Ten TidBits

Posted: December 22, 2010 at 10:10 pm

1. My daughter is officially a mini-me.

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We went to a play center today with friends and she became obsessed with this cute little kiddie treadmill. “Just like mommy!” was repeated over and over with a huge smile. Make. My. Heart. Melt! Although oddly enough I cannot remember a time she has ever seen me on a treadmill???

2. Gabriela’s Super-Charge Me Cookies really are amazing.


I received my Blogger Gift Exchange package from my “Secret” Santa, Gabriela from Une Vie Saine. She was the one randomly selected as my partner and I was thrilled to see all the goodies she sent. Super-Charge Me Cookies, Trader Joes Cranberry Apple Butter, and even a special gift for Makenzie – a puzzle. She loves puzzles!

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3. Allie’s pumpkin granola is also amazing.

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And will be making an appearance tomorrow in my morning bowl of oats. Likely with some Cranberry Apple Butter. I’m already salivating. Thanks, Allie!!

4. So. Much. Pain!


Obviously, I tweeted that earlier. No, it did not mean I was in labor. It was just a rough day physically with back and hip pain.

5. My morning devotional started my day on the right note. What a powerful quote…


6. Peter is off work for the rest of the week. Yay for some extra help! And super yay for some fun we will be having tomorrow – a Trader Joes excursion!

7. Super sweet reader emails rock my world. You know who you are and I want to say once again how much your kind words meant to me. The support given and received through blogging makes every part of it worthwhile.

8. I have fallen in love with TweetDeck.


At first, I didn’t think I could get used to it. I adapted quickly and it makes using Twitter so much easier!

9. I will be hosting the Fit Blog Chat next Tuesday night.

FitBlog Chats

Go ahead and put it on your calendar. The topic will be about motivation for goals, the use of numbers, and more.

10. I have a giveaway for a case of Chobani going on right now!

Have you entered yet? Click click click!

Question of the night – what are your top recommendations for Trader Joes purchases? Or share a tidbit from your day!


41 Comments to “Ten TidBits”
  1. feener says:

    i love that kiddie treadmill !!!

  2. Lisa says:

    Awwww omg, thats so adorable that Macenzie said that! I adore your blog so much!!

  3. I spent the day helping the Boyfriend go through training for his job. I certainly hope I’ll be getting paid for this endeavor!

  4. chelsey says:

    Sounds like you had a good day! Those cookies look amazing!

  5. We have must list every time we visit Trader Joe’s: Pomegranate Green Tea, Two Buck Chuck, Clif Bars for $1, Puffs cereal, Coffee, Veggie Fried Rice (in the freezer section), we love TJ’s and so many things! Too many to name. Unfortuantely TJ’s is over 30 minutes from us, so when we go it is a special occasion too!

    • Tina says:

      That’s how it is here too. About a 30 min drive. I’m so excited to get to go and stock up on some things again! It’s been too long.

      And I already have Two Buck Chuck on my list for when I come home from the hospital. 😀

  6. M is so precious.. you make me so excited to have a baby one day.
    Oh Tj’s… their wine is soo good!!! Haha i apologize, but once you have had the new baby, you MUST try it. And it’s cheap!!!
    TJ’s High Fiber O’s, their muffins and bread in general, their waffles, Candy Cane Joe’s, pumpkin pancake/waffle mix… i could go on.

  7. I always stock up on organic peanut butter and frozen fruit at TJ’s because the prices are the best.

  8. Tina says:

    Oh my goodness! How cute is she?!?

    Hmm..what WOULDN’T I recommend from Trader Joe’s? Now thats the question! Lately I cannot get enough of their holiday teas, that’s why I am giving them away on my blog. I figure I can’t keep their yummy teas all to myself since its the time of year for giving 😉

  9. Marcia says:

    Rub it in….I dont have a Trader Joe’s near me and have never been ( gasp!!!) 🙂

    Tidbit for the day: Hot Yoga kicks my butt everytime I do it. 🙂

  10. Allie says:

    Yaaaaaaay, glad you got the granola 🙂 I hope your hip and body feels better ! I was cracking up reading about your daughter on her mini treadmill!

  11. OMG M is just too freaking cute. Love it. Love your tidbits. Um, my tidbit for the day: don’t go to my gym at 1pm if you don’t want to be surrounded by meat heads! 😉

    • Tina says:

      Haha! That is so true! I would go at that time over summers when I had off from teaching and it was always a meat market.

  12. Therese says:

    That is so sweet that M got so excited to do something her mommy does! I had a great day: my husband and I got asked to be Godparents to a very sweet little NICU grad I took care of and we got to visit her at home today. I’m in Olivya withdrawl all over again now!

  13. That little kiddie treadmill is too cute!

    Trader Joes-must haves are their hummus, frozen mandarin orange chicken (it seriously tastes like chinese take out!), their greek yogurt, three buck chuck (to enjoy when your sans baby of course) and their kettle corn. Everything is fabulous there, I find something new every time I go.


    I needed that today! As I wrote on my blog, I keep feeling guilty for feeling joy for reasons hard to explain, and I just needed that quote today! 🙂

    I liked this post. 🙂

  15. Jenn says:

    awwww! yay puzzels! <3

  16. 1. Makenzie is too cute!
    2. Those cookies look amazing! And I LOVE TJ’s Cranberry Apple Butter. I stocked up today in DC before heading back to FL where we don’t have TJ’s
    3. Pumpkin Granola is amazing!
    4. Pain. Pain. Go. Away. Come. Again. Never!
    5. I love the quote!
    6. Woo hoo!
    7. 🙂
    8. I’ll have to try Tweet Deck!
    9. It’s on my calendar!
    10. Chobani= love!

  17. Laura says:

    M is the cutest!
    yay for being joyful 🙂

  18. Dorry says:

    So excited to participate in your fitblog chat next week! There are no Trader Joe’s in Texas so I always try to visit one when traveling. I love all of the trail mixes and chocolate-covered almonds, pretzels, etc.

  19. Ela says:

    That kiddie treadmill is so cute – and how adorable that she wants to be like mommy! Children are so sincere and guileless: you should take it as the most frank of compliments.

    Peanut flour is a cool thing you can get at TJ’s and they have some really nice teas. Flax meal is also a really good price there, iirc.

    My day – glorious clear sky, 9 degrees but sunny. Making chocolate and chocolate and all kinds of goodies…

  20. Yayy I’m so glad you enjoyed the package!! Wish I could have found the pumpkin butter, but I’m glad you like the cran-apple as well. And Makenzie already did the puzzle- too cute!! Hoping today is better pain-wise for you 🙂

    • Tina says:

      I just had some with my oats and it was awesome. Thank you!

      And of course little M immediately broke into the puzzle. I told her it was from Gabriela and she keeps calling it “Gabrella puzzle”. 🙂

  21. Kelly says:

    The Trader Joes gingerbread coffee is amazing! Maybe buy some now so you can drink it post baby. (aren’t you supposed to avoid coffee when pregnant?)

  22. Jess says:

    Ohhh! I have to mark my calendar to join fitblog chats next Tuesday! How fun! And PS. I love tweetdeck too 🙂

  23. Nicki says:

    Absolutely love the kiddie ‘mill. Maybe I would like the treadmill more if it was like that.

    Tidbit from my day: I ran to the local elementary school (about 4.5 miles one way) to hear/see our high school symphonic band, symphonic orchestra and choruses perform for the early kindergarten thru grade 5 kids. It was amazing!!

  24. Brooke says:

    love the treadmill pic!!! 🙂 you are such a good influence on her, hopefully she’ll be able to avoid the struggles so many of us have had with food and look to you as an example.

    Merry Christmas!

  25. Trader Joes:

    1. Chicken Sausages
    2. Deli meat
    3. Frozen food items (orange chicken, chicken lime burgers, etc)
    4. Nutbutters
    5. Bread

    I can go on and on! 🙂

  26. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by jobo and Tina Reale. Tina Reale said: Ten TidBits: 1. My daughter is officially a mini-me. We went to a play center today with friends and she bec… http://bit.ly/ieiIeY […]

  27. i might cry because we still don’t have TJ’s in Colorado! 🙁 i would say just about anything that i’ve seen from there sounds good though!

  28. Nichole says:

    OK that s the cutest pic ever:)

    I adore TJ’s and would say there Everything Pretzel Chips are amazing, and they always have a great deal on fresh produce.

  29. Holly says:

    I am so sorry about your hip and back. 🙁 I hope you are feeling better today! Maybe a prenatal massage would help? 🙂

  30. I received peanut flour and sesame honey cashews from your secret santa blogger exchange. Those are my recommendations!! I’m plowing my way through them right now 🙂

  31. Astrid says:

    The treadmill is adorable, although kind of funny to see a kid on a treadmill.
    I hope my present came while I have been in Vegas! It will be a nice surprise!

  32. HAHAHA! The little tredmill is too stinkin cute!

  33. I don’t think there is anything at TJ’s, as I affectionately call it, that I don’t love. My husband LOVES the Dark Chocolate Shortbread Star cookies they have out at the moment. I love all of their canned beans, frozen vegetables, the orange chicken, their cereals … OK now I’m drooling. Their Greek yogurt is pretty tasty too! I use TweetDeck at work–it really helps us manage all of our social pages!

  34. carlee says:

    Makenzie is way too cute!
    Can I have her?
    Do you live anywhere near washington??
    ya know that prego stomach of yours looks like its gonna pop anyday= baby sitter.

  35. Errign says:

    Mmm, Supercharge me cookies are one of my faves!

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