Exercise Love
Posted: February 4, 2011 at 5:09 pmWhy, hello Friday afternoon! So nice to see you! Although, at the same time its kind of sad for me. My friend Mandy came into town to visit and now she has to leave tomorrow morning. It went too quickly. 🙁
I want to say thanks so much for all of your comments on my decision with the scale. And also for the race. I am 100% mentally committed to the race, but I may wait a few more weeks before officially registering. Just in case something happens to show running not suiting me or my body. Although, I have immensely enjoyed the start of C25K!
I completed Week 1, Day 2 last night. I did the 90 second walking intervals at 4.0 and then varied the 60 second running speed, usually around 6.6-6.7 mph. I got up to 7.0 for the last run interval! And it felt easy. Given its only a 60 second increment, but I feel pretty good about it all. I ended with a serious case of runner’s high. I don’t know what it is, but something about working towards a running goal exhilarates me. I guess because I always feared it before?
Although I do have to say that as much fun as I have getting into running, I still don’t think it will ever replace my first exercise love. Strength training! I completed another day of the 3rd level on my old Slim in 6 DVD. It gave me a workout.
But I’m so ready to move on. I’ve done the same DVD 5 times in a row now and its driving me crazy! I need variety. Next week I plan on switching it up by using some of my full body Cathe weight workouts for strength training days. I’m ready. My body has been feeling SO good lately with my 30-40 mins of activity. Love exercise!
Today, I went ahead and got my at-home workout in during naptime. It feels nice to have it finished before the afternoon! It almost makes me want to try working out more at that time. I have a feeling as time goes on I will be playing with my workout times a lot more. I prefer getting my workout done during the day so the afternoons and evenings aren’t rushed…but for now I have to workout when I know I can. And a 3-week-old’s naptimes are never guaranteed.
Question of the Afternoon – What types of workouts do you have to regularly switch up to avoid workout boredom/craziness?
Tags: couch to 5k, fitness, post-pregnancy fitness, workout DVDs, workout schedules
Time like that with friends or family always seems to go way too quickly. I have to switch up my DVDs and even weight exercises often. I can’t stand to do the same thing over and over. I don’t even like to run the same neighborhood route.
I do a combination running/strength training session where I run/sprint for one minute on the treadmill then jump off and do a floor exercise (planks, curl, presses, push-up,etc.)- it makes for an efficient workout and really give you a good sweat. The great thing is you can take it at your own pace…
Thank goodness my husband is a fitness trainer and we have a full gym at our home. So he writes me new strength training programs once a week! Awesome. I have become so dependent on it!!
That is really nice!
I have a hard time with exercise boredom, so doing intervals on the treadmill helps me so much. I also like to do The Shred because its just 20 minutes and really easy to squeeze in whenever.
have you ever tried bodyrock.tv? their workouts are free, usually short, and really fun! i often use weights as well so its more like weights/cardio than just pure cardio. glad you’re enjoying the exercising – good on you 🙂
Oh I am always switching up my work outs! I like to do something different every day and I own a ton of home work out dvds so I never get bored. When I do, I put them away for a solid 3 months so when I come back to them I’ve almost forgotten what they do!
I haven’t gotten bored with yoga since I started doing it last April! 😉
I take a couple classes to spend time with my sister (not that we’re chatting on the bikes or while lifting…just nice to see eachother!) and I do yoga at home to be with the kids and then running is *me time* 🙂
I have to change up my strength training regularly or I will get bored quickly, however I could run everyday and never ever get bored! I’m a weirdo I guess! I agree – a runners high is the best!!! 🙂
Definitely don’t recommend doing the same vid in a row! I would second the motion to get new ones!! I woudl DIE of boredom!
I have tons of options already, so I’m excited to pull them out. I was using that video to ease my way back up for a couple weeks.
I am a kickboxing and interval lover. I do love my strength training though. I know you love lifting weights, but Core Fusion is a lot of fun too! It works you out in places you didn’t know could get worked out.
I love workout dvds, but I also get bored with them too. I have to keep a full library of them (or I choose one from Netflix or Exercise TV) — and there are some days when I prefer a different trainer.
I love Slim in 6 but Debbie is too much sometimes!
Haha! So true! Cathe and Chalene are the only two that don’t drive me crazy no matter how much I do them so far.
Glad to see that the C25K is going well for you. I really did love the program when I followed it. It is so funny, I ran my entire 5k without a break in just under 30 minutes, but I can’t seem to go past 2 miles without a break during routine exercise??? Had to be the adrenaline! I started with that program last August, race was October, took a long break from running, and I had never ran before that – so I will gladly take 2 miles!!
It’s so awesome you are so committed to your fitness! You are such an inspiration Tina!
I love working out in the mornings now before kids wake up. I like my exersice, but I have no energy for it come afternoon! Glad you’re feeling good and getting back into it so fast 😀
Luckily with teaching classes my workouts always change. I change them up every time I teach.
When I did more strength training on my own, I’d change things up every few weeks to spruce it up! 🙂
Have a nice weekend!
i’m always switching between p90x dvds, running (switching with long runs and quick sprints/intervals) and biking, and my own circuit training of lifting. my muscles definitely need change and “confusion” or else i wont see any results and get boreddd. don’t you love runners high?!
The running high is awesome! It makes me think up crazy big plans like wanting to run a marathon. Lately, I’ve been doing spinning, yoga, and running throughout the week on different days and having a weight training day in there as well. I love the variety because it keeps me entertained and my muscles working hard!
I always love a large variety during the week too.
I Loooooove lifting weights! It’s my favorite. 🙂 And I know Mandy! Well, not in real life, but we’re friends on FB so I feel like I know her. So cool that you ACTUALLY know her. Ha. I wish I could meet so many of my online friends in real life!!
We met online too. Now we make sure to see each other at least once a year. 🙂
I like working out during nap time, too. It seems I always have a million things I want to do during nap time and rarely get them all done.
I get bored with workouts easily, too. I need variety!
Oh I get so bored with workouts! I like swimming because it is always full of variety. At home, I have to switch between like five different Jillian Michaels workouts so I don’t become frustrated!
You’re reassuring me with this news about running.
I hopped on the treadmill yesterday, promising myself I’d only walk, and literally couldn’t help but crank up the speed. Before I knew it, an hour and seven miles had flown by, and I was left with a case of serious guilt and fear.
I ran at 10 days PP with Addie, too, but my doc never warned me about not exercising postpartum (she was on vacation when I delivered). This time around, though, she told me in a grave tone that I was NOT TO exercise or even ENTER a gym until after my six week check-up. I asked her to give me a reason not to, and a reason that would convince me. She talked to me about blood loss and pelvic floor damage.
Of course, after my run yesterday, I started googling pelvic floor damage and scared the daylights out of myself. So now I’m freaked out.
Have you thought about this?
I was always told I could do what I feel comfortable with. I rested fully until 2 weeks post partum, but was never told to completely rest until after 6 weeks. I don’t know if there is a different scenario for you though. And I have known plenty of people to workout sooner without problem. I do think the key is to ease back into it and listen to your body. And watch for an increase in blood loss. I had stopped bleeding and it hasn’t returned from workouts. I feel 100% okay and never feel like I’m really pushing it either.
I’ve been listening to my body, but maybe I’m not interpreting what I’m hearing very well. I didn’t wait until the bleeding stopped, and it’s picked up significantly (I’m 12 days PP today). I never thought of waiting until it stopped. Thanks for the advice; I’m going to call my doctor tomorrow….
I have to keep workouts mixed up or else I get bored! If I get bored then I end up not putting in my best effort! It’s a vicious cycle! 🙂 Glad that you got a good workout in!
I love running intervals, its my favorite kind of run and makes me feel so alive! But then again i am a sprinter at heart and love doing it!
I hate the treadmill, but I love running. In the winter time, I do half mile speed intervals to make it go by faster. I knocked out 5 miles in 45 minutes today!
Oh, and I will only strength train when in a class or in a video. It’s hard for me.
I wish I had your passion for strength training! I have made it a new years goal to lift more weights during the week….so far it has been a struggle!
I guess I’m just the type that thrives on routine. I don’t get bored often, but every now and then I’ll change up a running route just for fun!
I need to find a love for strenght training…
Wow! I’m impressed! 7mph intervals are tough for me at 4 months post partum! I was on the elliptical a week after Noah James was born, but I tried to run a couple of weeks later and the impact left me hurting the next day. I stuck to the elliptical until the 6 week check up and then started running. So glad you are feeling so good… Just be careful 🙂
I will sometimes take a class at a local gym. Drop in fees are usually expensive, but getting back some motivation is worth it to me!
You are such an inspiration for being back into an actual workout routine so quickly!! I think the future me would find myself doing the same thing. Good for you for making the most out of your time!
I switch up classes-When i’m bored of “training myself” i’ll take dif classes at my gym-I try and juggle them every few months or I get sick of the same thing, plus I like to shock my body!
I love having the ability to mix it up for “free”. While I’d love to have a gym membership or studio classes, I find that it creates too much pressure and guilt for me, especially if something comes up and I can’t get out of work on time. Having a bike, treadmill and pool at home takes all of that away. I’m just now getting back into daily exercise and I can’t wait until Spring/Summer. My favorite workout is a reverse mini tri at home. Treadmill, bike, swimming… Which turns into lounging by the pool when I’m done.
Thats so awesome you have all those options.
Love runners’ high!!! It is THE BEST!!!! <3
I downloaded the Nike Training Ap for my iPod Touch, and love it as needed variety in my regular workout routine.
I naturally just change things up now and then. What I used to like about Jazzercise was the wide variety of exercises and muscle groups worked. I really miss it.