feeling the heat – firemen and first crushes
Posted: September 15, 2010 at 8:00 pmI know this comes as my third post of the day, but I really enjoy this manner of posting! It’s actually less time consuming than you would think. Especially since the times I get to write come in short bursts. So this works perfectly for me and goes well with my schedule and writing style. I do what suits me. Not because someone else does it or prefers it…but because I like it. 🙂 Enough about all that now…
I had such a fantastic day! I knocked my to-do list out of the park and accomplished so much more than anticipated. I managed to catch up on emails/blogs, ship some goodies out for a friend (Hi Lindsay!), and fit in a top to bottom scrub down of the house.
All of that, plus some fun! This morning M & I visited the local fire station for a field trip with the mom’s group.
The kids all got to see a fireman dressed up and pretend to go on a rescue.
They were even able to touch the fire truck. Although I think M was more into getting close to her little boyfriend. They are so smitten with each other. Not even 2 and already has her first crush. We’re in trouble!
As a thank you, a lot of the moms contributed baked goods to the firemen’s lounge. I whipped up some of Meg’s Pumpkin Crumble Bars to share. Easy and delicious. I know because I had to do the obligatory taste test. 😉
I ended the day on a high note as well. Since I didn’t get in my morning workout with the fire station tour, I wanted to do something active together as a family. So we took a nice walk together before dinner. Low-key moments like these make for the best nights.
I used to think that multi-tasking made my days so productive. Over the past few weeks, however, I’ve tried something a little different. Each morning I write out a list of things that I need to get done as well as hopefuls.
I focus on one task at a time and give myself a time guide to help me stay focused. It has increased my productivity more than I could imagine! I get so much finished now and have more time to work on the things I really love. Like #1 - my family and #2 - the blog. I think you should give it a shot if you tend to believe the only way you have time to accomplish anything is through multi-tasking. You might just surprise yourself.
- What time management tips do you use? Do lists help or hurt you?
- How old were you when you had your first crush? I was in 2nd grade. I remember his name was Chuck and he was a football player on the rec team I cheered for. Then, it was Mike in 5th grade. Which, funnily enough, he is a very close friend of my friend who is getting married. Beth (his mom), if you’re reading this you can laugh at me at the rehearsal dinner! 😉
Lists are my best friend. One time I lost my list in the middle of Whole Foods and almost had a panic attack. An employee found it for me and I will be forever grateful. Also, there is so much satisfaction in crossing something off a list.
I tried keeping online to-do lists, but I feel that they are more time consuming than they are helpful.
Yea I don’t like online lists either. You take more time organizing and putting things in. And have to have access to the computer. Not good for me.
You know what’s strange? I just had this feeling you had another blog up and I checked and ta-da!
I love productive days! I also think lists help me keep on track very well. I made one at work today!
Looks like a fun trip to the fire station!
My first crush was when I was 5 or 6, it was my older brothers friend who was at least 10 or 11…no chance for me and my green courderoys, lol
Your little one is so adorable! My first crush was in pre-school. Michael- he was a little blondie also- I always asked my mom to invite him over. haha
I need better time management skills! That’s why I only post 1x a day, it takes me a few hours just to fix my pics, gather my data, and write!! I like how you do it with lists, when I used to do that, I was MUCH better with my time..maybe I should do it again!
The kiddies are adorable, first crushes, so cute! My first crush was definitely in grade school!
I take about 30-40 minutes per post…sometimes if that depending on what it is. The pictures always seem to take the longest though! I have gotten more streamlined with posting by breaking it up into smaller posts though. It really makes it much easier on me.
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I love lists when I need some order. I’m trying to start using Evernote, but not quite seeing the potential – still need to figure it out.
I think my first crush was in 1st grade not sure though, but that’s so cute the two of them.
I can’t believe how much everyone is loving the pumpkin crumble bars! 🙂
When I was oh, maybe 6 or 7, my first crush was my neighbor James and he was an “older man” (by only 2 years!). I would chase him around the backyard and try to kiss him. Hee hee.
They are good! Thanks so much for sharing that recipe. 🙂
Gosh, I never worry about blogging according to a set schedule. I try to write a post a day, but some days I’ll post two or three without a thought … just depends on whether I have anything to say.
Those pumpkin crumble bars look excellent, by the way. I printed out the recipe and will likely whip up a batch before the end of the season.
I always love talking with the firefighters. When I covered cops, courts and city council in Logansport, Ind., they often invited to stay at the firehouse for breakfast. Firefighters are some of the best cooks.
I don’t have a SET schedule because life is always unexpected and I won’t forego living because I HAVE to post. But I do like having a routine and regular times I can fit in writing and posting for me. It makes it easier for me to organize my thoughts and just get it done. 🙂
I am 100% a list person!!!
I totally need lists — I keep paper and a pen with me at all times and I am constantly writing notes to myself. I also write emails to myself to remind me of errands to run or upcoming events.
M and her boyfriend are so adorable. I remember “liking” a boy in 5th grade — before that not so much!
I’m so forgetful that I have to write down everything too. I’ve never thought of emailing myself though. Good idea.
I am a big list maker! They always help me stay organized and on task.
I am SUCH a list maker! I always have multiple ones going!
Hee hee, what a fun question…I think my first crush was when I was like 9..and I was “in love” with the older brother of my best friend.
I need lists too. I forget things easily, and I’m really scatterbrained.
Ah, the older brother of a friend love. I kind of had that going on with one of my friend’s brothers…but then he did something really weird and creepy and I didn’t like him anymore. I think he scared us with bugs or something?? Clearly I had lots of little crushes back in my day. LOL
That “first crush” photo is PRECIOUS.
I learned so (soooo) much about time management from swimming, but unfortunately I don’t have a lot of “tips” per se. I guess I acquired time management skills out of necessity and practice.
I focus on one task at a time and give myself a time guide to help me stay focused.
Completely agree with above statement. I employ the same technique.
My first crush came in kindegarten. His name was Landry Leach and we kissed by the Legos. So romantic. He found me on facbeook not too long ago! Priceless!
Hahahaha!!! That’s awesome. I wouldn’t even know how to find someone from that long ago on facebook. That must have been a flashback. 🙂
Fire stations are so much fun! There is definitely a certain mystique with firemen. Tony did an illustration of a fireman after 9/11 for an art show that was going on a long time ago and it still gets me to this day. Anyway…first crush was when I was 5. His name was Chad and he had a twin sister, Christie. Why do I remember these things and not more things I really want to remember?
I’m absolutely a list-maker. And…my first crush was a boy in my 2nd grade class named Jeremy who ALWAYS wore camo pants.
oh man, my first crush was a boy named rhett at my church. i don’t remember how old i was but i was SURE we were getting married. thank goodness that didn’t happen!
Awww, too cute with M and her first crush. My first crush was in kindergarten. I loved loved loved Charlie. LOL. Sounds like you had a great day. I am a major list-maker. I make lists for my lists even.
So cute! I didn’t have my first crush until 4th grade! BUT, my youngest (he’s 5 and just started Kindergarten) started way earlier. Last year in pre-k, he had his first crush and he fell hard. He was 4. He would talk about her and apparently they even kissed on the playground! Be still my heart…mama wasn’t ready for that!!!! My older son, who is 10, still doesn’t have a crush. They’re so different!
My name is Jamie and I’m addicted to list-making. I make a list for EVERYTHING. I have so many notebooks and papers that I carry with me everywhere. I don’t know what I’d do without them. I have to-do lists, master to-do lists, shopping lists, on and on and on. I have to have them. Maybe I need help???? LOL
I’m totally a list maker! I keep a notebook in my purse and add to my lists all day long.
I’m told I had my first crush in kindergarten, but I don’t remember a thing about it. I still get teased about it, 28 years later! The bad part is, the guy still around town and my older brother constantly threatens to tell him about it even though we now barely know who each other are … yikes!