It Makes No Sense!

Posted: March 2, 2010 at 10:58 pm

Sometimes life just doesn't make a lot of sense...

Like, how Jake can choose Vienna over Tenley?


I get the connection thing and how that's important. And if he didn't really feel a connection with Tenley it should definitely not be forced. However, how can you propose to someone when you admittedly proclaim that the basis of your relationship is the "fun" and the "physical connection"?  Call me a realist, but I think an emotional connection is much more valuable and lasting for a marriage. Have you ever chosen to be with someone solely based on the physical connection and expecting a lasting relationship? I definitely have, and while that relationship might have been the most "heated" physically, I would never have been fully happy staying in it.

And on top of that - it snowed today. In March. In Atlanta. That just doesn't add up. We got a good 3-4 inches, which is a lot for us. I do love snow though. Makenzie does too. 🙂

Snow - Just Beginning to Come Down

A Sweetie in the Snow


Due to the snow, I stayed in to get some cleaning done. And hit up an at home Turbo Kick workout instead of the gym. Now, my parents and sibs are almost here. We plan to watch The Biggest Loser and have dinner together. And laugh a lot I'm sure, just from our random senses of humor. Tonight will be the last night to visit with my bro so I sure hope they make it! He flies back to Arkansas tomorrow. 🙁

**Did everyone read my thoughts on the scale? Be sure to check it out if you haven't. I still want to know what ya think!

**Cool giveaway! Kristin from Iowa Girl Eats is giving away a bag of Chia Seeds.

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No Comments to “It Makes No Sense!”
  1. I had a guest pass at a gym that did turbokick. I was surprised how fun it was! I didn’t know they had home dvds.

  2. Lindsey says:

    Wow, more snow for you! Lucky! We didnt get a thing, just rain. I could have used a snow day 🙂

    Bachelor: Yeah, that passion goes away and if there is no other connection, the relationship is pointless…I’d like to see how their relationship is doing a year from now…

  3. We got snow in SC today too… I used to love it but I’m quite sick of it this winter. Though i did get me out of my night class…

    Oh Jake, for such a smart man, he makes some incredibly dumb decisions. I’ve chosen to date someone based on physical attraction and while it was exciting and whatnot, it’s not worth it.

  4. sophia says:

    ….and one month later, they get divorced….isn’t that always the way? No wonder they need to get on a TV show to get hitched. Urgh.

  5. kbwood says:

    she is soooo cute in the snow!! awwww!!
    ahh yes i know- so sad about jake and vienna! BUT i think tenley deserves way better, and God has someone in store for her 🙂

  6. Vee says:

    M is a cutie pie! She looks so adorable in that outfit. Did she have fun in the snow? 🙂
    I read your thoughts on the scale (I’m catching up with blogs so read it just a minute ago). I’m with you 100%. I am actually much heavier (according to the scale) than what I look like. I have quite a bit of muscle mass on me and a lot of my friends are shocked when I tell them my weight. It’s just a number. I am healthy, fit and strong and that’s what matters in my books.

  7. lessonstolearn says:

    I thought the same thing about Jake and Vienna. They do look happy, so I hope it works out, but I certainly expected her to be sent home each and every week!

    Nothing much is cuter than a baby in the snow!

  8. I know, Tina. I couldn’t believe it either. The girls were complete opposites: real vs. fake; mature vs. immature; wholesome vs. classless. I don’t get him!

    Your little girl is completely adorable though! She must get cuter and cuter with each picture!

    Hope you’re having a good week!

  9. The Vienna thing drives me nuts!

  10. Ameena says:

    I do believe that creative editing is responsible in part for the general dislike of Vienna, but still, Vienna is still tacky and young and doesn’t fit with Jake’s style at all! I hope this isn’t another failed relationship in 1 month!!

  11. Therese says:

    Ahhh snow! Her cute little red nose 🙂

    I didn’t watch the Bachelor but find it funny that everyone HATES Vienna but she is from Orlando lol (where I live).

  12. Lindsey says:

    No clue why he picked her. I think the last two actually should have been Gia and Alli. Few of the bachelors ever actually get married – I think this will be another one that never makes it to the altar.

  13. morriskr says:

    Are you not on FB anymore? I don’t see you as a friend now.

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