3 of Jillian Michaels’ The Shred in the afternoon.

That 20 minutes will get you where it hurts.

Sure, sometimes life gets crazy mad hectic and I have little time for these types of things. BUT - I’m a lot happier these past few weeks than I have been in awhile. All because I have taken some of the pressure off myself and put more of a focus on enjoying life – doing the things I enjoy – having more “me” and “family” time.

Interestingly enough, this topic got a lot of attention when I was listening to my favorite radio show the other morning. The hosts talked about a post they came across about how working moms get just 30 minutes to themselves every day.


I can believe it! I know I’ve been in those shoes and I’m not even a working mom!

I checked it out and, at first, it simply solidified my recent desires to find more balance. Then, I read the comments and found myself slightly appalled. A few of them boiled down to “if you want ‘me time’ either don’t work or don’t have kids, otherwise shut up”. Really?

Kids undoubtedly take a lot of time and commitment. As does work. However, I fully believe women (and men, for that matter) can be exceptional parents, remain committed to their goals, and enjoy some fun. Sometimes certain things have to slide and it’s a constant shuffling of priorities, but it is possible. It’s important to keep perspective, but it’s also understandable to feel overwhelmed at times. And in keeping perspective, I love what a lady who inspires me says:


Awesome, huh? We can all make the most of life. We can all find some time for ourselves to actually love life. It doesn’t have to be one way or the other.

  • What are your thoughts on “me time” with work and/or kids?
  • What’s the last thing you did just for you and/or just for fun?

Posted by on November 9th, 2011 60 Comments

The End

Today marks a sad milestone. I have to say good-bye.






The end.


To our weekly family lunches!

Sorry for the dramatic effect. Did I have you a little worried there? No? Okay, then. I see how you feel. Kidding! Winking smile 

Anyways, today marked the last of our family lunch dates on Thursdays. We did it up just as we normally do with some playtime at the mini park and a standard sandwich/wrap + chip lunch combo.


I picked the two turkey wraps and some original Sunchips for my lunch.

I've had better, but nothing could beat the gorgeous fall day.

Or the fun of time together as a family!

I’m so sad to see this little tradition go, but it marks a good change. The change? Peter got a new job!

He loved where he was working, but a new opportunity came along that he felt compelled to take. A bunch of things just fell into place for this chance, so he rolled with it.  You know how sometimes things just seem to align and you can’t ignore them? That’s kind of how this went.

I’m a little bummed he will be working further from home now, but I trust this change as a good one for him and for our family. His hours will still have him home by 5 pm so we have family time and he won’t have to be “on call” anymore. We’ll just have to figure something else out for our little lunch tradition! Winking smile

Things may not be drastically changing but it’s still a little unnerving. Change always is, in my opinion! I believe the unexpected always poses challenges. I also believe change is necessary for growth in life. And that we have to be open to new opportunities.

quote b

Speaking of opportunities, I found Caitlin’s post from this morning really eye-opening. We can all too easily compare our opportunities in life to others. That does no good! We have to keep our eyes on our own personal ventures and view our current situations as the stepping stones to our futures.

Just like in the success versus achievement mindset I posted about before – we simply must strive to do our best and build up our gifts/talents any way we can with where we are NOW and let things happen naturally. Be open to new possibilities in our own lives instead of dwelling on the circumstances of others’ lives. Easier said than done, I know!

I guess a lot of things have had me reflecting lately on the paths I hope my life takes. Then, I remember that all I can do is be the best version of myself, develop my strengths, and keep an open mind and loving heart. It will all work out..and we each have that option in life. Smile 

  • What’s the last change you had in your life?
  • For fun - What is your dream job?

Posted by on October 27th, 2011 35 Comments


Catch Up With Recent Posts

Announcement Time

Posted: November 23, 2011 at 7:47 am

Well, I have had a whirlwind of a few weeks over here. I missed all of you so much! I can’t express enough gratitude for your patience while I got some important things sorted out. Some scary things. Are you ready for the announcement? Here goes! I will no longer be blogging at Faith Fitness […]

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Self-Love Reflection: The Road Not Taken

Posted: November 20, 2011 at 11:47 am

Hello FFF readers! Nice to meet ya! My name is Carissa and my husband and I blog at Fit2Flex.  Well, I blog…he consults! We are both certified personal trainers with a passion for healthy, active living and clean eating.  I am also studying to become a registered dietitian, a race announcer, and a runner.  Stop […]

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Healthier Eating For Kids

Posted: November 19, 2011 at 10:56 am

Thanks to Plum Organics for sponsoring my post about tips for baby feeding magic. What if you let baby choose what’s for dinner? Check out their cute "Quest for Yum!" video and see what happens! As parents, we want the best for our children. We help them to feel loved. We strive to teach them […]

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Posted: November 17, 2011 at 3:36 pm

Hey, everyone! I wanted to pop in and say I am working on some new and exciting changes.  As a result,I may not be posting as much during the coming week.  Please stay tuned for the big announcement! Love you all! And still feel free to find me on Twitter and Facebook for the time […]

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Where The Change Happens

Posted: November 16, 2011 at 7:54 am

It’s kind of funny. I become a certified personal trainer and the first workouts I turn to this week come from someone else. The book came in for me at the library last week and, after flipping through it, I couldn’t wait to give the circuits a go. Making The Cut includes a lot of […]

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From Beginning To End

Posted: November 15, 2011 at 11:53 am

Good morning! First off, thanks for the many congrats yesterday. Love you all bunches for the tons of support you have given me in so many things this year. I hope I can return a little bit of that love through this here blog as well. So yesterday I had my first parent-teacher “conference” for […]

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