watch me turbojam

Posted: October 4, 2010 at 5:16 pm

Well, today’s morning post certainly made for some interesting discussion. Thank you for sharing all your thoughts in a quality manner. Overall, I view the healthy living blog community as such a positive environment that can help many. It is part of why I continue to involve myself in this little blogosphere. In the end, we each must do what works for us and remember that blogs do not show everything. Keep things realistic to be the best you possible. Find inspiration from others and keep it real in the process. Onto lighter things…

Sometimes technology can give me such a headache. I admit that I could not live without it. Heck, it serves as a great source of creativity (and adult interaction) for me every day. Today, made me want to toss my little netbook across the room. Do you know how hard it is to rotate a video image from your digital camera? It’s not only hard, it’s downright evil. Which is why the video below is in fact still sideways.

Getting my fitness on rocks my world. Plain and simple. Without some sort of activity almost daily in my life, I feel at a loss. I love movement. I love improving my strength and cardio abilities. I love feeling strong and seeing changes in my body. My workout time also stands in as my “me” time. I can get in the zone and really delve down deep into my thoughts. Exercise is fun, challenging, exciting, invigorating, reflective, and downright fabulous. It makes me giddy like a school girl when her crush asks her to the homecoming dance.

I wanted to share the above super low quality clip of me doing exactly what I love. Well, one of the many things I love. Because TurboJamming, spinning, weight lifting, ellipticaling, plyo jumping, running…I love it all. Upon seeing that video clip, I could think about how I can’t do the intensity I love or dwell on the fact my body is a lot softer and my butt a lot bigger. I don’t though. I choose to sit in awe that my body can still move that way at over 6 months pregnant. I choose to look at how happy I am…because I know I’m smiling on the inside. I choose to remember that I do these things to honor my body. I choose confidence.


  • Do you love working out? What is your favorite form of exercise?
  • What does exercise do for you?

Atlanta Blogger Meet-Up!!! I’m helping organize a blogger meet up in the Atlanta area. If you are interested in more details and haven’t received any already please email me at [email protected]!

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54 Comments to “watch me turbojam”
  1. LindseyAnn says:

    I really don’t love working out per se. What I do love is running. I love it for the pure simplicity of it. I love the challenge it presents every time. I love the various looks and reactions I get from people when I tell them I run, and especially when I tell them I’ve completed a half marathon and am planning to run a full marathon someday. When I run, it both empowers me and fires me up, and at the same time it helps calm me down and center me in a way nothing else can.

  2. You say you aren’t doing it very intense, but dang, girl!

    I saw it and thought look at her go with that baby inside of her! you are workin it!

  3. Lisa says:

    I love running and I love plyo’s too. I love workouts that leave you dripping in sweat! I just love that feeling. I haven’t tried turbo jam yet, but I hear its amazing! Thats so awesome that you are doing that pregnant!

  4. I’ve always loved running, but I’ve recently developed a love for other types of exercise too. Like strength training. I’ve never, ever done it before. I had weights at home, but I never used them until recently. And yoga, Im falling in love with yoga too. 🙂
    Working out just makes me happy. It also makes me nicer, which isnt only beneficial to me, I know my boyfriend appreciates it too.

  5. Jess says:

    I love swimming! It’s what is most fun for me and feels less like work than anything else:)

    You look great turbo jamming!! Especially for 6 months pregnant- geesh!

  6. Emily says:

    Lady, you’re awesome. That video looks INTENSE! 🙂

    I do really like working out. I’m super into yoga and I love walking. There are also days when all I want to do is use the stairclimber or run…I think the key to my love is mixing things up and paying attention to what I want to do.

  7. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tina Reale, Tina Reale. Tina Reale said: watch me turbojam: Well, today’s morning post certainly made for some interesting discussion. Thank you for sharin… […]

  8. emily says:

    I really hate working out…but I do exercise monday-saturday. I have finally given myself a rest day which is sunday. The reason I exercise is help start my day and get my body functioning regularly. The reason I hate exercise is because it feels like a chore in which I have to do regularly. I hate missing a workout session though.

    • Sarah says:

      Aww Emily, I’m sorry that you hate working out 🙁 Life is too short to do something you hate. Can I ask what types of activities you’ve tried? For me personally, I’ve found that I need to switch up my cardio workouts to keep me entertained and I definitely someday workout even when I don’t feel like it. Have you tried different machines or classes? Or even just going for walks?

      • emily says:

        Its mainly because I had an Exercise Eating Disorder a few months ago. I am now in recovery and found that exercise doesn’t have to be a chore! I find it a bit more pleasant each day. In the past, I would completely exhaust myself from exercise…now, I have learned (and still learning) that exercise is great for the body and should make me feel alive..not died!
        Thanks so much for your support!

        • Sarah says:

          Aw, I’m glad you are better 🙂 I’ve been down the obsessive exercise path before and it’s exhausting. I’m learning to trust my body (both food and exercise) and not feel guilty for not exercising enough or rigorously. Good luck with your journey!! And all of us bloggies are cheering for you (and are here for support too).

          • emily says:

            Yes, I am soooo much better! I appreciate you being honest with me about ur past too! One of the reasons I have continued to blog is from the support of my blog friends and their personal stories that I can relate too! So, thank you!

            Much love!

    • Tina says:

      Agreed with what Sarah said. If you haven’t yet, try a bunch of different things to see if there’s something you enjoy more. There are so many different ways of moving and fitting in activity. 🙂

  9. Holy crap woman…you are 6 months pregnant…now I feel like such a girl! I love kickboxing, interval training, plyometrics, weights, yoga…I think that about covers it. I love hiking too, but that is more for the outdoors than the exercise! I get up at 5:50am 5 days a week for “me time” (workout)! I actually do love working out. It makes me feel stronger mentally and physically.

    • Tina says:

      I’m with you on a love of hiking for the outdoors. I never view hikes as exercise…although they certainly are physical.

  10. You are rocking that workout. I watched with the music off but I can tell it was intense.

    Great for you to keep moving during your pregnancy. I know a few people who use pregnancy as an excuse to be inactive and worst, eat a lot of junk food.

    You’re a healthy mama 🙂

  11. ashleigh says:

    Look at you go!! Turbo jam looks like fun.

    Did you come up with that quote? I really like it!

  12. Meghan says:

    My favorite workout is yoga. I love what it does for my body and my mind. I also love walking. I know it’s not as intense as some other things, but just talking a long brisk walk really makes me feel great. You rock that workout Tina! I am terrible at technology….my video would have been sideways too 🙂

  13. Great post. I love to change up my workouts and forms of cardio. Keeps it interesting, so my favorite ways to move change – with the exception of lifting.

  14. Jam it up! woot woot!

    My favorite workout is running… probably extremely obvious. But I love it because I feel SO STRONG afterwards. And there is nothing like being in a dead sprint with a boy to the finish line. Or finishing your first race… or half marathon… it’s fantastic. 🙂

  15. Katrina says:

    I live in Alabama so if the time is right, I would LOVE an Atlanta blogger meet up!

    Yes I love working out. My heart is running and lately I’m doing early morning Crossfit for strength training. My back and left leg are not perfect and I rely on strength training to keep those muscles strong so my IT band can track properly. I love it adore it can’t live without it!

    • Tina says:

      We’re most likely doing Friday night Oct 29. Let me know if you think that may work for you and I’ll send you all the info on where and when the final decision on when is made. I would love to meet you! 🙂

  16. homecookedem says:

    Turbo Jam looks fun! I have a friend who teaches Turbo Jam and she LOVES it!!

    I do love working out. I like getting up and moving. Right now my favorite form of exercise is walking with friends. It’s a great way to keep me healthy and social at the same time!

  17. Cynthia says:

    That’s awesome that you still have the energy and ability to work out when you are 6 months pregnant. You are an inspiration.

    I never used to work out and in fact, there are days where I still have to push myself to get it done (because I am feeling a little lazy). But as I am exercising, I feel strong and healthy. I feel like I am doing something good for my body. I love it! The cardio I do most often is elliptical or kickboxing. But I think the workouts that I love the most right now are Pilates and 30 day shred. There is nothing that makes me feel stronger more than strength training.

  18. Yes, I truly do love working out. Lately, my favorite form of exercise is running!

    Exercise clears my head, makes me feel good about myself, helps keep my body strong, and gives me confidence. 🙂

  19. You look awesome and you are working up a sweat! nice job!

  20. Natalie says:

    It looks like you and the baby had a great workout! Sometimes it’s nice to just do your thing at home so you can get after it! I don’t think I can pick a favorite workout…I like so many different ones!

    Also, that is one of the best Operation Beautiful notes I have read…I’m totally going to use that one:)

    PS. I wish I lived near Atlanta so I could be a part of the blogger meet up!

  21. What a great Operation Beautiful message! In general, i love working out. I especially love the way I feel after I got done with a tough workout. I just feel so proud of myself that I accomplished it and what a good thing I am doing for my body!

  22. I hope I can be as active if I’m in that situation, but then again, I’m already paranoid that my body wouldn’t tolerate it.

  23. Sarah says:

    Love the TurboJam 🙂 I hope to be that active when (if) I’m pregnant.

    I love doing all types of workouts especially cardio. I love to switch it up between step classes, running, elliptical, stair step machine. The only class I don’t particularly like is spin mainly because the seat hurts! And I’ve recently found a new appreciation for yoga as I’ve become better at meditation and being more present in the moment.

    • Tina says:

      I have to switch things up too!! I say I have Exercise ADD. 😉 And for spin…have you tried going regularly for a month? The seat will KILL for about a month, but if you go regularly enough your butt/area get used to it.

  24. Look at you go! That looks like such a great workout! Especially with baby in there, good for you!

    I love exercising but find I can get bored pretty easy, as well as injured super easy. I love spin classes because they are pretty low impact and keep me from getting bored. Plus- love strength training so I always make sure to include that as well!

  25. Felicia says:

    I really do love working out and how it makes me feel. Love to switch it up! Weight lifting really shapes my body, and I have to switch up cardio between running, biking, and plyo. I really miss swimming though and wish I could do it more often, that really tones my body and gets the endorphins pumping!

  26. Ameena says:

    I really do love working out – my favorite thing is yoga, but I also enjoy the 30 Day Shred sometimes. And walking and running are musts!

    Turbo Jam looks really fun…I am going to check it out!

  27. hey girl bravo on the last post for addressing the issues at play. i applaud you for tackling some tough ones and not sweeping it under the rug 🙂


  28. Kristy says:

    Thanks for the morning giggles! Video = TOO CUTE and accurate! 🙂

  29. That baby inside of you must love the movement!! You are doing amazing things for your body & health even while pregnant.

  30. amy says:

    Working out makes me feel strong, healthy, and like I’m being good to myself.

  31. Could you BE any cuter? I don’t think so! Gah, you are SUCH an inspiration to me! I was just telling Hubbs THIS MORNING how when I’m preggo, I want to continue working out and staying active and then I see this video and it just makes me that much more adamant and determined to never get lazy and always stay healthy, fit and active…especially before babies come so that I can pick up quickly after they are born! YOU. SERIOUSLY. ROCK!

    • Tina says:

      What perfect timing then. 🙂 It feels really great to still be able to take care of yourself. I think I would feel a lot more achy and generally blah feeling if I couldn’t maintain some sort of fitness.

  32. Heather says:

    that note is awesome 🙂

    i love working out because it makes me feel strong and beautiful…who wouldn’t want that? 🙂

  33. Wow girl, you are tough! I hope that whenever I get pregnant I can have the same resolve as you & work out through the entire pregnancy!

    I love working out – cycling is my absolute favorite. Without working out, I think I’d be more grumpy (helps me blow off steam) and certainly wouldn’t be healthy! I see regular workouts as a means to living a long happy life.

  34. Nichole says:

    I dont see anything big here, are you crazy?! This video made my day!! OMG that’s awesome, look at your coordination:)

  35. My favorite workout is weight training, spinning, and kickboxing. I love how I feel after completing these task. I so can’t wait to get back to them once the little onei s born. Right now walking is my best friend. exercise is my “me time” and I love it because I can throw opn my headphones and just zione out for an hour or so. It makes me a better person when I work out.

  36. Nic says:

    Girl you are rockin that turbojam! I bet baby is loving it too 🙂

  37. Sava says:

    You look like you’re having a blast! (a sideways blast 😉 )

    I always feel silly when I turbojam because I have done the video all of 2 times and don’t know any of the moves XD

  38. Oh my gosh I love me TurboJam!!! I’ve been using that program and everything else made by Beachbody for 3 years now. I love the energy and variety that the programs give me. But Turbo is my ultimate fav. Chalene (creator) contributed a great deal to my inspiration and workout LOVE!!! I now have a fitness business with Beachbody so I’m a tried and true fan 😉

  39. […] workout. I’m so in love with spin right now. I wonder what the instructor would think if I tried filming myself […]

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