Wordless Wednesday
Posted: September 10, 2009 at 12:33 amYes, I know I have already posted an update of my workout so it's not entirely "Wordless Wednesday" but I figured I would wrap up the night with a shot of my dinner - something I will have to get VERY used to eating over the next 8.5 weeks! Delicious romaine, spinach, onion, cucumber, carrot, grilled chicken in a light dressing. Now time to watch So You Think You Can Dance!!!!
Tags: fitness competition
LOL! Guess i won't tell you that I had some HG chicken pot pie and a WW ice cream sandwhich 😉
I actually think that salad looks pretty tasty! What kind of dressing do you use?
Lisa – Its a light caesar dressing I used last night. Although I mix it up with various ones…light balsamic, light citrus vinaigrette, light honey mustard, etc. Basically any light Newman's Own dressing LOL
That salad looks reallyyyy yummy..
Hi – It's Starya80 AMY!!!I'm getting used to this blog thing-a-ma-bob! This morning I could not figure out how to post. So know I AM reading along!Your salad does look good! Try to vary it up al little here and there so you don't dislike salad after 8.5 weeks! When do we get progress pics?? 🙂
Yay Amy!!!! Oh I'll vary it up dont you worry. Although it would be nice with a lot of blue cheese on it and I dont see swinging that one. LOLProgress pics this weekend 🙂