Running Gear Suggestions
Posted: February 17, 2011 at 12:38 pmI continue to fall in love with running! Last night, I completed my next Couch to 5K workout and finished 2.57 miles in about 28 minutes.
I even oopsied and did one running interval over twice as long because I couldn’t see the time on my screen and was just in a groove. Amazing how time flies on a run when you’re into a song and into a groove!
I have also been loving the weather recently!
It’s been like that all this week and the forecast shows weather similar to this for the foreseeable future. I’m in love! Can it last pretty please?
The weather has certainly warranted getting outside as often as possible. I have enjoyed daily walks with the kiddos – Makenzie in her stroller and Baby B in his little carrier pouch with a blanket.
Walking along and playing “I Spy” with Makenzie and glancing down to baby B’s cute face always puts me in such a good mood. Wouldn’t it make you smile?
For one of our walks we went up to the local Greenway path and it actually got me craving a Couch to 5K session outdoors. I think once I get to longer run intervals, and if the weather stays this nice, I may just do that. I know I want to get used to running outdoors some before that 5K race I’m working towards in April.
Although there is certainly a lot about running I will have to learn. Fortunately, I have you all to turn to for suggestions! So, today I will start with one of the simple ones – gear!
What is your favorite gear for running outdoors? Here are some things I have picked up from you all so far as useful and I could see myself using if I continue falling in love with running and do decide to continue:
Garmin 205
Peter actually found a deal for one for about $100 and I think he wants to get it. He is all about finding deals for electronic trinkets. I definitely think I would use this to help with pacing myself! I don’t know if it would be necessary but I wouldn’t mind having that extra tool that’s for sure.
Arm Band or Pouch?
Running = music. I have learned quickly how much that helps. I use an iPhone for my music and have no clue how I would keep up with it. Holding it on outdoor runs seems…annoying. So which is more comfortable to running? The arm bands? Or I’ve heard of little pouches where you can also store a key, fuel, ID, money, or phone. Another question – what’s good to even take on runs?! [Please note: The iPhone is not my phone. We’re cheap and I have an old school phone with no data plan. The iPhone is a disconnected one Peter took from a friend to fiddle around with and that I can use for music. I’m not even kidding.]
If I DO get into running and end up doing any longer distances, I have a feeling I will want one of these babies. Yet again, the thought of carrying water sounds…annoying. Added bonus? We could use it when we hike!
Running Fuel
Gus, Shot Blocks, SportsBeans, Gatorade, dried fruit, and even candy. So. Many. Options. I’ve got a long way to go before I need to worry about that though.
These are obviously all things I would not need to worry about until more solidly into running – although, let’s face it, that love affair has already begun. I mainly want to stay on top of the game with my running (ha! pun intended!) mental lists. Plus, its fun! I already get excited thinking about my next Couch to 5K session, trying outdoor runs, and learning more about it all.
So, you tell me…what gear do you find helpful? And if not a runner, any gear you must have for your workouts like a HR monitor? I must have my spin shoes when taking spin classes!
Tags: braedon, couch to 5k, family activities, makenzie, running
baby b is so stinkin’ precious!!
<3 xo.
Here are my preferences in the order you asked:
1. I love my 205!
2. I use an iPod shuffle, which I clip to my shirt, so I don’t need a pouch or a band. Back when I used an iPod, I used the band b/c I like to have the option to skip songs and you can’t do that when it’s tucked away in a pouch.
3. I don’t think I would like a camel back. If I properly hydrate the day before then I don’t need to carry water unless I’m up in the double digits. In these cases, I would rather carry my water in my hand.
4. I love shot blocks for very long runs and Clif Shot Gels for lower double digit runs. The shot blocks have two servings while the gels only have one.
I hope that helps! 🙂
I have a polar HR monitor that I love…it doesn’t track mileage but it’s great for everything else!
He is so adorable! would make me smile too! Your daughter as well, looks like she is loving the walk in her stroller!! So cute! I wish it was that warm here! Lucky!
Looks like you got awesome running gear ; ) I am not a runner but I know those garmins are everything to runners!
70 degrees–heaven! Wow. I love his face in the snuggly–very “woe is me!” I love chocolate Gu, my Camelback, and body glide. Good luck w/ the rest of your training!
It’s warming up here lately, too!
I’m not really a runner, but I do like using heart monitors, especially for my strength workouts- that way I can get my heart rate up when it falls.
sounds like you’re getting into this running thing. I have a handheld water bottle I use (it’s only 10oz though) and it has a zipper I can stash a key in or some of the shot bloks. As for those things, you have to figure out what works best for you through trial and error. I ended up hating the sports beans – way too sweet and candy-like. I thought I was going to like them. And I kept spilling them. I suggest getting a hat to keep sweat out of your eyes and getting some outdoor running/sports sunglasses. I use an arm band for my iPod and it’s super comfy. I use it even in the gym lifting. Get fitted for your shoes (if you haven’t already) and invest in some running socks.
I have a Garmin and I love it. I love knowing exactly how far I’ve gone, my heart rate, and pace. So nice.
I think the little pouch would be helpful…for the key and stuff.
I need just better running clothes–running in cotton shirts isnt the best and thats most of what I have.
Oh you know I love gadgets! I have a Garmin 110. w/ HR monitor. I love it because it’s on the smaller side and I can use it during Spin class etc. to track HR etc.
I have an iFitness running belt as holds lots ( during a race or a longer run, keys/money etc.) I do have a CamelBak..but the “fannypack” style. My only issue with the hydration gear is keeping the tubes clean. I can’t. I stink. 🙁 They end up moldy and I thought I knew how to clean them properly. so I rarely use mine anymore…..
Comfy dry-fit type clothes.
Shoes for your unique self! If you get into longer dist. especially..I would recommend going to a running specialty store and get fitted for the correct shoes. It could make a HUGE difference. I was so loyal to NIKE for so many years, only to get fitted to find out they were the WORST type for me to get. Ooops! 🙂
If I think of anything else….I know where you hang. 🙂
P.S great run today !!!!
Living in South Carolina, I use my camel bak in the summer-time when I go for a run that is longer than 30 minutes. Also, whenever we go hiking in the mountains I take it and it’s just a communal water bottle for the family.
I also live with my Nike ipod accessory. I love knowing all the information that you would know on a treadmill (mins/mile, mileage, time, calories, etc.), but on outdoor runs! 😀
I think it’s so great you are getting into running! I love running so much and it’s something that my dad, husband and I just love doing together. Good luck on your upcoming race!
You should work up to a 10K and come to Charleston, SC and run the Cooper River Bridge Run! 😀
You are SERIOUSLY rockin’ your runs, Tina!!! I love watching people fall in love with running. It gives me hope that I will fall in love with other things (swimming?) one day, too!
I would definitely, HIGHLY recommend an arm band for runs! I have a Nano and it’s perfect. For longer runs, I’d definitely get a CamelBak or water belt of some kind. I LOVE the Shot Blocks, too, but usually don’t take them unless I run maybe more than 7 or 8 miles? And I want a Garmin SO BADLY! That is a GREAT deal on the 205. From what I hear, once you have one, it’s hard to run without them!
I could give you my recommendations (iPod Shuffle, Sony W Earbuds, iFitness belt, GU, etc), but I really think that unfortunately this stuff is mostly trial and error, especially the music and gels part. Forunately, gels/fuel are cheap. You won’t need them until you venture into 10K category if you are used to running without music, in my opinion. A Garmin is not a must — I only use mine on weekend long runs when it’s critical I know exactly how much I’ve run (10+ miles). All the rest of the time, I free-fly without my Garmin and feel MUCH better without one. In shorter races, I hardly rely on my Garmin at all.
Baby B has the cutest face!!! Can’t wait to read the comments of your readers as I’m new to running and trying to work the Couch to 5K program too! We hope to get it together so we (me and my husband) can sign up for an early May 5K.
Good luck training for your race! How exciting. I desperately want a Garmin 205. It’s my dream item, along with the Stand Up Kitchen Aid Mixer… your children are too cute!
My running seriously became 37598237589 times better after I got a Garmin. I am obsessed. I don’t really use it for my heart rate (I know I should…) but I just love knowing distance and my pace. I never used to be a “numbers” or stats person, but now I just love it, sometimes I even wear it when I walk to class just to see how long it takes me (yes I am a nerd…).
Awesome run!!
I have the Garmin 205 – bought it on black Friday for $88. Mine is not always reliable, but I’ve enjoyed it overall. I think I’d prefer something smaller, though! It’s really chunky. My next purchase will be a Spibelt and I perfer shotblocks to Gu. The texture of the goo makes me gag, but I know some people don’t like chewing the blocks while running. I usually only eat the shotblocks if I’m running over 8 miles. Last summer, I ran with a handheld water bottle – not my favorite, but it worked!
I use an iPod, but same idea. I have an arm-band which is definitely the way I’d go. I’m all for carrying the absolute minimum necessary. I don’t generally go on long enough runs that I feel I NEED water (5 miles or so), so I’ve never tried the camelback, but I suspect it’d drive me crazy. I bring a license and a credit card with me “just in case” and a key, but all of those get zipped into a handy little pocket in my running pants.
Admission…I occasionally carry more because I have a great doggy running buddy that wears a backpack. (you can see it in the 4th photo of this post: )
Oh, and I’m so STUPID! My FAVORITE toy. I have a Nike + tracker that plugs into the bottom of my iPod and a sensor in my shoe so that it tracks distance/speed/all that good stuff. And talks to you over your headphones.
Gah – Baby B is SOOO cute! He looks so cozy wrapped up in his carrier!
Here’s my “must have” list:
1. Garmin w/ a heartrate strap. I use my Garmin on EVERY run…helps keep me on pace and no more annoying mapping my routes! (I don’t use the heart rate strap right now though, but I’m glad i have it in case I do want to use it someday, instead of having to get another gadget to wear along with the Garmin.)
I really think everything else is trial-and-error based on what you can stand using.
I personally hate armbands for ipods because they end up chafing my arm/underarm. So when I use an ipod it’s clipped onto my waistband or tucked into my shirt (I have a little one though, so may not work w/ an iphone size one).
Camelbacks also annoy the crap out of me – as do hand-held water bottles. I’ve tried them both multiple times & just couldn’t get over how much they annoy me. So I use a Fuel Belt with multiple (smaller) water bottles and a pouch – that way I can keep my fuel/Gu/chapstick/etc in there and only have one “piece” of equipment to worry about.
(Boy, I’m really good at leaving ultra long comments!)
You have the most beautiful family!! So stinkin cute. 🙂
I heart my Garmin 305, but I don’t think it’s something that’s necessary unless training for long distances. Have you ever used You can measure out your running route exactly!
I am so glad that you are loving running! Given your trend, I think you are going to be much faster than me by the time you finish your training! 🙂
I love my garmin! I use it with a heart rate monitor strap, so it’s pretty much all the training gear I need. But if you are just starting to run outside, you might want to start out with an iphone gps app, like runkeeper. It logs your route, shows distance and elevation and it’s pretty accurate. No need to spend so much money on a garmin unless you are sure you are going to need it. On long runs, I carry my iphone on an armband and have a fueling belt with 2 bottles for water and a pouch where I keep my keys, id and fueling if I need it. I like it better than kamelbaks because it doesnt bounce as much and I find it less disturbing. Though I prefer not to have even that if I go on shorter runs and can find water somewhere…
I’m so glad you asked about gadgets, because I have been eyeballing a Garmin. 🙂
I definitely like my Garmin. For longer runs I use shot bloks or some kind of bar that I can take small bites of (like homemade protein bars/balls or a Larabar). My training runs also call for water/electrolyte mix. I have a hand held Nathan water bottle I like, but I’d love to get a Camelbak. Other than that, a good sports bra and shoes are my favorites. Good luck on that 5k! Training with two kiddos is no easy feat!
I have that Garmin, it’s a great piece of equipment but for some reason it can never pick up a satellite until I’m at least halfway through my run. I think it’s a Decatur thing, I’ve had problems with cell phone connections from two different carriers here.
Hi Tina, I managed to find a Garmin 305 for $99 a few months ago! It’s a little smaller than the 205 (though I know a lot of people who love 205’s). If you search though, you can find newer models on the cheap sometimes 🙂
I was not a fan of armbands but I love my little Spibelt (pouch). I know it seems silly, but I always feel like I need to have my phone with me in case of emergency and it fits perfectly with my keys and a snack. Plus its extremely stable because it rests on your lower back. My armband was sliding all over my arm when I started sweating.
And I looooooove my CamelBak. It’s surprisingly comfortable and keeps me hydrated on long distances or on shorter runs in high heat.
I’m thinking of getting a Garmin — I want something that can calculate distance — for now I have to map it out at home on line and then run — I’d rather be able to be spontaneous and run where I want to!
I have a running belt that has 2 water bottles that attach by my hips — I got it at REI and I love it. It has a pocket for my sport beans (love those!), my phone, kleenex and chapstick (the must haves!)
look at you, talking all things running. LOVE IT! I love my garmin. $100 is a great deal! And prefer the spri belts, they really are amazing. Enjoy that weather with the kiddos.
Ohmygosh! He is SO cute!
I juuuust got a Garmin 405cx and am already 110% in love with it. Mine takes about 10-15 seconds to get a signal and then I’m off and on my way! The heart rate monitor was a BIG eye opener for me. I had no idea my HR got up so high during runs. I’m an armband Ipod girl 🙂 And I’ve never really gotten into any of the energy supplements – my longest runs are half marathons and I find that just a couple of the Gatorade stops does the trick for me!
Since I don’t run, I am just going to second your emotion on the weather! I am so looking forward to getting out this weekend!
I want a Garmin – really need to purchase one for the spring! So glad you’re loving running – it’s the best!
I continue to be jealous of your weather — your low temps are our ‘heat wave’ highs up here!
Definitely a foam roller! I just got my first Garmin in the mail and can’t wait to use it this weekend 🙂
I love my garmin. It was worth every penny. I just got the smaller 405 as a gift. Other than that, good shoes and socks are really important too!
I had never thought about special running socks!
A garmin is a must have when you start to run outside. I’m not good at planning routes…I’ll be running 20 minutes and think, yup–that feels like 5 miles. I”m done! ha! I’ve tried the shot bloks and gels on my 8+ mile runs (i’m wicked slow so it takes me awhile). I felt the best last weekend on my 10 miler when I had water and gatorade with me. I almost choked on one the shot blocks, so that was a no-go. I also invested in a new ipod shuffle, which clips to whatever I want. Those are my must haves. 🙂
I absolutely hate running with my camelbak, but I know it’s necessary for long runs and in the dead heat of summer. I want a garmin so bad. You found one for $100?! What a great deal!
I got mine for Christmas, and I LOVE it for races. training, too, because I can figure out how well I’m doing pacewise! 🙂
I love my Garmin 210. I love that it gives me instant pace and can come with a footpod and be used inside too!
I also LOVE my camelback for long outside runs and races.
I use Powerbar Energy Blasts. I hate the GUs. But everyone is different. During my training I experiemented until I found something I liked.
I use an arm band for my ipod. I also alwas thought I had to have music to run, but last sunday I ran a race and forgot my headphones. I actually enjoyed not having them too.
I got a waist pouch for outside runs. I keep money just in case, my phone and an id in there. During races I put my energy blasts in there too. Those things are able to hold eeverything!! I love it. It doesn’t bounce or bother me at all.
I’m pretty minimalistic when it comes to running – the #1 thing is a GREAT pair of running shoes that were fitted to your foot type. I usually use my shuffle for music, but I have a waist pouch I can use if I want to take my iPhone. Good things to carry: kleenex, chapstick, fuel… for longer runs anyways.
I prefer a running belt or a hand-held water bottle (they have straps so you don’t have to physically carry them) to be more convenient than a camelbak but lots of people love those things.
Oh and I just ordered a Garmin. I’m so excited!
Oh, and a foam roller! Definitely 🙂
Good luck with your running, it’s so rewarding and fun!
I love the Spi Belt! Perfect for an iphone. It’s very comfy and easier than an armband. I only use an armband for my ipod nano.
GU is awesome! I take it if I’m running 6 or more miles. The Espresso Love is my favorite.
The Camelback seems a little weird to me, so I use a FuelBelt with 2 bottles. It’s not annoying at all and is enough for my runs…I rarely run over 8 miles.
And I LOVE Bondi Bands. They are great to keep the sweat from your head and are so cute!
There is so much good stuff out there! I’m looking into running skirts 🙂
Congratulations on your C25K run Tina! You’re making such huge progress and I think you should be really proud of yourself! I’d add a really good pair of running shoes to your list. I’m sure there’s somewhere near you that’s similar to our specialty running shops here, where the staff look at your gait and let you know if you need any support in the shoe for pronation/supination. It might not seem like a big deal at first and the shoes can be a bit more expensive if you do (Asics, for example) but in the long run I think it’s totally worth it from an injury prevention perspective.
LOVE that you’re falling for running – it is SUCH a great feeling when you pick up something you weren’t sure you’d like or even LOVE. Very cool. I’m actually a pretty low-maintenance runner. Even my garmin is the basic model (though I wish I went higher end, note to self…look for some on sale!) but it does the trick. I mainly use mine to monitor my heart rate to make sure I’m staying in zone for most of the run. I try not to get overly into the numbers otherwise – esp cals burned, which for a little while I was starting to get obsessive about. Now I just use it for heart rate purposes. Other than that, I don’t even run with music, just my favorite running companion(s) most of the time if outside, or a great interval circuit for the dreadmill and I’m good to go. I will say, I have LOTS of cold weather running gear but I doubt you need much of that 😉
Dang girl! You are rocking those runs! Isn’t it just so addicting! I have been an “unplugged” runner until recently. I have an ancient Garmin (from when they were first made) that is massive and just too annoying to wear on runs, so I switch to the Nike+ Sportband – put the sensor in or on your shoe and wear a watch that tells you time, pace, distance, and calories. I loved it… until my iPhone + RunKeeper Pro. If you do ever get a data plan for your iPhone, I recommend this app. It’s $10 and has GPS, plus you can listen to your music, all in one gadget! I actually hold it in my hand when I’m not running too far, but I do have an armband that I can use (I use it when I weight lift). I don’t like belts very much because they bounce up and down on me when I run, but I probably just haven’t found a good one that won’t do it. Keep up the great runs!
I just started getting into running a couple months ago so I am still learning about all the cool gadgets. Right now I just use an app on my iphone to track my distance/pace and route…but I would love something that tracked my HR too. And I have an armband for it but I like to have easy access to my phone incase I want to switch songs or take a look at my pace etc. And I haven’t ran long enough to take water with me (longest run is almost 5 miles)…I feel like I need water more when I run on a treadmill versus running outside but I haven’t ran outside yet when its warm/hot.
I say you should use an arm band – I’m not all for the pouch, but that’s just me. It reminds me of my mom’s fanny packs when I was little. 🙂
Girl, you KNOW I have some recommendations!!
Garmin-love mine, but it can make you get caught up in pace, rather than just enjoying your run. Nike also has an attachment for the iPod (Nike+) that also tracks your mileage, pace, etc. Since having Josh, I have used my Garmin once or twice, it just made me frustrated that I was going so slow.
Camelback-I either drop water along the way for a longer run or run with a group that sets it up for you. I hate carrying anything. I used to use a fanny pack similar to the Camelback, made by Nathan. IMO, the camelback is HOT, covering such a large surface area on your back. Its great for hiking, but I never loved it for running (too much bouncing).
Music-I MUST run with music and have always used an armband.
Nutrition-this has changed so much since the last time I was a distance runner!! I suggest you try everything until you find something you like AND agrees with you. I love the sport beans, but they upset my stomach. Once you find something, stick with it, and make sure you either bring it with you to the race, or that they will have exactly what you use along the course. Experiment with caffeinated ones as well. Currently, I am loving the Clif Shot Bloks Cran-Razz flavor. I chew 1 or 2 every 2-3 miles during a long run. That’s what works best with my stomach.
Shoes-DEFINITELY get fitted for shoes. You must go into it without worrying about price, size or color. Unfortunately, I don’t always love the way my running shoes look, but they make my feet happy. And they measured me a full size bigger than what I was wearing. But after I got fitted, I quit having blisters and losing toenails!! Phidippides in Atlanta is a GREAT place to go. They WON’T pick the most expensive shoes, but will pick based on what fits you. I also wear my running shoes only to run. I replace them religiously every 300-500 miles. They don’t look bad at that point, so I then start wearing them on the weekends, for lifting workouts, and on occasion for rainy/muddy runs.
Others-I am sure you already have a lot of dri-fit clothes and a good fitting sports bra (especially if you are still nursing). I also love my headsweat visor…it keeps the sun out of my eyes, as well as the sweat. No need to invest in BodyGlide or the like, just use Vaseline.
Woo! You have it all covered. Thanks, Cindy. 🙂
now THIS is something I can help you with! I have done a couple posts that may help you:
THANK YOU for all of these great links!!!
YAYYYY for running! I’ve been running for about 7 years, have run 4 half marathons, and am currently training for my first full! I only got a garmin about a month ago, and it’s nice to have.. but it’s definitely not a necessity for me. I would say a pair of good shoes, music, weather appropriate clothing are the essentials for running! You can always return home for a fuel break/pottybreak if you keep your loops small. Go you!
I got the Garmin 205 when I started training for my half and I couldn’t imagine training without it! Sounds like your doing great! 🙂
I don’t run far or well, but I also have an iphone that has no plan! It is amazing how much you can still do with an iphone even with no service.
Yay! I’m not the only weirdo!!!! LOL
I have a garmin but I honestly don’t use it that much. As far as something to hold my ipod, I use an arm band that I think was like 10 dollars.
As far as water goes, I have no interest in the Camelback. I do one of two things – I have a handheld water bottle like this
or I run on routes where I can stop at a gas station. Hmm, what else? I like to use GU for fueling. I like Sport Beans too but I sometimes feel like I’m choking on them.
I’m excited for this race!
Me too! Even though I will need none of this stuff for the race. LOL
Thanks for the link to that water bottle. Never seen one like that.
Oh, I also sometimes use a Spibelt to put my phone and keys in.
[…] the very low-maintenance category – I don’t have much “gear” if you will. Tina‘s post today spurred this thought. I have a garmin but it’s the most basic of models. […]