it really does help

Posted: December 7, 2010 at 8:53 pm

Today was a good day! All of your uplifting quotes helped me to start the day off right. This one from Anna @ Active Fingers really stuck out to me:

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and some absurdities crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Then, I read this one (which I shortened a bit) from Jess @ Eat Drink Breathe Sweat:

“When you’re tempted to be in a bad mood, go look in the mirror and say, “Listen here, self. You need to cheer up. Get your joy back, get your peace back. I’m not going to live this day defeated.” You have to stay on the offensive. Don’t wait until you’ve been down for three days before you decide to do something about it. The moment you feel that discouragement trying to come on you, rise up and say, “Nope, that’s not for me. This is going to be a good day. It’s the day the Lord has made.” – Joel Osteen

After that, I kind of had a heart to heart chat with myself. And I chose to make this day count for something good. To live it fully and love fully – myself, others, this pregnancy, my God, my live, everything. I have a feeling it will come as a daily battle at this point, but its worth the fight. I filled my day with good things.

I went to the grocery store to restock on food that I know helps me feel good and that I enjoy eating – like apples, strawberries, eggs, broccoli, peas, sweet potatoes, oats, cereal, honey Oikos yogurt, bread for my current egg w/ toast or pbj addiction. I also stocked up on things for the baking and fudge making I have awaiting me.

I made a point to continue my month of others with a full heart today. I’ve still followed through with acts of kindness every day - ranging from simply going out of my way to say hello to a worker we passed on the hospital tour when others just walked by…or spending a few hours organizing and sending out holiday gift exchange material to you all. Don’t worry. I loved doing that! It’s going to be fun. 😀

Today, I shared my act of kindness with Peter. I could tell the work on the car was really wearing him down today. He has to work out in the cold, so I decided to make him a cup of hot cocoa to bring to where he is working.


It totally surprised him and really seemed to cheer him up. I love my man and feel so lucky to have him in my life. I wanted to be sure he knew that after my recent attitude.


Then, I spent my afternoon during M’s nap relaxing and chatting via Google Chat with my good pal Lisa. And I simultaneously enjoyed a cup of hot cocoa on my own.

I will now spend my evening with more things I love – an easy dinner of crockpot BBQ chicken sandwiches…


…time with my lovely sister…


…and our regular Tuesday night tradition of watching The Biggest Loser. See you all tomorrow for another great day. Like I said, I’m determined.

  • Coffee or hot chocolate? That was my afternoon beverage debate today. I usually relax during M’s nap with a bit of blog reading or email catch up and  a cup of decaf. Clearly the hot chocolate won out today.

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40 Comments to “it really does help”
  1. I’m a hot chocolate kind gal! I’m actually really picky when it comes to ALL drinks, wanna know what I WILL drink? Water, skim milk, skim chocolate milk, hot chocolate and the infrequent orange gatorade if I’m feeling sick (has to be orange though, don’t like any other color!) Weird? yes, I know.

    Anywayyyy, what else was I going to say? So cute that you brought your hubs hot chocolate.. these boys do appreciate the little things 🙂

  2. Camille says:

    This sounds like an absolutely lovely day. It’s so good to hear that you are spending quality time with M and taking good care of yourself before B comes 🙂

  3. So glad you’re feeling better sweetie! I like hot chocolate in my coffee.

  4. Glad you are having a better day! I think I’d have to go with hot cocoa.

  5. Oh, I LOVE that first quote! I’ve had it one my FB profile for years! It is one of my all time favorites! I always draw on it when I have had a bad day!

  6. I’m glad you are feeling good right now. I know that you are doing good by all of your acts of kindness and making a difference in a person’s day 🙂 I am definitely a coffee girl!

  7. YAY! I’m so happy you’re having a good day! In the end it’s only the good ones that we remember and cherish 🙂 But we gotta have the bad days too…it makes the awesome ones that much sweeter! That chicken looks tasty (I loves a crock-pot!). Have a wonderful evening!

  8. Astrid says:

    I actually believe that I enjoy a nice coffee with hot milk better than hot chocolate. I haven’t had hot chocolate in a while, so I have to see which I like better. Maybe a taste test tomorrow? What is your favorite brand to buy? Or do you make your own mix?
    I watch the biggest lose every tuesday with my boyfriend. Cannot wait!! Only 15 minutes to go!

    • Tina says:

      I’m so bummed that it starts at 9 now. I only made it to 10 and will have to watch the rest tonight.

      And I had Swiss Miss mix yesterday, but nothing beats a self-made blend in my opinion.

  9. Aw how sweet! 🙂 You are an amazing person, I hope you know that. 😉

    I am a hot chocolate type of gal, but I am a sucker for the peppermint mocha’s from Starbucks. 😉

    I love The Biggest Loser. This is the first season that I have actually watched, and I’m hooked!

  10. I’m definitely a coffee girl but hot chocolate is delicious, too. Hot beverages are great on chilly days! Glad to hear you feel better today.

  11. I’m glad you’re feeling better and enjoying your day!

    I recommend half coffee and half hot chocolate- it’s a super treat!

  12. chelsey says:

    It sounds like your attitude really helped you today! I’m a coffee girl at heart – extra strong!

  13. Lee says:

    I prefer hot chocolate. But only the kind from a powdered mix that you mix with water. The real kind is too rich and chocolatey for me.

  14. Anna says:

    Glad to hear that you are having a better day and are now supplied with uplifting quotes 🙂

    I prefer hot chocolate in the winter but when it is cold outside, I will drink just about any hot beverage to help warm me up.

  15. Natalie says:

    I love the second quote too. Even just the act of going to the mirror and saying the words “listen here, self” are bound to put you in a better mood!

    I’m a morning coffee girl!

  16. So hapy to hear you had a better day today!!!! A heart to heart with yourself can always be good 🙂


  17. missy miller says:

    Holy wow.
    Those quotes are amazing.
    I mean it.

    So glad you are doing “today.”

    So funny you ask coffee or hot cocoa.
    My answer?
    Why not do both?
    I hardly ever have coffee without mixing it with hot chocolate,
    Though…if it is late at night? Cocoa straight up.

    Love and prayers.
    So excited for you.

  18. Hot chocolate! (Though anything other than water tends to offend my tastebuds.)

    I love your realistic attitude toward your pregnancy and your emotions. You may not always think you’re at your best, but, no matter what you are going through, you inspire me by being so honest and thoughtful about your feelings.

  19. I love that quote at the beginning! And you should most definitely check out the Cooking Light Vegetarian cookbook. Sooo many good recipes!

  20. Heather says:

    i’m so glad you’re feeling better…and to be quite honest i haven’t been eating well lately and it’s made me start to just feel gross…internally and externally. this inspired me to eat things that i love because they make me feel good…thanks love! 🙂

  21. Erika says:

    thanks for your comment 🙂 i wish you the best of luck with your pregnancy!

    i totally love your blog, its so real and inspiring!
    your hot cocoa act of kindness gave me the great idea to do the same for my boyfriend, he works outside in the cold and i bet he’d love if i showed up and surprised him with a big cup.

  22. Liz says:

    If someone brings me hot chocolate when I’m in the cold, they are my new favorite person. If I’m in the cold, I vote for hot chocolate over coffee any day. When I’m stuck in the office, I go for coffee.

    Also, the pulled chicken sandwiches look super yummy.

  23. Tatianna says:

    Definitely chocolate 🙂 I swear if I have any type of coffee after noon, even decaf, I’m up all night! It’s like my body gets tricked by the taste. Haha.

  24. Loving this positive attitude that’s shining through this post, girl 🙂
    Even though I’m a huge chocolate lover, I’d choose coffee over hot chocolate:)

  25. Angela says:

    Hot chocolate has definitely been the winner for me lately, although sometimes I like to mix them both together… so tasty! 🙂

  26. Glad you’re feeling more chipper today 🙂

    I’m usually a coffee person, unless the hot chocolate is a peppermint patty drink (with schnapps!)

  27. Your hubby is so cute! I can see little M resemblance in the pic you posted. Sweet of you to bring him hot cocoa. It’s hard sometimes to be aware of someone else’s stress when you are feeling down, but cheering someone else up will also bring you joy.

  28. Great quotes! Sometimes it is hard in different life situations to make the best of every day. My husband and I have been going through some hard decisions lately, and quotes like these help – and lots of scripture too! FYI: Anna is a great friend of mine. She has such a positive outlook on life and I love that about her! 🙂 Enjoy your day!

  29. I am so glad you had a better day! I like both and tea too! I have been drinking a lot of hot tea since it is just so stinkin’ cold out! I hope today is a good one for you!

  30. Jess says:

    AWW!! I am SO HAPPY that my comment made you feel a wee bit better. I told you – Joel Osteen man, he is something else. 😉 I am equally glad that you ended up having what turned into a very lovely day and even included some nice gestures towards others, how sweet are you?? I hope you had a great night with your sis, too!! Hugs!

  31. Katie says:

    Love that Joel Osteen one.

    Good quotes can really change my day around sometimes. They really give me a jump of inspiration.

  32. Hot chocolate. It warms the soul. Also, yeserday I was at Barnes and Noble browsing around and picked up one of my favorite books, Captivating, by John & Staci Eldredge. I really can’t recommend it enough to you. I mentioned it before a while back but there are so many great stories and quotes in there that I really think it would be great for you now. Hope you have a good Wednesday, Tina!

  33. That hot cocoa looks so yummy! I would be a happy girl if someone made that for me 🙂

  34. Caitlin says:

    I love how your positive attitude prevails no matter what kind of day or situation you’re in. It’s so admirable!

    And I like BOTH – give me a mocha and I’ve got chocolate AND coffee – perfect!

  35. Glad you are feeling better. I love reading your posts bs they are so honest and real. 🙂

  36. LOVE that Joel Osteen quote! It’s so true about the need to stay on the offensive with your happiness! Thanks for sharing.

  37. LOVE Peter’s big smile! He looks so happy! You made him so happy. Your grocery list sounds great and your dinner looked fabulous!

  38. […] in little spontaneous surprises for him and it saddened me that the last time I could remember was bringing him hot cocoa by surprise back in December! For shame, […]

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