Winner & A Book Review

Posted: February 4, 2010 at 12:15 am

First of all, thanks to everyone who participated in the giveaway. It was fun and I hope I get the chance to do more in the future 😀 And I hope to see those new faces around still. Now, are you gals ready to know who won some POM Wonderful Juice??? Well, after using here was the result 🙂

#14 Wins!


Morgan from Healthy Happy Place!! Congrats Morgan! She is after my own heart with the cocktails! Maybe we should have a virtual toast 😉 Morgan - email me at [email protected] with the info to get this shipped out to you.

Now onto a book review. This afternoon, before heading out to tutor, I finished my book - Lake News by Barbara Delinsky.

This novel is about a woman who is claimed to have had an affair with a Cardinal of the Catholic Church. The story is false, but her life is discredited which causes her to flee to the small town she grew up in while trying to decide how to battle the ramifications of the news. A journalist in her home town decides to help her get revenge on the man who started the crazy news and of course they grow closer through the process. It also discusses some family dramas in the story as well.

My verdict? I didn't really care for the book. I much prefer Three Wishes by the same author. Lake News continuously dragged on. There was way way way too much unnecessary description and not enough development of the story and characters. Not one I would suggest someone else to read.

No Comments to “Winner & A Book Review”
  1. I WON!! thank you so much!! I’ll email you right now 🙂

  2. Ameena says:

    Thank you for the book review…I am a fan of Delinsky’s but it’s weird how I can totally love one of her books (Secret Between Us) and then hate the next! Sometimes I think that authors are just churning them out so fast that they can’t seem to get all their books up to par!

    Thanks for your great comment by the way! You are right that family should always be first and I really need to focus on that instead of my career! It’s not easy being a mom is it??

  3. kbwood says:

    thanks for the book review girl!
    and your comment was so sweet! thank you so much!
    have a GREAT day!

  4. lisaou11 says:

    ah shucks, didnt win 🙁

  5. julie says:

    sounds like a super scandalous book! thanks for the review though 🙂 i love hearing what other books people are reading 🙂

  6. sophia says:

    I wish I had a Kindle, so I can download books anywhere and anytime with less money.
    But congrats to Morgan!

  7. Nicole says:

    Congrats, Morgan!!

  8. chrysta says:

    Congrats to the winner! Thanks so much for the book review. Im always looking for some good new authors to hit up. I actually havent read any books from the author yet so I will have to check them out. Although I will be sure to pick up Three Wishes First.=) I hope you have an awesome night hon!

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