FFF Features

Posted: February 12, 2011 at 11:55 am

Before we get into another FFF Features post, I just have to say that I loved reading your comments on the last post. So cool to see where you all were a month, year, five years, etc ago! I learned some new stuff about you cool chicks. 🙂 Now for the features!

Featured Move: Ballsy Biceps

[click here if the video is not displaying properly for you]

Two of my recent Cathe workouts, Supersets & Push Pull, included some great moves to work the biceps. They use the stability ball and give a nice little oomph to basic curls. They got me good this past week.

Featured Moment: Finding out I was chosen as a Team 4all blogger ambassador AND getting to volunteer at FitBloggin’.

tina surprised

I just know this year is going to continue to bring great things to FFF. It is my passion and I’m ready for the ride!

Featured Meal: Bacon Avocado Lettuce Tomato Sandwich from Which ‘Wich

blt avocado

I still can’t get over how GOOD that sandwich tasted!

Featured Quote:

If you want to improve your life, improve your habits.

Featured Cuteness:

baby b bow

Makenzie wanting to dress up Braedon with her bow. Its a good look for him, no?

Featured Reading: Gracie @ Girl Meets Life – Who Cares?!


Totally awesome post and exactly the mindset we should all adopt!

And as always – What is a feature of your past week? Or something you want to see included in FFF Features?

***Stay tuned later for progress pictures. 🙂

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22 Comments to “FFF Features”
  1. Um, that sandwich looks fantastic!

  2. Suzanne says:

    You look fantastic!!!!!!!! 🙂

  3. Lauren says:

    I’m loving your exercise videos, you have quite the mini-gym in your living room. So convenient!

  4. Lee says:

    Braedon looks good in a bow! Lol.

    Let’s see: featured goodness was probably the tofu pie that I made. I promise it doesn’t taste like tofu!

  5. Melie says:

    I love the biceps moves! I am going to try the one with the barbell today! 🙂 Would you consider recommending one or two short upper body workouts I could incorporate in my training? Running is all good, but takes so much time and I really don’t want to completely quit on my strength training. It’s still my favorite! I know I should be the only runner out there to say that! 🙂

  6. Congratulations again on FitBloggin’! That’s super exciting! 😀

  7. Oh that picture of Braedon is so funny! It brings me back to the days where my sister and I would dress my brother up. Hilarious!

  8. He looks so cute with that bow on him!

    A feature of my past week has been trying to have faith that there is a plan and I am exactly where I need to be.

  9. i love the second bicep move. i’m always trying to figure out new ways to work out bi’s and isolate them, and this is a great thing to do at home !

  10. great moves – I heart preacher curls on a ball! And love the cuteness – adorbs! Your featured meal looks awesome too and that quote is SO right on – it’s all about the habits!

  11. Lol…and so the dressing up of the little brother begins!! 🙂 In no time, she’ll have him in full-on makeup 🙂

    Glad things are going so well for you girl– you deserve it!!

  12. lindsay says:

    what a great week full of wonderful feature. Love the stability ball move. Double the work. Have a wonderful weekend friend.

  13. i love these features! 🙂 braedon with the bow on his head is so cute!

  14. Braedon will come to appreciate that picture, I’m sure. Just like I’m positive my brothers secretly adore the pictures from when I painted their nails and dressed them in my dresses. Ok, so maybe they want them burned… 🙂

  15. I really liked the feature post idea. And I would like to see you do featured bloggers from the comments section like you have done in the past – I found a lot of good blogs to read that way.

  16. WOW….thank you so much for the link love, girl!!

    Have a great weekend 😀 xoxo G

  17. Adorable pic of Braedon! I bet Makenzie loves having a brother she can dress up!

    I’m definitely going to try incorporating those bicep moves into my next weight workout. I never would have thought to use a ball for arm exercises!

    And a belated congratulations for being chosen as a volunteer at FitBloggin’! I’d love to attend that conference..Do you know if tickets are still available?

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Tina!

  18. Courtney says:

    awwww! I haven’t checked your blog in a while, so when I say the picture of your adorable new baby I wanted to melt!! congratulations! 😀

  19. […] did my progress checks (more on those in a minute). After that I downed a banana and quickly filmed this week’s FFF Featured move before heading to the gym. Speaking of which – I really need to at least ACT a bit more awake in […]

  20. Kirsten @ Cooking in Japan says:

    I’m loving the quote of the day. I believe that 100%. I also can’t wait to watch that video. I have a sleeping baby on my lap so now is not the best time 😉

  21. Your quote made me think of a favorite quote of mine, “Nothing changes if nothing changes.” 😉

  22. Emily says:

    I watched the FFF video! Loved the bicep moves…I’ve done the second in the gun show, and it’s honestly not that bad. I like your videos for ideas.

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