Blog Inspirations & FFF Page

Posted: November 30, 2010 at 10:53 am

I woke up this morning compelled to say a big thank you! I felt pretty hesitant yesterday morning to post my Q + A on weight. I do not believe a number on a scale shows a complete definition of health, yet know how comforting those numbers can feel as a way to compare, control, measure, etc our level of health/fitness. I too can easily get caught up in them and that serves as a big reason I will not use a scale when getting back in shape post-pregnancy.


In yesterday’s post I wanted to openly share what was asked of me, but I do not plan to explicitly discuss my weight, size, measurements, etc “numbers” (or the little I will even know of them) in the future, as such numbers are so unique to each person. I do thank you all for the respectful and open discussion in the comments yesterday. I appreciate that blogging allows for us to discuss such topics, share our experiences without judgment, possibly learn from each other, and then talk about leaking and hairy legs a few hours later. 😉 Blogging is pretty awesome, huh?

I truly thank the two ladies that originally exposed me to blogging. That would be you two Lisa and Julie! You two may even have something special coming your way as a token of that appreciation. 😉


If not for them, I don’t know if I would ever have come across this crazy, fabulous, and fulfilling world. The 3 of us, along with quite a few other awesome ladies, used to actively participate in a fitness forum. Julie & Lisa both started up blogs around the same time and shared them on the forum. They were the first two blogs I consistently read and I instantaneously fell in love with the blogging atmosphere. It jived so much better with my beliefs on health and fitness. So much so that I could not wait to have a space of my own to share.

It took a bit of time to figure out exactly what I wanted that to be, but eventually Faith Fitness Fun was formed and I will never look back. Thank you Lisa and Julie for bringing me here and your continued support and friendship. And an extra huge thank you to each of you, my readers and friends, who welcome me with open arms each day and make this such a fulfilling place for me to write, reflect, laugh, and vent. I wish I could give you each a hug because it is thanks to YOU that I don’t foresee myself stopping this blogging journey any time in the remote future. Blogging has helped me grow and lit a new fire in my life. I am forever grateful for that…and for you. I cannot even begin to express it all. Thank you.


And I feel a little cheesy posting this update after all I just wrote, but I wanted to go ahead and let you all know that the Faith Fitness Fun Facebook page is now up and running!


I refuse to call it a “fan page” because that just seems so wrong. You’re friends, not fans! You can click the plugin on my right sidebar to “Like” the page to receive updates, pick up random tidbits I don’t always share here, and/or simply to show your continued support. I’m excited for it and can’t wait to connect with you all through there. 🙂 I’m sure my personal account friends are excited too…blog updates only for those who want them. LOL

  • What was the first blog you started reading? Why do you read blogs?
  • What motivated you to start your own blog? What motivates you to keep blogging?

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56 Comments to “Blog Inspirations & FFF Page”
  1. The first blog I ever read was KathEats Real Food. From there I started reading baking blogs because I LOVE to bake. I started blogging myself because I wanted to share my own voice and opinions about the topics that were being discussed AND my recipes!

    I will become a friend of your facebook site! I hope you will become a friend of mine as well!!

    • Tina says:

      Am I not already? My bad if not!!! I usually “like” all the FB pages I come across from my blog friends. Sorry about that.

  2. I love your blog for how open you are with your readers! I am glad you find joy blogging, because I love reading it! You put a fresh perspective on lots of topics and views! Can’t wait to check out your facebook site! : )

  3. The first blog I ever read was Smitten Kitchen! I was hooked.

  4. Ok, what’s my excuse?

    I’m sitting over here, tearing up. You are pregnant–you can do that.

    I guess I’m PMSing–period next week.

    Ok, that’s my excuse :).

    THANK YOU. I am so glad we all found the blogging world–I cant imagine how our lives would be different around all the negativity that was the forum. This is a much better place for us.

    Love you!

    First blog I read was Julie’s, Peanut butter fingers. I never knew this world existed until she brought up wanting to blog. And here I am now. I blog because of the community. I love the people I’ve met. Plus, it gives me an outlet.

  5. One of the first blogs I read was Eat Like Me (Self’s website), and was led to Oh She Glows and it just exploded from there. In fact, YOU were one of my first blog reading experiences and I looked up to how you expressed yourself so openly.

    Hooray for the FB site!

  6. Angela says:

    I can’t actually remember the very first blog I started reading, but I think it was Gina (The Fitnessista). Soon after, I found Julie’s too and I love them both! I started blogging as a way to let my spin class get to know me a little better outside of the gym, and also to keep my family and friends who have moved away/live overseas updated on what I’m doing. I didn’t think it would happen, but it’s actually been a great creative outlet for me and I love the people I’ve “met” through doing so. Including YOU!! 🙂

  7. Astrid says:

    I first noticed blogs when I was using SImply Recipes for cooking inspiration. I soon discovered Joy the Baker and other blogs through her blog. I then realized that this could be a great outlet for me, too! So I jumped in. Aimlessly at first, but it stuck. I love having this outlet and I love all of the friends I have met through it. There are so many awesome blogs out there, though, and so hard to keep track of them all. I read ones that inspire me and make me laugh. Plain and simple.

  8. I love reading your blog because I admire your courage to pour out your feelings and whats going on in your head more than just post recipes and workout plans. I’m always scared to hit publish when i’ve written something personal, and you do it every post!

    The first blog I found was Choosing Raw, totally by accident. That’s just what came up when I hit the StumbleUpon button one day and I ended up reading her entire archives in just a few days. I was intrigued because I knew so little about raw food and she made it seem pretty normal and accessible. From there I found KERF but didn’t actually start reading it until after finding and reading nearly all of The Front Burner.

  9. LindseyAnn says:

    I started my own blog before I even started reading them! Run, Lindsey Ann, Run was started for 2 reasons–1. To keep in touch with 2 friends of mine out west who are runners and triathletes, and 2. to have a way to keep myself accountable for what I did (and didn’t!) do.
    The first blog I read was Carrots ‘N’ Cake (which if I recall correctly was how I was led to Faith, Fitness, Fun!), followed quickly by Eat, Live, Run. I immediately fell in love with this world, and now I have a huge number of blogs that I read and comment on daily. I don’t have a lot of healthy, active people in my day to day life (my family is, but they live 8 hours away), so it’s great to have these places to reach out and feel a connection through similar lifestyles!

    • Tina says:

      I hear you on that. It’s fun having a community that understands the super duper love for workouts, fitness gear, cooking, new food finds, etc.

  10. The very first blog I started reading was Healthy Tipping Point. And it was a total accident when I found it – someone mentioned the website on Facebook & I clicked over & immediately was hooked! I think within only a week I was following TONS of blogs! Reading them gave me great meal ideas, great workout ideas, and great “life” ideas – it helped to see that there were countless other women out there going through the same things I was (albeit at totally different stages).
    After a few months of being a reader, I decided I wanted to try it out. My husband had been nudging me to start one for a LONG time, and seeing that other women did it too made me more interested in it. (Until then, I only ever saw blogs written by my hubby’s friends – and they were not really relevant to my life at ALL). So ,eventually my blog was born & it’s one of the BEST decisions I’ve made!
    I keep blogging because it helps keep me on track – I feel more accountable to myself when it’s in writing for all the world (ok, a handfull of readers) to read! Plus, it’s fun for my family & friends that are out of town to keep up with what’s going on!

  11. the first blog i ever read was Eat Live Run and I was so excited to see how someone could live in wine country and still live a balanced life! i want to portray that through my blog, plus just use it as a writing outlet and way to encourage others. and just as you’re thanking Julie and Lisa, thank YOU for being such an encouragement and pillar of strength for me too 🙂

  12. I actually started out by reading random health-related websites on a daily basis. Through, I found Tina. And then started clicking on her blog roll… and then their blog rolls… and all the sudden I was writing, too!

  13. The first blog I started really reading was Oh She Glows. It was totally by accident too, I stumbled on the Food Buzz awards randomly one day and started clicking through the nominees.
    I was instantly hooked.

  14. KERF was my first blog too. I really enjoy reading about other “real” peoples lives! It’s very inspiring. I started mine in hopes that I may inspire someone too 😀 Even if it’s just myself, LOL! In such a crazy world we need all the inspiration we can get. Hope you have an awesome day!

  15. I started with Self’s Eat Like Me blog…wow– over FOUR years ago!! Hard to believe I’ve been reading blogs for so long!! That lead me to Kath’s, and so on and so forth!

    I’ve really loved writing my own blog– I think I get so much more out of the experience now that I’m not just a reader!

  16. Sarah says:

    Tina, I really wanted to tell you yesterday (but couldn’t- I’m having trouble with my computer) that I found you just as beautiful in each of your 125-ish happy weight photo, your ready-to-conceive photo, AND your pregnancy photos. Thank you for sharing that post; sometimes I find so much value in numbers. It’s a relief to SEE that beauty does not come from the number of pounds I am carrying around. 🙂

    • Tina says:

      Thanks, Sarah! I am finally at a place where I have felt beautiful at each of those stages as well. Sure, pregnancy may be uncomfortable and I may FEEL best (bec of fitness related stuff) at a slightly lower weight than my TTC weight, but nevertheless I always feel beautiful now. All thanks to God, that’s for sure. It’s completely learning to see myself through His eyes that helped me so much.

  17. Nichole says:

    Heading over to check it out! GOOD for you. What an awesome post. So important to show gratitude.


  18. Thanks for the shout out my dear! 🙂

  19. I’m glad Lisa and Julie inspired you to start your own blog — I definitely look forward to reading your posts each day.

    The first blog I started reading was Fitnessista and Oh She Glows. From there I found tons of other blogs to read.

    I started blogging because I wanted an outlet — somewhere I can write about food, fitness, feelings, struggles, etc but to also connect with others (like you!). I only wish I put more time into it. Life seems to be getting in the way 🙂

  20. The first blog I ever read was Kath Eats Real Food. I honestly have no idea how I stumbled upon it but a whole new world was introduced to me. It was incredible…

    I was barely a year into learning how to eat intuitively and suddenly I found so many women leading a healthy life that I was striving for!

    It’s incredible what you can find in a blog. I love your honesty, your thought, your depth and the fun you bring!!!

  21. Gosh I thnk the first ever blog I read was Eat Live Run and I was totally stoked to find there was a whole world of blog out there – including your awesome blog Tina!

  22. The very first blog I found was The Fitnessista, then HTP, then PB&Jenny, and pretty soon the whole world was open to me!! I wanted to start one from the get-go, but it wasn’t until I found Jenny’s that I realized it wouldn’t be weird to talk about ED issues 🙂 I actually started blogging a bit in October of last year, but didn’t really get into it until January!

  23. Becca says:

    I actually started blogging becuase of Lisa too! SHe knew I was getting fed up with negativity and blah blah on forums but still wanted an outlet, and while alot of my blogging is about my training I love that I can yap about other stuff and not feel like I”m breaking the rules!

    • Tina says:

      Dagnabit. I knew I was forgetting some people – you and Marlo – when doing the list of people who used to be on O2. I know you aren’t talking about that, but I was just trying to remember everyone and it was driving me crazy because I knew I didn’t have it all. LOL

      Blogging is SO much more freeing in my opinion.

  24. The first blog I read was Have Cake Will Travel. Her photos are breathtaking! For me, blogging is about sharing adventures in the kitchen and in life. Mine started out as a focus on food and trying to figure out how to cook with food intolerances and allergies…I have always loved fitness and nutrition, so it has evolved into just being about me and how I fit all of this into my life!

  25. lindsay says:

    I’m so glad I found your blog and love hearing about your journey! So inspiring, all of you gals!
    And I already liked you on FB. Way to go, not cheesy at all.

  26. love this post and your blog! as a 7month preggers myself, i def know what you are going through and have also tried to keep it real — bloddy snot, ugly boobs, pills to poop, you name it!

    love reading your blog 😉

  27. chelsey says:

    The first blog I ever read was “Eat like Me” on the SELF magazine webpage – from there, I was exposed to many other blogs and I instantly fell in love! 🙂

  28. I will head over to like you on FB! 🙂 I missed your weight post yesterday but just caught up. Thanks for sharing such personal information. You truly looked beautiful at every weight. I usually judge my happy weight by how my clothes fit and how I feel. Although MY happy weight is a little different than what my husband would like it to be–hahahaha. My jeans start fitting tight and he gives me more compliments on my booty than ever. Go figure.

  29. Hehe I think it’s cool you wanna call it a friend page. I guess that is kind of odd calling it a fan page…though I am a big fan of your blog, I’m a friend to you!

  30. I started out reading the big blogs – Eat Like Me from Self, Kath Eats, etc., but reading Christie’s blog at Honoring Health was what really made me want to start blogging myself. 🙂

  31. Julie’s was one of the first I started reading. Also Caitlin’s at HTP! 🙂

    Shortly after I started my own blog, I found yours. 🙂

  32. Jess says:

    I’m so glad you blog! I love, love, love your blog for all of the things that make you , you – you are so inspiring, so fun, so real. I love that. Let’s see? My first blog and blog friend was Heather at Where’s the Beach. I now feel like we are sisters from a past life. what would I do without blogging – I’d never have met her or you or any of my other wonderful bloggy friends! An amazing world, isn’t it?

  33. Melie says:

    I think my first blog of this category was fannetastic food. I think I stumbled upon it because I was searching for a recipe or something. But the first blog that I actually read and was instantly hooked was Melissa’s at It was so different from all others and honest and just awesome! 🙂

    Then I started my blog, essentially because my friends revolted and refused to listen to me talk about runs and fitness so I had to find some unsuspected strangers to unload that on! And then I found you because you were the first person to ever comment on my blog! Thank you Tina! 🙂

  34. Yay, so glad you decided to do a facebook page! I don’t really remember the first blog I actually read to be honest. Must not have been one that I kept returning to I suppose. It is interesting that there are a few that I started reading that apparently had just started up around the same time as mine. Kind of growing together.

  35. thanks so much for the shout out! 🙂 i feel honored to be mentioned in such a wonderful post. your blog is one i look to constantly for inspiration on healthy living and a balanced attitude (the cute pics of M don’t hurt either!).

    the first blog i ever read was carrots ‘n’ cake, which i found through and article tina wrote for prior to that, i had no idea blogs even existed! now i feel so proud to be part of such a wonderful community.

  36. Lauren says:

    I found Kath’s blog first, then Oh She Glows. They were so fun to read and motivating to me. The blogs were so inspiring while I was in the process of transferring schools and switching majors. I also learned to love spending time cooking & baking & experimenting in the kitchen! I was motivated to start my own blog when I realized how much I loved and missed writing. I also love photography, so I finally began my own at the beginning of this month.

  37. Allie says:

    You look so healthy and happy! I’m glad you decided to do a facebook page, I can’t wait to check it out, I LOVE reading your blog… It was one of the first one’s I’ve read 😀

  38. Camille says:

    The first blog I stumbled across was Kath’s. I fell in love with food blogging and here we are today 🙂

  39. Dorry says:

    This are such good questions. First, I have to tell you how much I love that you are passionate about blogging and not afraid to admit it! I feel passionate about it as well and really appreciate the whole community – sometimes wish I had more time to contribute to commenting, etc.

    Some of the first blogs I read were Heather Eats Almond Butter and Kath Eats…I think that’s where it all began. I had a different blog documenting my life with Billy when we moved to Belize so blogging was familiar to me and I was excited to start a new blog to document my life back in Dallas…studying for a nutrition consultant certification, etc. I keep blogging because it’s become an important part of my day. I try not to think too far ahead with where blogging will lead because I have no idea…so, I use the blog to keep me focused on whatever is going on in my life today…or to reflect on lessons learned, disordered eating, etc.

  40. Becca says:

    YAY! I’ve “liked” the FFF page now. 🙂

    I think the first (HLB) blog I started reading (regularly) was probably Caitlin’s, HTP. After that, it was the ones I found her linking to and those that had blogs linked in comments, etc.
    Although some of our pastors have blogs, they don’t update them as regularly as a lot of others…
    I love reading about other people. I dunno, I like being kept in the loop, you know? There are things on people’s blogs that I’ve never heard of and tell myself that they might be cool—certain recipes, ideas, stuff like that. I like information, I guess. 🙂

    I started “blogging” with MSN (probably about five years ago, in high school), that Spaces Live thing, as a way of fighting boredom and updating my MSN friends and venting. And then I got bored of MSN Chat and quit updating the page and all…
    And then this summer my dad asked me what a blog was, and how you started one and all of that, and I decided it was time I start my own. I don’t broadcast it “in real life” because… I just don’t. So I don’t think any of my real-life friends, etc, know I have the blog. It’s kind of my little project that nobody else knows. I don’t know if that’s necessarily good or bad, but… it’s how I roll! 😛
    I may not have a huge “following” or get a bazillion comments on every post (in fact, you’re the one doing a lot of the commenting, Tina! And like two other people.), but I enjoy it. It’s my way of sharing life, and as time goes on, more people will find me! Just the knowledge that *somebody* has started reading and that maybe I’ll impact somebody’s day positively is what I love about it. 🙂

    • Tina says:

      It took me awhile to tell people that I knew “in real life” about the blog. Now everyone knows about it. I guess it had to come out eventually when it became such a big thing I do. And I was always snapping pictures of random things, like food. LOL

  41. Ashley says:

    I’m still new to the blogging world. I think the first blog I read was Healthy Tipping Point, because a friend of mine had tagged it in her personal blog. Prior to HTP, the only blogs I read were of people I actually know and none of them were doing it professionally (or for a living), it was all just for fun. At first I only occasionally visited healthy living blogs. But when i got engaged and fitness became a more prominent part of my life, I turned to blogs to keep me focused and motivated. Eventually (not long ago), I started my own & the rest is history!

  42. The first blog I read was Roni’s Weigh, back when it was still Roni’s WeightWatchen page. I joined her blog community, then made the jump when she switched to Blog to Lose before finally finding a blog home of my own.

    I still love Blog to Lose, but I’ve stopped visiting. So little time, so many blogs.

    And I now read a ton …

  43. sunny says:


    just had to chime in and say i love your blog & healthy attitude towards everything… i’ve basically left the forum too, just a few people i keep in touch with there and that’s it. no journal of my own though! it’s like a whole different world from when you and the other “regulars” (basically everyone you mentioned) stopped posting! even though i don’t blog myself, i love following along here! 🙂

  44. Anna says:

    I think the first blog I started reading was Vegacious and I was hooked! I started writing my blog so that my family and friends could stay up to date with what is happening in my last year of school. I have also found that blogging allows me to organize my thoughts and document memories that I am making.

  45. Ohhh the days of the forum….I am thankful I’ve met you and Lisa and others from it though. I’m glad we have found a new way of thinking in terms of fitness and food.

    The first blog I read was Oh She Glows, which I love. I also followed Julie (PB fingers) when she began hers and still do, along with you and Lisa’s blogs…love how far you ladies have come! 🙂

  46. Ela says:

    Not sure what ‘forum’ you’re mentioning – but appreciate this spreading of the love – and I hope you’re feeling better.

    I think I gradually slipped into reading several blogs, mostly rawfoods related. Joanna Steven’s was definitely one of the first, and she’s just had a baby too.

    thanks again!

  47. janetha g. says:

    This is such a great post. I love the blogging community and am SO glad I became part of it! I stumbled upon blogs accidentally and thought it would be fun to start one, so I did!

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