
Posted: February 7, 2010 at 7:48 pm

I'm a bit late on two of my weekly things - Fun Fact Friday and Good Life Sunday (last week's).

So, here are two facts for you to decide between. Will I fool you again? 😉

  1. I was voted 'Most Spirited' in high school.
  2. I refused to join a sorority in college.

Onto more serious things. Good Life Sunday. The topic of our recent sermons will probably not be met with the most open arms from some. I do not mean it to offend. But -  I will share and I will stand by my beliefs. I do not judge any other beliefs. I do not look down on anyone with different beliefs. I do my best to love every person I come across and show nothing but support and care. But - I will follow what is most important in my life and that is to do what God calls me to do. Jesus asks his followers to share about him and what he did. So that is what I am doing here. I am sharing the truth that is Jesus. Jesus is the truth, the way, and the life. There is no way around that.

Some may say that Christians who believe this are arrogant. That we show a spiritual suprematism. That we should all be tolerant of all religions because they are all the same thing in essence. In reality, all religions are certain their beliefs are the truth and others are wrong. After all, truth by definition is exclusive. Because if something is true, then anything in opposition has to be false. So, followers of Christ professing that Christ is the truth and not agreeing that other beliefs are the same is understandable. And in reality, not all beliefs are the same. Christianity is the only belief with Christ, and a God who shows mercy and grace through him.

This is not to say other faiths are wrong or bad. They still have wonderful teachings, insightful messages, and should be treated with respect. I will never tell you your beliefs are wrong or that you won't get to heaven. What I will do, as I am called to do, is share what I know of Christ and what there is to gain from learning about the love of Christ. Jesus is the truth, because if he wasn't why would he have been sent? Every religion has information on how we are to live, lessons to learn. Humanitarians will say that all we need to do is follow our human nature and be good to each other. Well, the truth is that our nature is sinful. It is harder to follow a giving, kind, compassionate life that is based on sound teachings than to follow our instincts. We never solely needed lessons and teachings from God. That was not enough. Christianity provides more. It provides the truth that Jesus was sent to us to bring salvation. It shows us that God is not only a God of justice with commands on the right way to live, but is also a God of mercy. No other faith shows such grace and love in addition to the other important aspects. Jesus is the truth, because God is good and He provided what we needed - a savior. You are free to believe whatever you choose, but I do hope you will open your mind to consider and perhaps get to know what a relationship with Christ can bring. The freedom, the hope, the mercy, the love. Nothing compares. If you are interested in hearing the full sermon you can click here and then listen to the sermon titled "The Only Way".

I hope you all are having wonderful weekends....last night's dinner and hockey game were excellent and I will be heading out soon for a visit to my friend's new apartment to see her, her new fiance, her new ring and watch The Superbowl. 🙂 PS - Giveaway alert!!! Jamie at Food In Real Life is giving away some Chobani 🙂


No Comments to “Tardy”
  1. Nicole says:


    I’m going with you refused to join a sorority!

  2. hmm, i’m going to go with you were voted “most spirited” in high school? That’s the one I think is true, and I’m usually wrong 🙂

  3. julie says:

    what cute facts! i feel like they’re totally opposite which is so cool 🙂 yay for being most spirited!!!!

  4. Mellissa says:

    I vote number 1 as true 🙂

    Question about other faiths/religions- Do you know how they answer this argument about Christianity? If they have their set of beliefs that claim their religion is the only one, how do they look at Christianity? I am curious how each religion addresses this issue.

    • Tina says:

      Most agree that Jesus did exist, but was just an ordinary man who was part of history or even say he was a prophet, but not the son of God and that he did not have any impact on our relationship with God or the forgiveness of sins, etc. Many other religions are based around one God with many similar characteristics to how God is depicted in Christianity as God the Father (one part of the trilogy) .

  5. I’m with ya, Tina!! Beautiful family, by the way! 🙂

  6. Amanda Estes says:

    Great blog! I completely agree!

  7. Jennifer says:

    Excellent blog Tina! I totally agree with you. Way to share your faith!

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