Sitting Pretty

Posted: January 21, 2011 at 9:00 pm

I may sound like a broken record but I don’t care. Thank you all for the lovely comments on this morning’s post. I loved reading all your blessings as well. 🙂

Well, the feeding frenzy continued into the afternoon with baby B. Yesterday I opted for the comfortable route and wore my robe and pajamas all day to make feedings easier. I didn’t feel like doing that again today. I wanted a shower and clothes. There is something about getting dressed, drying my hair, and tossing on a little tinted moisturizer and mascara that does wonders for my energy.


Looking put together helps me feel I can tackle anything and makes me more productive. I still hung around feeding Braedon most of the day, which exhausted me, but I didn’t feel frumpy. I felt like an empowered woman who could handle mothering and personal goals all in one.

After Makenzie I didn’t get dressed in anything besides lounge wear unless going somewhere. This time, I wanted to focus more on doing little things to keep me feeling confident. It may sound cheesy, but I really believe it has helped make a difference. Plus, its fun being able to wear clothes you haven’t been able to fit into for many, many months.

Question of the Evening – What ways do you like to put yourself together even when chilling at home?

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36 Comments to “Sitting Pretty”
  1. I always shave my legs. Always. Even if i am not going anywhere, or have no hot dates with the hubby lined up, i GOTTA shave!!!

    Take care of yourself, mama! 🙂

    • Yesss I agree too! Hmmm lately I’ve been having to wear glasses so I don’t do too much mascara because my lashes poke the lenses. But even though I don’t do makeup I always do mascara! It just makes a girl feel even more feminine 🙂

  2. I think this is so so so important. It is really easy to get “stuck in a rut” of wearing lounging clothes around the house, but I think that when you’re a new mom, the more things that make you feel better aout yourself, the better!

  3. Working from home makes it so easy to be grungy and gross all the time. I wore my hair down and straightened the other day and got so many compliments and had three people ask me if I’d lost weight! So needless to say I’ve been straightening my hair more and leaving it down! 🙂

    • Tina says:

      That’s interesting. I bet its bec you probably carry yourself with more confidence when dressed better and done up a bit too. I know I do and it helps how I look in other ways too. 🙂

  4. Sometimes I’ll just put on a little makeup, even if I’m not going out. It makes me feel a little more “ready” for the world, and I don’t feel as lazy. 😉

  5. You are so beautiful! Congratulations on your little baby boy! I always feel better if I dress better. If I have a particularly daunting task or meeting, I always do better if I dress confidently! You rock and I am so happy for you!

  6. Kelly says:

    I like my hair to either be fixed or pulled off my face. I hate to just let it be. If I have to go out when I don’t want to get made up I’ll swipe on a little under eye concealer and a bit of mascara. Unless we’re going out to dinner or meeting up with friends, I’m not putting on much more makeup than that on a weekend.

  7. For sure Tina! Sometimes I just “get pretty” for myself and it does wonders for my productivity level!

  8. When I wear something other than just PJs I feel so great, like I can actually finish projects and tackle the world!

  9. I totally agree that just getting dressed in regular clothes and putting a little make-up on can make a world of difference in how you feel. It’s difficult sometimes as a stay at home mom, but I force myself to even if I’m not going anywhere.

  10. Natalie says:

    I used to work at home and I noticed a huge difference in my mood, work ethic, and overall sense of satisfaction when I would get dressed in “normal clothes”. I felt my best when I would go to the gym then come home and shower/blow dry/dress right away.

  11. It’s funny you mention this, because I feel like I’ve become SO sloppy with my appearance since I’ve been home. I’m kind of excited to put a little more effort into my appearance back at school- I’m not high-maintenance by any means, but putting on a cute but comfy outfit and a swipe of mascara does wonders!

  12. Great idea–kind of a fake it til you make it approach. I think you’re totally right!

  13. YES. It is amazing how much better I feel in jeans, moisturizer, and mascara than in sweats and a bathrobe.

    That said, I am currently wearing sweats and a bathrobe.

    Also, if I am wearing my hair up, I like to put on a headband. Instant femininity!

  14. Sara says:

    You look great, Tina! Glad I’m not the only one who uses the word “frumpy” and it doesn’t sound cheesy at all! Productive at home–what? Just kidding. When I’m exercising indoors, I find if I put on my exercise gear when I get home from work I’m more likely to go upstairs or in the other room and do it!

  15. I 100% agree. On days where I shower, fix my hair, and put on make-up, I feel so much better, even if we’re just at home all day. I get more done too 🙂

  16. i totally agree with you. even on days when i don’t have to leave the house, if i shower, i feel so much more together, more motivated, and just happier! i feel frumpy otherwise. usually, as long as i shower and put on anything other than sweatpants i’m good to go!

  17. I completely agree! “Dress for success” can do wonders for your productivity levels, and self-confidence levels, too! In fact, when I’m feeling really crappy when I wake up… I like to dress extra cute. Definitely helps turn my day around.

  18. I agree with this! Simply blow drying my hair and not letting it air dry makes me feel put together. Or its even as simple as dabbing on some Burt’s Bees chapstick 🙂

    • Tina says:

      I think blow drying is the biggest for me too. My hair will still feel greasy almost without it since it is so thin.

  19. It definitely helps to put on “real clothes” and just some mascara for me to feel more put together and confident. 🙂

  20. Tina says:

    I definitely agree and can relate to this post. I am always bound to feel more sluggish when I am in Pj’s, no makeup, etc. The second I put myself together I instantly feel better. Eyeliner, mascara and clothing other than PJ’s or gym clothes are just enough to shift my mood!

  21. I am with you, I have to get cleaned up with some powder on and even if it isn’t my best out fit, some jeans and a sweatshirt. I with Aerie too…I have to shave or I feel gross! I hope you have a great day today Tina!

  22. Helen says:

    You are on the right path girl! By the way love the name – my 2nd boy’s middle name is Bradon 🙂 I must have a light dusting of my bare minerals, a little mascara, and a little lip gloss. I must confess, if I am having a really bad morning – a little dress help so much!

  23. same as you – tinted moisturizer and curled eyelashes. if i’m CRAAAAZY i’ll wear my hair down! (this is rare at home b/c it gets in my way!)

  24. Lee says:

    This is a bit weird, but I always like for my eyebrows to be groomed. It really changes the way that I feel about myself!

  25. I agree with you about sometimes just needing to get real clothes on. It makes me feel like less of a bum 😉

  26. I like to have jewelry on and keep “real” clothes on for as long as possible!

  27. LindseyAnn says:

    I do this all the time! Even if I’m not going anywhere, I will still put a little concealer and mascara on, and try to put myself together. It also helps if there is a surprise trip somewhere–you don’t have to take the time to put yourself together if you already did it. And, I agree that it helps you just feel more confident overall!
    How much fun are you having with your wardrobe now that things are starting to fit again? You look amazing, by the way! 😀

  28. I always put on perfume before bed 🙂

  29. […] Sitting Pretty – importance of prettying up sometimes […]

  30. I’m glad you are able to take time to take care of yourself as well as your two little ones. You look so happy in all of your pictures!

    A shower + at least a little makeup always makes me feel better. So does wearing “real” clothes instead of pajamas or lounging clothes, even if my “real” clothes are a t-shirt and comfy jeans.

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