I Woke Up Tired…

Posted: December 2, 2010 at 8:18 pm

I woke up tired. And late. But instead of immediately feeling frustrated at another night of poor rest, I pulled out my Bible and devotional to start my day right.

I then had a decent morning before heading out to go visit a friend. On the way to visit said friend, I got stuck behind this guy.


I hate traffic. And smelling nasty things. But Christmas music on the radio can keep me in a good mood.

I head to Atlanta Bread Company so I can pick up lunch for my friend. She just had gallbladder surgery a week ago and I wanted to pay her visit and bring her some food she wanted. I got lost. And my phone was dying. But I somehow managed to get one call in to find out what she wanted and then somehow stumbled across my destination in the process.

I make it to my friend’s apartment and after getting M out of the car shut the door. Only to realize my purse still remains inside. And my keys. Great. And Peter gets quite frustrated when I need help. Let’s just say this isn’t the first time.

Thank goodness for time spent with a friend and a yummy lunch. My camera was with the purse, so it looked something like this.

Although much less glamorous. We were both pretty rough looking today with her recuperating from surgery and me taking a daily beating from pregnancy.

On the way home, things continued to not look so hot. Especially when I saw a sleeping M in my rear view mirror…


I knew that would mean no nap once we got home. I was right. A fussy, sleepy M occupied my afternoon. Prayer (and a good cup of coffee) were involved. The coffee would have been good, if not for this…


The dang filters keep flopping over and getting grinds all into my coffee. Annoying. Especially three days in a row. So…is it bed time yet? I've managed to keep cheery despite minor annoyances and no workout for stress relief, but I don't know how much longer it can last. 😉

  • Do you do something scatter-brained often? I have been all over the place this week! I can’t seem to get my head straight.
  • My Kind Act of the Day = the visit to my friend, bringing her lunch. I know how much it means to me to have visitors (and food) when in recovery.

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50 Comments to “I Woke Up Tired…”
  1. Girl you deserve to sit down, relax, close those eyes and just breathe! Some days just keep knocking ya down no matter how hard we try!

    Possibilities for relief tonight:

    – bubble bath with candles
    – 20-30 minutes of favorite book read
    – zone out to a humorous movie or show while getting a foot rub (hello hubby!)
    – a warm cup of tea since the coffee failed you today!

  2. there is nothing worse than a lovely 2-hour nap at home, being blown by a random 15 min doze off in the car…HUGS mama! I hate it when that happens!

    Glad you at least had lunch w/ your friend 🙂

  3. I definitely have scatterbrained days like that — hopefully fewer of them now that November is over and I’m not spending every spare minute cranking out a 50,000-word novel. But it sounds like you made the best of it. Jenn’s right: take a little time for yourself tonight.

  4. Kristi says:

    I lock my keys in my car more than I like to admit. I’ve finally gotten smart and have a spare set and all the relatives houses that are close to my job and my home.
    Lunch with friends make everything better 🙂

  5. Lori Lynn says:

    I’m sorry your day was kind of cruddy– When I was in High School several years ago, I was out in freezing temperatures rounding up cattle with my brother and my mom in the pitch black night that had gotten out (my dad’s raises cattle). We were using my car’s headlights to be able to see, and when my mom moved the car, she accidentally locked the keys in it while it was still running! The spare keys were also 6 miles away. While she took another vehicle that we thankfully had, to get the keys, I also managed to badly sprain my ankle!
    I hope you have relaxing day tomorrow! 🙂

  6. When it rains it pours, right? If one thing goes wrong then 10 things go wrong. Don’t worry, you’re just getting all the crappy parts of tomorrow over with today! 🙂

  7. lindsay says:

    I am scatter brained most days. Don’t feel bad. But having your bible near is helpful. God knows what we can handle, right?! Hope you get some rest tonight and M goes down early.

  8. I have a tendency to look for things that I’m holding in my hand. Like my cell phone, I will search all over for it only to realize it is in my hand!

  9. Melie says:

    Haha! I totally locked my keys in the car a couple of days ago. The good thing of living in the ghetto is that there are always obliging people around that can break into my car to get them out. And the good thing about owning such a crappy car is that I know they will never bother to break into it for profit! 😛

  10. It’s good you are able to keep a happy face on- I would be down in the dumps, I think! Hope your day tomorrow is better.

  11. Shannon says:

    I mean no offense Tina, but is this what they mean when they say “baby brain”.

    I don’t need baby brain to be scattered. I used to live in a basement apartment with a seperate lock on the door that locked automatically. In the course of the 3 years I lived there, I had to call the locksmith 4 times to drill out and replace the lock because I’d forgotten my keys inside (often running out the backyard to hang laundry or check the bbq). I also forget to the turn the oven off, at least once a month, usually overnight and I wake up to to a VERY hot kitchen. Oh and well at the coffee shop today, I took my rubber boots off because I was in for the long haul (yay stats test!) and than I got up, walked to the counter in my socked feet to order a second cup and was sitting down again before I realized what I’d done and was able to explain the weird looks people had been giving me.

    Take it easy tonight. Tommorow will be a new, less frustrating day.

  12. Camille says:

    M looks like a rockstar in her sunglasses 🙂

  13. I am so scatterbrained. In the past month I have lost an ipod touch and a pair of sneakers. How do you even lose sneakers?? You are a good friend for being there for your friend. I’m sure she really appreciates you.

  14. I am the queen of putting things in places where I’m “100% going to remember where it is”… and then I can never find it. I swear, the biggest reason for me being late is because I can’t find my keys or cell phone

  15. I do scatter-brained things daily. Seriously. Drives my husband nuts.
    Oooooh I hate when car naps ruin the real nap!!!!

  16. Aw, days like that happen to all if us, but it doesn’t make them any more fun 🙁

    Ps- is your friend named Nikki? Was she a KD at UgA??

  17. Natalie says:

    Our coffee pot does that too, it drives me crazy! I always joke that I need to strain it before I drink it.

    I often have scatterbrained days…some days are just better than others 😉

  18. I definitely have days like that. Sometimes nothing feels right or goes smoothly- my clothes are uncomfortable, I drop my bag of groceries, etc. I guess it makes you appreciate the good days! Hope tomorrow is better 🙂

  19. You girls are so pretty!

    I used to have an Atlanta Bread company down the street….I used to love it, then one day I went, readlly craving it…and the door was locked, they were out of business. It was a sad day 🙁

    Hope your friend recovers easy, and hope you are feeling good!!!

  20. Scatter brained is my middle name these days. And it bothers me so much that I can’t remember what I was doing three minutes ago or the names of people I have known for years. sigh.

    I double filter my coffee. Ever since I started doing it, I have had almost no issues with grounds.

  21. Priyanka says:

    You are a very positive person, with so many annoyances in one day, I would be one grumpy girl!

    I hope your friend feels better soon!

  22. Michelle says:

    Hope tomorrow is much more lovely!

    In case you haven’t tried it already, sometimes wetting the filter after it’s in the coffee maker and then pressing the filter sides so they stick to the cup walls will help stop the filter from falling over and making a sad cup of coffee. (Hope this makes sense!)

    Have a super Friday! 🙂

  23. Astrid says:

    I can be super scatter brained at times. My teacher in kindergarten told me that I would lose my head if it wasnt attached. She wasn’t wrong. At all.

  24. Sarah says:

    Awww, I’m sorry you had a rough day 🙁 I remember Atlanta traffic and it sucks! Hopefully tomorrow (Friday) will be better. I’ve found that listening to Christmas carols perks me up. It’s hard to be grouchy when you’re singing “Deck the Halls”…no one wants to be the grinch (something I always tell my dad).

  25. I’m sorry about the rough day. We all have them once in awhile, but you have such an amazing attitude to get through it. 🙂

    Truly an inspiration!

    Here’s to a better tomorrow! 🙂

  26. Dorry says:

    I was so scatterbrained today it was ridiculous! It was one of those days where I could never find the keys or my sunglasses and they were usually on my head or in my hand. I’m hoping for a more focused, productive day tomorrow.

  27. Shady says:

    Oh the coffee. Have you ever tried a reusable filter. Their made out of plastic and mesh and just need to be rinsed out between cups. You should be able to find them at big box stores or even well stocked grocery stores and I believe you buy them by the number, like paper filters. Because their heavier, they stay where they’re supposed to and no more coffe grounds!

  28. That is the worst with the coffee filters! I thought maybe I was just the only person who couldn’t seem to put a filter in right… lol

    Ugh. It not only ruins the coffee (sometimes), but then you have to deal with cleaning out the top of the machine.


    Sorry it was a rough one. But the weekend is here and I hope you get plenty of relaxation!!!

  29. Ugh, what is it about those kinds of days, they seem to snowball too. And I do brainless things all the time! Oh, I tried to do an act of kindness Wed. We have an internal bulletin board on our intranet that people post things on. One lady was trying to help a young girl furnish her first apt. I had 2 chairs and 2 lamps and told her I’d take $15 for all of it. I figured the girl needed them way more than I needed the money (and I could have gotten more than that easily). Anyway, the lady came to pick up the stuff and we got it all packed in her van. She gave me $20 b/c she thought I deserved more and was being so kind in trying to help. I guess that was a pay it forward at the same time huh?

  30. LindseyAnn says:

    Oh, what a day. 🙁 I’m glad you could stay positive though!
    For me, it’s not IF I do something scatterbrained, it’s WHEN. I lose things like it’s my job, and I have my AAA on speed dial because I lock myself out of my car at least once every 6 weeks. (The best was when I thought I had locked myself out, only to find after I had called AAA that I had just left them in the carpool driver’s car that morning. I felt like a prize moron after that!)

  31. Tina, can you do yoga? I know it is not like what you are used to, but it does help when you can’t do the heavy duty stuff. I hope you have a great Friday! Oh, and my life is scatter brained!

    • Tina says:

      I will have to see about getting a prenatal DVD or something. I have thought of that. The regular stuff I was doing has been really uncomfortable for awhile though bec of the belly getting in the way.

  32. Errign says:

    I am impressed with your ability to keep on a happy face, but I do hope you’re having a better day today!

    I’m hosting a giveaway on my blog for a 25$ Oh! Nuts gift certificate if you’d like to enter!

  33. Sarah says:

    Oh, I hope you get some good rest soon! You poor woman- I’m wishing I could come over and watch M for you so you could take that much-needed (and well-deserved) nap!

  34. i have so many random thoughts it’s hard to keep track sometimes…hang in there sweetie, you’re almost done with the pregnancy and you get a precious baby boy on the other end 🙂

  35. Becca says:

    Little M is too cute!

    I’m ALWAYS doing scatterbrained things. OOps!

  36. Sounds like one of those days I have now and again when I just know God is smiling at me with a smirk of irony. I’m sure He enjoys the show I put on when one thing after another sets me off. But I do try to make it a point, when that happens, to turn to Him, too.

  37. […] Box WordPress PluginI managed to keep a smile on my face yesterday and get through the day okay despite minor annoyances. I did have something niggling at my insides though and today it has run me […]

  38. Oh what a rough day! It’ll get better though 🙂 I’ve had a rough day today and it’s only 10am! I woke up at 3am and could not go back to sleep. I ended up watching DVRed Holmes on Homes until it was time to get ready to work 😛 haha

  39. Tatianna says:

    Oh dear. To manage to keep up your good deed while having an off day is commendable. You are truly a wonderful woman!

    I love your positive attitude through it all. When I have rough days like this, I just try to remind myself that there is usually a brighter day right around the corner. It’s all about balance, right? 😉

  40. It sounds like you had quite the day missy!! I hate when things just snowball like that!!

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