Quickie Fun Fact Friday

Posted: February 12, 2010 at 9:20 pm

We'll start the post with Fun Fact Friday. Which is true??? Some of you who know me well, will know this right off the bat so don't say you know for certain in your comment! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  1. I have a brother.
  2. I have a tattoo.

Today started off a sad one. My baby girl went from acting like this yesterday morning...


...to this today....

sick sick sick

So most of today was filled with hanging out at the doctor, the pharmacy, and snuggles. She has picked up a tummy bug that is giving her the 'rea and a bad diaper rash on the side. I was already planning to bring her in today anyways because she has a cough that just won't quit. I spoke to the doctor a couple of weeks ago about it and the doctor I saw said there was nothing to do but wait it out. Well, it only got worse so I was happy we didn't see him today and finally got some help for my poor girl. I'm bummed that the tummy bug decided to piggy back ride onto the need for a doctor visit. ๐Ÿ™ Hopefully she feels better soon!

After all the sickies time, the day started to look up when I cooked up some cookie cups. I got the idea from Averie at Love Veggies & Yoga. I didn't put them back in the oven so they would end up more like cups to hold candies. I plan on giving some to the hubs and also to M's nursery peeps. And some may make their way into my tummy too. ๐Ÿ˜‰

And then the day looked up even more. It is doing this outside right now....

I LOVE SNOW and rarely get to see it here in Georgia so I'm enjoying it. Even if it is absolutely nothing compared to the madness some of you have been experiencing recently. It seems like tonight will be a perfect cozy night ๐Ÿ™‚

Alright, time for me to go. The hubs is home early. Whew! I just got done baking like 20 mins ago! I'm sure he smells it though so my surprise factor won't be so great. I'll still be thrilled with the surprised joy from the nursery workers though. I hope you all have great weekends. I plan to have a mostly relaxing one. The highlight of mine will be visiting a good friend for lunch tomorrow. I can't wait to see you Lindsey! ๐Ÿ™‚

Lots of Giveaways!!

iherb.com giveaway from Iowa Girl Eats

Bobo's Oats Bar giveaway from Change of Pace

Rudi's Organics Bakery coupon giveaway from Julie GoLean

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No Comments to “Quickie Fun Fact Friday”
  1. Nelly says:

    Thats an adorable pic of the lil one! I am about to bake up some goodies too!

  2. Gracie says:

    Your daughter is PRECIOUS =)

  3. Keri says:

    She is so cute! I hope she feels better…
    I think you have a tattoo…?

  4. Krystal says:

    I hate that tummy bug! everyone’s getting it! feel better M!

    i can’t believe i don’t know this… do you have a brother?

  5. We’ve had snow in Arkansas too, which is also fairly rare. We mostly just get ice and sleet which is a big mess as I’m sure you know. So, gotta ask, what’s your tattoo????

  6. sophia says:

    I wanna pinch her cutey cheeks!

    And you have a tattoo…I think!

  7. Vee says:

    Shame to hear your baby girl is ill again. I hope you’ll get to the bottom of this and she will recover in no time!
    Fun Fact Friday – I’m thinking #2? ๐Ÿ™‚
    Say Hi to Linds, we miss her! x

  8. Lindsey says:

    Can’t wait for our meet up, I need to get off the computer and into the shower!! See you soon!

    Miss you too, Vee….are you on Facebook?

  9. Lindsey says:

    ooh and I think that you have a tatoo….. ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. I saw those cookie cups on Averie’s blog! Gonna have to make those ๐Ÿ™‚ Sorry little one is sick :< Hope she feels better soon…we got snow too in TX! I just put up some pics!

  11. Ameena says:

    Your little one is too cute…I hope she feels better soon. I remember when Maya was so little and sick and I just felt so sorry for her. And the crying! I felt so sorry for me.

    I was so selfish even back then. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Have a great weekend!

  12. peanutbutterfingers says:

    i love your daughter!!! she is just too, too cute!

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