Stalled Motivation

Posted: January 26, 2011 at 9:01 pm

I don’t know what came over me but I had no mental energy for anything this afternoon. We had a perfectly fine morning, but when nap-time rolled around, I parked it on the couch and zoned out. With gems like an article from Entertainment Weekly on next week’s dramatic episode of The Bachelor. I will totally own up to my guilty pleasures of trashy reality TV. I couldn’t really tell you what I did with the remainder of my two hours of afternoon peace. Well, besides one thing. I turned to my little pocket devotional.


It always starts my day with a little oomph. I needed some oomph this afternoon. I had another date with the gym after all. It worked like a charm. That tiny book is chock full of fabulous quotes and reflections! So, I figured I would share a few of them with you all. I can’t be the only one in need of some oomph, right?

Ask yourself which is stronger: your faith or your fear?

A mediocre idea that generates enthusiasm will go further than a great idea that inspires no one. – Mary Kay Ash

Live today fully, expressing gratitude for all you have been, all you are right now, and all you are becoming. – Melody Beattie

I pray, but I don’t pray to win. I pray for the inspiration to give my best. – Althea Gibson

If you could choose one characteristic that would get you through life, choose a sense of humor. – Jennifer Jones

Optimism is a gift you give to yourself – a way of putting self-fulfilling prophecy to work for you.

Peace within equates to beauty without.

Just don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there’s love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong. – Ella Fitzgerald

Give the world the best you have and the best will come back to you. – Madeline Bridges

And funnily enough…today’s message?
Do yourself and the world a favor: carve out the time you need to restore your energy, your optimism, your perspective, and your faith.

I guess I needed to hear that…

Question of the Evening – Which, if any, of these spoke to you? What do you turn to when you need a little “oomph”?

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57 Comments to “Stalled Motivation”
  1. Lauryn says:

    I have been looking for a good devotional, do you know where you got that one? I liked the do you know which is stronger, your faith or your fear? I find myself having to do a lot of things that start off scaring me! But knowing God is behind everything keeps me strong…

    • Tina says:

      I picked it up from a donation table at a retreat I went to in November. I wish I knew where to buy it bec it is such a good devotional and I would certainly recommend it.

  2. I have started a quote book…and a lot of these will be going in there.

    I really liked this one today..

    I pray, but I don’t pray to win. I pray for the inspiration to give my best. – Althea Gibson

    That’s really all we can do. Our best.

  3. Callie says:

    I really love that first quote, “Ask yourself which is stronger: your faith or your fear?” This has actually been a focus of our last few weeks at church and God is really speaking to me about where I let fear hold me back. Thanks for the extra little reminder tonight!

  4. I like the quote from today! I just wrote a post about how making time for myself has been one of the biggest internal changes I’ve made throughout my healthiness journey!

  5. All of them! I think the weather is really getting to me this year. It is just so blah and I really need some sunshine. It doesn’t have to be warm out, but the overcast days are just making me gray. I hope you have a better day tomorrow!

  6. Not to be totally cliche but the first one “which is stronger, your faith or your fear” really got me. I am such a wimp sometimes when it comes to dealing with fear!

  7. thanks for posting that book tina! i’m always looking for books like that to add something to my day, they really make a difference. and wow, all of those quotes are fabulous! i need to start collecting and reflecting! 🙂

  8. I love the first: “Ask yourself which is stronger: your faith or your fear.” So true, in every part of life!

  9. I especially liked this one

    If you could choose one characteristic that would get you through life, choose a sense of humor. – Jennifer Jones

    because sometimes things are so ridiculous that I’d rather just laugh it off than cry anymore, and laughter really is the best medicine.

    And I liked

    Live today fully, expressing gratitude for all you have been, all you are right now, and all you are becoming. – Melody Beattie

    because I have to remember that nothing in my life is by chance or a mistake, and even the bad times have lessons to be learned and opportunities for growth, and I’m grateful I can see that!

  10. The one that spoke to me the most was:

    “Just don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there’s love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong.”

    Very powerful and what I needed tonight.

    When I need an oomph I also turn to God’s Word. It re-energizes me like nothing else!

  11. Lauren says:

    I love the last quote! Taking time for myself really helps my mood, energy, and positivity. I get so drained if I don’t have even just a few minutes to relax and breathe.

    • Tina says:

      That really came at the perfect time for me. I felt so lazy this afternoon and that’s not much like me…but it was nice to see that quote basically reminding me I needed that time.

  12. Do yourself and the world a favor: carve out the time you need to restore your energy, your optimism, your perspective, and your faith.

    That one is my fave and I needed it today 🙂 thank you!

  13. Thank you for sharing these…I like this one:
    Give the world the best you have and the best will come back to you.

    It forces me to remember that nothing is handed to me but that I have to give to receive. And that I will do!

  14. LOVE the “give the world the best you have” quote!

  15. Becca says:

    The one about “recharging” is good timing—in youth group tonight we talked about Mark 6:30-43, the “feeding 5000” passage (also John 15, the vine and the branches). The youth pastor made the point of focusing on each verse, or a couple at a time. His point about v31 was interesting–Jesus MADE TIME to get away and rest. Sure, it kinda failed, and He decided to teach and feed the hungry (v34 — had compassion on the desperate, rather needy crowd), but He knew He and the disciples needed time to rest.

    The youth pastor gave us a modern-day example of v31: If Jesus were to go to the mall (the disciples believe it’ll be downtime), would He spend His time focusing on people who need saving or help? Actually, He would know there needed to be balance. He probably would focus on His disciples, because He would know that they need Him too, that fellowshiping with and loving on them was important too.

    I thought that was interesting!

  16. If you could choose one characteristic that would get you through life, choose a sense of humor. – Jennifer Jones

    That is totally my outlook! I love laughing and making jokes!

  17. I really liked:

    Give the world the best you have and the best will come back to you. – Madeline Bridges

    Definitely inspiring as I try to decide what to do with my life!

  18. Dorry says:

    Love the Faith or Fear quote! It’s just SO true. When you’re full of faith, there’s no room for fear. I turn to prayer and exercise…often at the same time. 🙂

  19. “Give the world your best…” I thought that was very fitting for me, what I put in is what I get back out- and sometimes I forget that sometimes…

    Glad you found your oomph!

  20. Kelly says:

    The last one by Madeline Bridges reminds me of something one of my yoga teachers said. She said something like “take this time to be restored so you can give more of yourself to the world today”. That really touched me because I can’t be anything but myself, but I can take the best parts of me and give even more of them to the people around me. I’m not supposed to be perfect, I’m just supposed to be the best Kelly I can be. 🙂 I hope you get your oomph back. I have a feeling it will be back with a vengeance tomorrow! 😉

  21. Robyn says:

    I like:
    Live today fully, expressing gratitude for all you have been, all you are right now, and all you are becoming. – Melody Beattie

    It tells me to learn from and appreciate my past, be grateful for the present and continue to have hope for the future.

    • Tina says:

      I used to be so disappointed with parts o my past, but now I’m so thankful for them because they have allowed me to grow and share certain things with others. 🙂

  22. Several of them spoke to me – thanks for sharing!

    the ‘idea’ one is something i need to keep around at the office – gotta speak up and who knows what can happen?! The last one is my focus for 2011 – being a better person by taking more time out for me and my faith!

  23. I love the last quote! Definitely spoke with me! 😀

  24. I love those quotes!! What an inspirational sounding book 🙂

  25. Love this one:

    Just don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there’s love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong. – Ella Fitzgerald

    I’m not EXACTLY sure what I “really want to do” but I’m not going to give up on finding it!

  26. […] [Tina's post] fit with tonight’s lesson! Kind […]

  27. Helen says:

    I pray, but I don’t pray to win. I pray for the inspiration to give my best. – Althea Gibson

    Love this! I am always telling my oldest son to do his absolute best in all things, whatever happens, happens. I want him to understand that it does not matter the outcome as long as you do the best you can do

  28. I love these quotes so much! Have you heard of the devotional Jesus Calling? I just got it and it is seriously rocking my world during my quiet times.

    • Tina says:

      No I haven’t heard of that one. I love finding great devotionals. I wish I had the time to read them all every day. LOL

  29. Heather says:

    I loved this: “If you could choose one characteristic that would get you through life, choose a sense of humor.” – Jennifer Jones

    I think it is one of the greatest compliments to hear someone say that I am witty! I love making people laugh!

  30. These were all AWESOME to read!

    I like the first one faith vs. fear.

    And this one is this vague idea I have been working on this week, but this really put it in words for me: “Optimism is a gift you give to yourself – a way of putting self-fulfilling prophecy to work for you. ”


  31. These two really spoke to me: Live today fully, expressing gratitude for all you have been, all you are right now, and all you are becoming. – Melody Beattie


    Give the world the best you have and the best will come back to you. – Madeline Bridges

    I’m all about being your best self and making the most out of your days!!

  32. allison says:

    I loved these! I copied them to my desktop to read when i need some motivation:)

  33. Mandy says:

    Love this…
    Live today fully, expressing gratitude for all you have been, all you are right now, and all you are becoming. – Melody Beattie


  34. Oomph is such a great word! Hope you get yours back soon.

  35. Allie says:

    Love all the quotes! Their is nothing like sitting down and reading some good quotes that are encouraging 🙂 Have a great day!

  36. Personally, the one that says, “Which is stronger, your faith or your fear” hit pretty hard because I have had to learn to put that into practice a lot over my recovery. My husband would often pose a similar question to me. Faith vs. fear. Faith is definitely the better choice, but I didn’t always choose that.

  37. Kacy says:

    Wonderful quotes! I love them!

  38. Jess says:

    What an awesome list. This one is by far my fave quote from your list: Give the world the best you have and the best will come back to you. – Madeline Bridges

    It’s so true – do your best, be your best, and you will be rewarded. Lovely.

  39. Holly says:

    Oh, Tina….this could not have come at a better time! I bought a daily devotional and am not too happy with it – would you recommend yours? I NEED something like that to start my day out with!

    This one particularly speaks to me:

    “Give the world the best you have and the best will come back to you.”

    I truly think that happens. It’s why I am so driven to be a good person (or, I try to be). I don’t do it neccesarily with the notion that good things will happen to me BECAUSE of it, but I’d like to think it helps. The whole karma thing, ya know. 🙂

    • Tina says:

      I highly recommend this one for little positive tidbits. I accompany it with my daily Bible reading because the devotionals are very brief and to the point…but powerful.

      I don’t know where to find it though or how old it is. I received it from some donations at a church retreat in November.

  40. Julie says:

    Ask yourself which is stronger – your faith or your fear?

    I LOVE THAT ONE! It is something I’ve been dealing with for awhile now while I take a turn at a career change. I have to remind myself that my faith IS stronger than my fear, but I don’t think that having to remind myself means that the fear is winning.

    I also loved ~
    If you could choose one characteristic that would get you through life, choose a sense of humor. – Jennifer Jones

    The more I laugh at myself, the more I open myself up to let others in.

  41. great quotes. very motivational. i can see why you like that book so much

  42. Kristina says:

    Those are ALL great-how do you dwindle it down to one?!

  43. Stephanie says:

    Love this one:

    Optimism is a gift you give to yourself – a way of putting self-fulfilling prophecy to work for you.

    It’s basically a re-worded version of the mantra I live by daily. Optimism is the gift that keeps on giving. 🙂

  44. Live today fully, expressing gratitude for all you have been, all you are right now, and all you are becoming. – Melody Beattie

    This quote hit me today bc it’s what I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. I’ve heard about a lot of tragedies lately and I’m just so thankful for each and every day that I have! praise God!

  45. Kelly says:

    This almost made me cry because if I am being truly real here I will tell you that I don’t pray. Like ever. Mainly because I feel like I am good enough for God. I know that sounds very poor pitiful me but I am being real. I know it drives my husband crazy but I just don’t. I feel like I am not good enough to ask for anything from Him. It makes me sad but I don’t know what to do. I feel like there are so many better and more deserving people and I am just not one of them.

    • Tina says:

      Oh, this breaks my heart. I know that wasn’t your intention but I just have to put it out there. EVERY SINGLE PERSON is worthy. God loves you with more than you can possibly imagine. He aches for that relationship with you. It can be daunting and overwhelming to pray. Keep in mind you don’t have to do anything or say anything specific. It’s just talking to God. That is all prayer is. Opening up and saying what you think and how you feel. He knows it all already, and cares immensely. He wants to hear it from you too to reach out and touch your life. I promise you are worth it to Him and I promise it could be worth it for you. Hugs, sweetie!

  46. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Caroline Allen and Tina Reale, Tina Reale. Tina Reale said: Stalled Motivation: I don’t know what came over me but I had no mental energy for anything this afternoon. We ha… […]

  47. Optimism is a gift you give to yourself – a way of putting self-fulfilling prophecy to work for you.

    This is my favorite, at least at the moment! I suppose which quote speaks most to you depends on your mood, circumstances, etc.

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