a hello from little m
Posted: October 2, 2010 at 2:09 pmCheck out the Bloggers of the Day (random from Friday’s fun question)!
- Couch Potato Athlete (loyal, smart, silly) - Holly shares many topics of life and is becoming her best self
- The Non-Dairy Queen (friendly, creative, helpful) – Sarena cooks up delicious meals for her family and to accommodate food intolerances
- Where’s The Beach (loyal, intense, sincere) – Heather shares amazing recipes and kick butt workouts
Now onto today’s “guest post” from little Makenzie! Some fun for Saturday. 😀
Hi, there! I hear you people know a lot about me.
Well, my mommy can exaggerate some things so I want to set the record straight. I’m not a little diva. Okay. Maybe I do have a little diva in me. But deep down, I’m just an ordinary girl. Although it sure would be nice to have a pony like the one I rode last weekend. Maybe I will buy one from my singing gigs. You’ll witness my talent soon. I promise. Obviously, I am scatter brained like my mommy too. Where was I? Oh yea. Planning to tell you about my days…
Each morning I wake up at around 6 am and make a little wail. I like to picture my mommy holding her breath waiting to see if I will interrupt her quiet time. It never fails to fool her. Hehehe. Then, I go back to bed until around 7:30 because I need my beauty sleep.
Once I get my mommy upstairs to change my poopy diaper and get me dressed, I convince her to make me oatmeal for breakfast yet again. I love my oatmeal. Not as much as I love my Word World though. I need to find a way to get my mommy to let me have oatmeal while watching Word World. How awesome would that be?!
I get to watch TWO twenty minute episodes each morning while mommy gets some things done. After that, my mommy lugs me off to places like the gym, the store, or (if I’m lucky) playgroup.
After we come home, it’s time to play some more! I love to color, read books, and sing my favorite songs. Would you like to hear me sing “Twinkle Twinkle”?
I will hand out crayon autographs after lunch. I’m a hungry girl and its time for me to eat!
Oh, wait. Hold off on those autographs. After lunch, its nap time. I think my mommy cries my entire nap because I’m not there to play with her. Don’t you think so? Not too long after nap time, Daddy comes home. This makes me so happy! I love being a Daddy’s girl and playing with him in the afternoon.
What a busy day! I start getting tired around 7 so I have my dinner and bath time. Then I get all cozy in bed and say night night to Mommy & Daddy after my prayers. Love Mommy. Love Daddy. Love Jesus. Love Nana, Papa. Love Teddy. Good night!
.,uboljmnb l 7uh (aka Makenzie ;))
- Fun Question of the Day: What’s your absolute favorite part of the day? Mine is when Peter gets home and we have time together as a family. It’s a close second to the coveted nap time. M only fools herself that I cry during those sweet, sweet moments. 😉
Tags: makenzie
Thanks so much for the mention! You’re the best. I love this post – so cute. M is an absolute doll!
Awwww how sweet! I have such respect for you. Being a mother is hard work..
So Cute!
That was the cutest thing ever-listening to her sing Twinkle Twinkle! omggg! aww =)
Your DD is sooo adorable! And I can tell just from this video that you’re such a good mommy. 🙂
Aw, thank you so much!!! All I do is my best and hope that’s enough to help her grow in love.
That’s all we can do. And remember to give ourselves some grace. 🙂
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Heather Iacobacci and Tina Reale, Tina Reale. Tina Reale said: New blog post! – http://www.faithfitnessfun.com/4381/a-hello-from-little-m/ […]
On Saturdays, it’s probably early morning, like from 7-10 when I’m drinking my coffee, and I seem to get more done then. During the week it’s probably that late afternoon time, when I get out of school, and am able to walk/run on a trail with this nice weather we’ve been having!
What an ADORABLE post. she is so so cute. You are very blessed 🙂 My favorite part of the day is getting a kiss from my husband when he gets home from work
omg I love this and it makes my ovaries hurt!! She is so beautiful.
Ovaries hurt! LOL Doesn’t sound like a good feeling. 😉
(i know what you mean, though)
Omg so adorable!!
Soooo adorable!!
anddd my computer was flipping out 🙂
Oh my goodness. The cutest post ever, Tina. LOOOOVE HER!!!!! xoxoxoxo
Don’ you love how she booty dances to the song too. I couldn’t really get that on the screen but she likes to shake it. You know, in between farting and laughing for humor. 😉
That video was PRECIOUS! My nephew is always singing or humming twinkle twinkle little star. But pretty much just repeats the “up above” part over and over 😉
Em is so cute! I love her smile.
Aww … Miss M is just adorable. My favorite part of the day? That’s hard to say. I guess it’s any time I’m able to sneak in some writing …
awww, what a sweet post!
I still am in awe of the workload of the 30 days btw. Wow. You’re an ambitious one 🙂
Fave time of the day = naptime or 3am when Im still up and no one else is. Pure silence and bliss and solitude!
love the ladies you linked at the top of your post, all of them are awesome girls!
I think those moments of solitude are the most precious moments. We don’t get too many of them as moms!
Awww, what a sweet post, you’re so blessed 🙂
This was an absolutely adorable post!
My favorite part of the day, at least lately, is my “me” time right before bed…I curl up with my Bible, journal, and a book to unwind. Sometimes, I’ll watch an episode of Friends or The Big Bang Theory, too! 🙂
Aww, she’s so cute.
My favorite part of the day is when Jason and I lay in bed and talk before we fall asleep. When we’re in the living room, he’s usually watching tv and I’m playing on the computer and it’s like we’re in the same room but we’re not.
Peter & I do that a good bit too in the living room. Actually thats exactly what we’re doing now. LOL I think thats why I love our long walks together so much. 🙂
I am in love. With M. With your family. With Jesus. With this blog. Thank you.
I think your comment about sums up how I feel every single day. And that love comes right back to you, Sarah. 🙂
How adorable!
So cute! M is a lucky little girl to be able to do so many fun things with mommy and daddy 🙂
So adorable! Love the video of her!! I love the very end when you say “Say bye bye” and she says “say bye bye.” hahahaha!! Such a cute age!! 🙂 She is going to be such a great big sister!! 🙂
My favorite part of the day is when Andrew gets home from work and we eat dinner together and hang out watching TV. That is heaven to me! 🙂
I love this post! I feel honored that you mentioned me with two amazing ladies! Thank you! M is just so adorable! I love baby cheeks and she has a great set of them! My favorite part of the day is when we all 4 come together at some point. Things get crazy as they get older and the times that we all get together become more sporadic. I love a good meal time with all of them! Have a great day Tina! It should be a beautiful week!
I think meal time together is so important. It’s one of my favorite parts of the day too. Especially since I know things will only get more hectic as kiddos get older, like you said.
What a little cutie pie!
Like mama, like daughter. (0:
Little M is the cutest, Tina. I loved this post – thanks for sharing it. 🙂
I think my favorite part of the day is the morning (and not just because I get to eat my favorite meal). 🙂 I love the new start and morning sunshine.
So Precious!
this is one of the best blog posts ever.
she is TOO cute for words. 🙂
awww such a sweet post. she is a sweetheart! can i babysit? hehehe 🙂
THIS POST WAS THE CUTEST GUEST POST!! omg she melted my heart!!! <3 <3
Tina, what a sweet post! Your daughter is just so adorable and that video of her is the cutest thing ever.
I see you have a future blogger on your hands :).
I love the video of her. So sweet and innocent!
Oh yes, a little blogger. She loves the computer and is always asking “picture?” LOL
Awww, cutest post ever!
Oh, she’s awesome. I like the bit about “mommy holding her breath to see if I’m going to interrupt her quiet time” – so true. Except my Buddy is an early riser and doesn’t care about beauty sleep so he pretty much always does.
I’ve been really enjoying your blog since I’ve started reading it -love the tagline “because there’s more to life than food and fitness.” Again, so true. Glad to find another mommy who runs and keeps things in perspective!
Thanks so much! And it certainly is always great to connect with like minded mothers. 🙂
[…] mom. Makenzie kept my hands full today…from 6 am on. Her little fake-mommy-out cry she shared in her “guest post” wasn’t a fake today. I lost my hour or so of productive time this […]