Why Do I Blog?

Posted: February 23, 2011 at 12:12 pm

Numerous times, you all credit me with honesty. I have to come clean again with some thoughts I have experienced over the past few days. Writing gives me clarity and two posts I have recently written did just that. First, I wrote a guest post (check it out) for Chelsey’s blog. Then, I wrote yesterday’s post about 20 Things To Keep In Mind. Both of those had me questioning my current approach to blogging.

Before moving on, please note that I’m not segueing into an announcement of “I’m not blogging anymore”. Not by any means. I truly feel called to share myself in this crazy thing called blogging. I love blogging. I do not hesitate for a moment to call it a passion of mine. However, that passion can take a negative spin sometimes and I recently realized it had done so for me.

blog motto

I will say it outright. I have goals for this blog. It provides a wonderful creative outlet and the flexibility to do something I love. It suits me perfectly right now as an adult outlet while staying at home and as a way to bring in a little extra side money for our family. I cannot deny my hopes that when the time comes for me to return to work in a few years, I can involve blogging in some way. By no means do I expect my blog to become my full-time income (& likely wouldn’t want it to). I still wouldn’t mind it working well alongside whatever other path I choose to take (personal training? wellness coaching? writing?).

However, in reaching that possible goal, I do not ever want to lose sight of why I blog. I fear I had started to do that. I emphasized developing my blog over the aspects of blogging that bring me true joy. I reflected. And reflected some more.

Why do I blog?

tina headshot

I feel an immense purpose in telling my story. With time, I knew the things I had experienced had some meaning. They weren’t simply to make me stronger or learn some important lessons. They did those things, most definitely. But I have no doubt in my mind that I lived through the depression, hurt, binges, self-hatred, tough relationships, and more to tell my story. God has a plan and something in my gut tells me this is part of it for me.

Nothing matters more than loving others. The innumerable connections and relationships possible through blogging matter to me. I don’t want to get so caught up in my own blog that I can’t make those true connections and friendships important in the blogging world.

I believe in being real. I share 100% openly and honestly about all things body image, balance, motherhood, fitness, weight loss, fears, etc because I think we too often put pressure on ourselves that is not realistic. Heck. It’s what I’m currently experiencing with blogging and something I believe not talked about nearly enough. I want to show the truth in all ways, so we can learn more to uplift one another in struggles and not hide behind false fronts.

And lastly, its fun! Its a great way to learn more about myself, share anecdotes of my family, capture life, and experience new things. I don’t want to lose the fun aspect!

Those are the reasons I blog and those are the things I do not want to forget. What does that mean? For myself personally, It means taking off the self-imposed pressure. It means keeping blogging a hobby and pleasurable pastime and trusting God to develop it as a part of my life in His own way.

And for FFF? The main difference you will notice is that I may blog less often (1x/day) so I can keep my focus on what I care about most in blogging. I hope I can more genuinely reflect why I blog, my mission and purpose in blogging, and who I am as a person – a busy mom/wife/friend working towards personal goals and loving life – in every post.

Who cares what it does to page views? Who cares if its not the standard for blogs trying to grow and develop? Who cares if it makes me slightly nervous as to how that will affect the styling of my posts and if they become too long for you to want to read? All I care about is that I stick to my reasons for blogging. I follow my gut. I do what I know is right. I continue to have fun so it remains a passion. Whatever path that ends up leading down…so be it. I will have blogged with purpose, dedication, and compassion. Yea…so be it.

With all of that being said, if you like what FFF stands for, I would be honored to have you nominate me for Women’s Health Magazines “Blogs We Love”. Pretty please?? 🙂 Just click HERE and take a short moment to enter my site.

Question of the Day – Why do you blog? Have you ever lost sight of that? What caused you to do so and how do you keep focused?

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81 Comments to “Why Do I Blog?”
  1. LindseyAnn says:

    I blog to keep track of my workouts, to share my experience, and to connect with runners and healthy-livers around the country. I’m a firm believer that “everyone has a story”, and I want to share mine and to read the stories of others. That’s why I do what I do.
    I recently cut back myself–fewer posts per week, trying to focus on quality over quantity. And you know what? I like it. I feel like I have more to share this way.
    Your blog remains one of my favorites, though, and I’ll keep reading whether you post 5 times a day or only once a month. 🙂

  2. Very convincing, but i already loved your blog and I totally voted for you! 🙂

  3. It’s so funny to me that these posts are popping up now, at a time when life has really taken me away from my computer more than usual… and I’m grateful for it! It’s been nice to not struggle with clearing my reader every day and just reading and commenting on a more leisurely level. I respect you SO much for doing what you’re doing for you, and please know that this loyal reader will come back to your blog as often as I can 🙂

  4. Helen says:

    You know you have my nomination! You are a wonderful blogger, and I look forward to reading your posts daily 🙂

  5. Anne Marie says:

    I agree with this whole heartedly… I used to feel guilty if I didn’t blog everyday… but life is more important than getting a blog post up! I remember that I do it for fun 🙂

  6. I blog because I love every aspect of it. It’s a way for me to be creative every day, a way to record my life and stay positive on a daily basis, a way for me to explore my passion while I’m still figuring out what I want to do with my life. Plus, I hope to pursue a career in some kind of health writing/food capacity, and since my major in school doesn’t relate to that, I feel like blogging is an incredible way to develop my interest, learn every day, and make contacts. Funny enough, I feel like my personality has come through more with more frequent posting. I’ve become more flexible, a bit sillier, and just more ME. Recently I’ve cut back a lot on commenting, and I think it’s helped me to keep blogging in perspective. I love reading my friends’ blogs, but once I let go of the “commenting commitment,” I felt like it became ten times more enjoyable. I comment on posts that speak to me and inspire me or make me laugh!

    Voted for you. I love that you can nominate as many people as you want. I hope to see pages of bloggie friends once the winners are announced, you included!

    • Tina says:

      It’s so interesting how different things work so well for different people. I honestly like two posts a day, but sometimes felt so rushed to do it with my schedule. Then it made it not enjoyable. Such a hard balance!

  7. Thank you for posting this and thank you for blogging!! 🙂

  8. Em says:

    Girl you are GORGEOUS in that pic you posted. Thank you for blogging, I love the new layout!!!

  9. I started blogging to keep a chronicle of my son. I picked it back up to keep a different start of chronicle, and now to make connections in the various areas of my life. I think to hard sometimes about this whole blogging thing rather than just letting it happen. I am trying to give up some of that tight reign and need for perfection.

    Got you voted for! 🙂

  10. Sylvia says:

    I love reading your blog everyday so I hope you never quit blogging completely! Oh, and I voted for you too!

    • Tina says:

      heck no! I don’t ever plan to quit blogging completely. The only time that would come is a few years down the road if it won’t fit into me working and having time for family. You’re stuck with me for at least another 2-3 years! 😉

  11. I’m glad you are staying true to yourself! I’ll be here to read no mater what!

  12. I just wanted to say that I love you! 🙂

  13. I’ll be coming up on two years of blogging in July, and I think it’s important to keep in mind why we blog, as well as re-evaluating throoughout the process! Because I’ve noticed that my reasons change from time to time:)

  14. […] trying to get posts up several times a week just in case anyone out there is still reading. As Tina said yesterday, I am trying to live to blog, not blog to live. I feel a bit guilty, almost as if I […]

  15. I blog because I love it! I started for personal accountability and didn’t realize there was a whole community out here. And the connections I form make it such a pleasure. I also, usually, enjoy the creative process, which was also unexpected.

    Because the community piece is so important to me, I actually cut back on my own posting to have more time to visit and comment on other blogs. And to reply to comments on mine.

    I was actually told by more than one blogger that posting less can actually INCREASE your readership, but I have not seen any impact either way and did it for myself and my sanity.

    Funny coincidence – one of my favorite bloggers announce a blog break earlier this week. My immediate response was to start drafting a post similar to this one:) But I could not get the words to flow so I put it aside.

    Someday I will have to examine the content of my blog because I will run out of things to say if I don’t broaden things.

  16. Groff's Girl says:

    You have got my vote!!! I love your site, thanks for visiting mine. I love the 30 days of self love….I think I may have to do a good 31 days of Self Love in March…let’s see if I can come up with a quirky title for the month that will be: my last month on Okinawa, Japan, my first 5K, the month I am trail running every weekend, and the month that I prepare for a move to Germany….lots of room to be grateful and be sure to keep that self love growing! Such motivation….that is your site!!!!

  17. This is really important and something I’ve been thinking about a lot too. I feel like my blog is always on my mind because I want it to be a bigger part of my life but then I’m buy. So how do I make the time? Everyone’s busy. And then I feel like my blog will never “make it”, like yours and so many other people’s have. And that I’ll never get added to a network and that I won’t get new followers. And then I think about how stupid that is. This is for me. The rest is just secondary.

  18. […] Whether I get one or two, I can stay true to my writing style and true to myself with remembering why I blog. Certainly not black & white, but definitely a […]

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