a girl can dream

Posted: October 8, 2010 at 9:00 am

Bloggers of the Day!!! (chosen randomly from yesterday’s comments)

  • A Road More BalancedAllie rock climbs and how awesome is that?! I also love her insightful thoughts
  • Keep’n the Faith – Kat keeps a great balance of fun posts and post that share great tips and topics
  • Embrace Your Skin – Camille has a marathon this Sunday! Good luck!!!!


A dream is a wish your heart makes…when you’re fast asleep…Hold up. Fast asleep? Ha! No one in this house is fast asleep this morning. Including the rugrat who will no longer sleep past 6 am and robs me of my quiet time. I almost titled this post “A Grill Can Dream”. Yes, I’m sleepy and distracted. But I refuse to let a disturbed morning give my day a rocky start again. So, I dream.

Awhile ago, Gina shared her vision of her life in 10 years and how empowering it felt to picture. While I certainly feel blessed with my current life, that also doesn’t stop me from having dreams for what the future holds. Gina mentioned the personal nature of sharing such thoughts and how vulnerable it made her feel. I can understand that. I know I have mentioned during the 30 Days of Self-Love and other posts that I have hopes for my future, but still have never really delved into what those entail. So, grab a cup of coffee (like I most certainly did) and let me tell you all about it.


Family – I envision a family of four. We have the freedom to do many things together, including the hikes and outdoor activities we currently enjoy so much. We will also have traveled to some fun places and shared new experiences. On an everyday basis, I will be involved in my children's school and hobbies, able to cheer them on and provide for them however they need. Peter & my relationship will have continued to strengthen and our bond will only have grown closer. While things certainly may not seem as exciting and crazy as in the Kardashian family (thank God!), we will have love and never take it for granted.

Personal WellnessIn the future, I will continue to have a balanced approach to health. I will have reached my goal of getting back to my “happy place” years ago, about a year after baby B was born, and maintained it since. During these years, I will also have learned more and continued to make improvements to my value of food and understanding of what works for my body. I hope to be more mindful of ingredients, more skilled in food preparation, and 100% aware of the best choices for my body and my family.

FaithI will feel closer to God than ever. Prayer will come even more naturally than it does now. I will have developed more relationships in my church and found my fit for how to serve. I will act as a great example to my children. I will be a bit calmer too…which believe me, can pose a struggle right now.


WorkThis one is probably the hardest to share on the blog, because it involves the blog. I cannot express enough how much blogging means to me. It is my special thing. My creative baby. I seriously would love love love for it to grow enough to help me earn a bit of money for my family, allowing me the freedom to work on my own time and “be my own boss” as they say. I do not have delusions about this at all, though. I never anticipate (or even dream of) becoming the next big blog or even it becoming something that would compare to a full income.

My main hope is for it to simply gain enough momentum to where it can compare to any extra pick-up work I would be doing when my kids go back to school a few years from now or for it to work easily alongside other ventures such as personal training, group fitness, or if I’m lucky, some writing possibilities while providing extra for my family. This is not the be-all-end-all hope for my future, but it is what I would love to do. And please, do not feel like I blog or connect with you all for this sole purpose. I blog because I truly love it and each of you.

If I knew this would go absolutely nowhere, it would not change anything right now or anywhere in the near future. I cannot imagine myself now without blogging because I value it that much. It truly is one of my biggest passions now and I can’t deny the place in my heart that says to pursue it - mostly because I love it, but also because who knows if it is part of a path God placed me on to become something a bit more. I hope that makes sense. I also hope you know I keep a realistic attitude and have no expectations but to keep on keeping on and wish you all to join me. 🙂


I feel a bit odd putting all that out there. However, I never shy away from sharing. Even when it does make me feel a bit vulnerable and exposed (in general). Or silly/guilty (when it comes to the blog bec I don't want you all thinking that why I do it).

  • What are some of your hopes and dreams?

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44 Comments to “a girl can dream”
  1. you know where i’m at on the blog thing too…i just want it to supplement our income enough so that when we do start having kids i can stay at home and raise them. that’s probably my biggest dream right now…well, that and a kitchen the size of the house we have now. no big deal 🙂

  2. Susan says:

    In ten years I hope to be starting a family and living back home close to my parents. I’d like to still be training part-time while raising children and of course writing (hopefully paid!). And I’ll have a dog with a big yard 🙂

  3. When life gets busy and my to-do list gets long, I tend to focus on the right now and not think about the future. That’s crazy wrong because there is no point in accomplishing the to-do list, if the things on it are not furthering my dreams and goals. Thanks for the reminder that I need to keep the finish line in mind.

    • Tina says:

      It’s a tough balance to find, huh? We can’t get so caught up in the future that we lose sight of the here and now and appreciate our current situations, but we can’t ignore that what we do today does have an impact on tomorrow. I think that balance is one of my greatest struggles.

  4. You know, it’s funny that I’ll look 5 years down the road, but I rarely look 10! In 10 years I see myself married and settled into a great career in the industry that I have found myself in (and LOVE). I see a lot of travel, a lot of time spent outdoors, and a lot of happiness!

    • Tina says:

      Travel is definitely something I hope to be doing more of in the future. I love it but right now the funds are kind of tight for trips. We do have plans for a 5 year wedding anniversary trip which I already can’t wait for. It’s 2 years away though. LOL

  5. Kat says:

    I am totally with you on the blog thing. I think that is a lot of bloggers dreams now. We all have seen the amazing world of blogging and we have experienced the love of strangers, it makes us want to do it for our job! I also hope to be more solid in my faith. The trails od has given me have truely become blessings, and I cant imagine NOT have going through them. My main thing is control. Giving God control is so hard for me. I can give it to Him, but LETTING GO, is where I mess up. Which is weird, since He has never and never will let me down. Guess I am just a control freak!

  6. Marg says:

    I’ve been going through a lot this week and part of it was realizing I’m at that point of wanting more w/my boyfriend (been 4 years dating). oh man this is hard to put out there, but easier since it’s your blog and not mine! I’m ready for marriage and a family. Right now I’m just working on my short term goals, because they’ll add up in the long run.

    • Julie says:

      I’m with Marg – it’s much easier to put this out there on your blog than mine 😉
      I want really really really to run a wonderfully successful outdoor bootcamp here in Portland.

    • Tina says:

      That’s so hard. Because you don’t want to put pressure but you also have to stand up for your desires/needs too. And being patient with the right timing is tough too. No matter what though, enjoy the present. 🙂

  7. Felicia says:

    Love your dreams. I’ve been reflecting on this a lot more now, since I’ve drastically changed the way my life was going. I should make a list, I’d love to reflect on it 10 years from now to see what I’ve accomplished and how things change

  8. Allie Finch says:

    What beautiful insight into your world & hopes & dreams; it is touching & inspiring. To expose & make yourself vulnerable like this is truly beautiful — & brave — you are a strong woman obviously capable of reaching all your dreams. Thank you for sharing this Tina. 🙂
    I know what you mean by “allowing me the freedom to work on my own time & ‘be my own boss’.” My husband & I are seeking just that — the peace & fulfillment of doing what we enjoy & living simply — & we are up & moving next week, without much idea/security of what it holds. It’s one of our dreams [to not hold back] so we just have to go for it, live it.
    Thank you for the shout-out; you are too sweet.

    • Robyn says:

      Great reply Allie. You summed up my thoughts to Tina also. Tina, I hope that you continue to dream big and brave forward. I enjoy your blog and insight/outlook on life. 🙂

  9. I know it’s scary to put it all out there. But that is what makes you blog wonderful 🙂

    I dream of finishing school, having babies, and living life as a family. I can’t even imagine what it will feel like to actually create my OWN family. I’m so excited for motherhood and what it will bring.

  10. I am a firm believer that there is great power in putting down these hopes and visions on paper.

    It’s kind of like speaking them into being! 🙂

    I have no doubt you will get everything your heart desires!

  11. Camille says:

    This is a wonderful post.
    I think my biggest dream is just to be happy. I want a job and kids and I don’t want to live with any regret!

    Also, thanks for the words of encouragement! I really, really appreciate it!

  12. Tina thanks for sharing your dreams!

    One dream of mine is having a child (or 2) and staying home and raising them. We will be in a financially good state very soon (paid off credit cards, building savings, paying off cars, etc) and I’m excited for the possibilities. Another dream of mine is to travel with Jason more — to see the world. There are so many exciting places out there and I’d love to see them.

    About your blog — I think it is wonderful and your posts show how much care you put into them. I hope you are able to grow and build your blog. There is no shame in that — so good for you for putting it out there!

    FYI-I get email updates about your posts, but they show up at 9pm each night — not sure if that happens to everyone. I just happened to check yours this morning!

    • Tina says:

      That might be a setting through the email subscription. I’ve always done Google Reader RSS feeds for my own so I’m not sure if there is a difference. I might subscribe through email to my own so I can check if it does the same thing for me.

  13. Julia says:

    It was so inspiring to read this post.
    I have very similar hopes for my future, especially in the family department.
    I have another question, but I’ll save it for an e-mail.
    Thanks for the morning inspiration.

  14. Sometimes I wish I could not work and just blog, but of course, that’s not realisitic. Plus, if that’s the case, why the heck am I writing a dissertation? Ha ha!

  15. since we are looking at houses right now, a big wish is to find the perfect one… 🙂

    when I look ahead, my common theme is happy. everything I want will contribute to keeping me, Jason, our family and friends HAPPY.

    You are a great writer… I want to be reading your books one day! 🙂

  16. Annie Crow says:

    Lovely 10-year goals. And you are a good writer, and connect with people, so I have faith that in 10 years you will have writing as part of your work, whether it be in blog form or some other form.

    • Tina says:

      Thank you so much for the encouragement. 🙂 I really appreciate it. I think connecting with people and sharing things I feel strongly about is what makes me love writing so much.

  17. Beautiful goals, Tina. I’m praying that when I graduate I find a job that’s right for me, makes me happy, and allows me to support myself. First, I do have to get to graduation, though… haha

  18. Great post as always Tina!

    It’s so very hard for me to admit (though I’ve hinted towards it from time to time), but my dream is to move back East. I really dislike living so far away from my family and the beautiful scenery back there. CA has treated us well, but I hope within the next 5 years, we’ll be moving on to bigger and better things, such as buying a house, starting a family, and establishing some roots.

  19. Angela says:

    Wow, what a great post Tina! I love your vision. I too would continue to blog, even if I received absolutely zero money for it. It takes up a ton of my time, but you find time for things you love. I have a lot of plans for the future, but one is to somehow incorporate my blog, nutrition, and fitness into my career. Only time will tell! 🙂

  20. I don’t think the answer is blogging, for me, but I do hope that I can find a career that I love and look forward to on a daily basis sometime in the (near) future. I just don’t know what that is…

  21. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tina Reale, Tina Reale. Tina Reale said: a girl can dream: Bloggers of the Day!!! (chosen randomly from yesterday’s comments) A Road More Balanced – Allie … http://bit.ly/c99vI0 […]

  22. ashleigh says:

    This is a great post! Thanks for sharing your dreams. I am sure they will come true for you 🙂

    In 10 years I hope to be a stay at home mom with at least 2 kids… maybe 3 or 4!

  23. This is such a great post! It always feels good to share with people you know care about you! I always wanted a family of 4 too! It is even and we (the adults) are not outnumbered! I want to write a cookbook some day. It is kind of a labor of love for me because well, I don’t know anybody in high places or anything. I just like what I do and hope to share it with people. I guess I kind of already do that, but it would be nice to have a pretty book too.

    Enjoy your weekend Tina!

  24. Mellissa says:

    I love reading about peoples hopes and dreams! It is so fun to see where people see themselves.

    I picture myself further exploring my creative side through photography and cooking. Being a very logic and business oriented person I struggle to be creative.

  25. Holly says:

    I know it sounds so silly…but sometimes I’m apprehensive to admit what my dreams, because like you said, it makes you so vulnerable. But ideally, in 10 years my number one goal is to be a mommy. That is really it! 😉 Of course to find a job I can at least stand is a close 2nd, LOL. And on a more serious note, of course I hope in 10 years my faith is much stronger than what it is today. It’s one of those things I “keep putting off,” which is so sad and silly.

  26. May today there be peace within.
    May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
    May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others.
    May you use the gifts that you have received and pass on the love that has been given to you.
    May you be content with yourself just the way you are.


    In honor of todays post i thought you may like this quotation 🙂 have a fab friday.

  27. katie says:

    I seriously LOVE your dreams and love what you are living for. You have everything in the right perspective and it is SO refreshing to see! I know you are an AMAZING wife and mother, and God truly shines through you in your daily tasks. you rock girl!

  28. I know exactly what you mean about the blog thing. It would be nice to bring in extra money, but if it doesnt thats totally ok too. The connections you make through blogging are so amazing they make it all worthwhile.

  29. homecookedem says:

    I loved reading about your dreams for the future. I will pray that they all come true!! 🙂

    My dreams for the future are:

    -Our family prays together and becomes closer and closer to God. I hope to do a good job of showing my children how to be a Christian.
    -My marriage continues to strenthen
    -That my family continues to grow with more healthy and happy babies!
    -We will become financially secure enough for me to be a stay-at-home mom (a girl can dream right!! 🙂 )
    -I will be at a happy weight and balanced, but most of all happy on the inside.

  30. Dawn says:

    My biggest dream right now is to cultivate some sort of home business or special skill set that will allow me to work on my own terms and in my own time. I would really like to build something that I could take with me to wherever I chose to go in the future, so I could relocate freely and could experience some other parts of the country in my lifetime without the concern of needing to find work.

  31. […] dealing with another stressful day, I felt a lot more laid back today. Maybe talking about my hopes and dreams helped me keep my sights on the larger picture of life. Maybe my post on gratitude for the […]

  32. I hope to one day find that perfect career niche that one job that makes me super excited to wake up each day and get going.

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