Opposite is Opposite!

Posted: March 7, 2010 at 7:15 pm

Remember the episode of Friends where Joey and Chandler argue over the chair and Joey says he'll get back at Chandler by doing the opposite of Chandler taking his underwear? "Oppsosite...is opposite!"


Oh I love that show!! πŸ˜€

Anyways, yesterday was a day FULL of things turning out the opposite of what I thought they would.

I started the morning with some news that surprised me. It was the complete opposite of what I was expecting. And I will just leave it at that. I know secrets aren't fun, but it just has to be right now. Sorry!

Then, I headed to spin class and was not feeling it. I thought it would be a mediocre workout, but it ended up being amazing and I enjoyed every bit! πŸ˜€

After that, I got changed and showered to go get my hair done. You know I was considering going a bit darker. I was 100% planning on going for it, but then when I got in the chair I did this...


I'm still adjusting a bit. At first I loved it, then I hated it, and now today I am liking it again. I think I need some time for it to grow on me more. πŸ˜€

In the afternoon hours, we talked about going to a park or on a long walk since it was pretty nice out. What did we do instead?

Sam's Club

It was supposed to be a quick stop using my brother-in-law's card to go in and get some cheaper diapers. However, I got sucked in for longer than expected and we missed our park time. Oops! Sadly, we didn't even buy any of the cool stuff I wanted to (case of Chobani anyone?? :D) because we had to head out to dinner and don't have a refrigerated trunk. Although how cool would that be? Then I could ALWAYS shop at Trader Joes! Yes, I would make the 40 minute drive each week if there was a plausible way to get it all home. I think a lot of you would too. πŸ˜‰

We also did a quick stop at my in-laws for a visit. Makenzie got some play time in with her cousin Enzo...

Is it just me...or do they look guilty?

We went to Marlow's Tavern for dinner with 2 other couples that are close friends of ours.



I didn't get any pictures because I always always get too sucked into the good times with this group and NEVER remember pictures. πŸ™ You would think I would have more pictures with some of our best friends. But I don't. Not even a single one from our 3 day trip to the beach together. It's okay though. Dinner wasn't that great. I just got a burger and fries. I so should have gone with one of the other options I was considering, but I never get burgers and thought it would have been really good there. So the food was opposite of what I expected. No biggie, since the company totally made up for it!

Now a few other pertinent pieces of information.

  • Two prayer requests - one for a little 2.5 week old infant named Jack. He had to have surgery last week for a bad heart murmur. The surgery failed and he is currently on life support. They are going to see if his heart has strengthened enough to beat on its own tomorrow, so please pray for him and his family. Also, our good friend Angie who is pregnant (after 2.5 years of trying) is showing some possibility of preterm labor. Please pray that she gets through these last 4-5 weeks until she is full term (36-37 weeks). I would absolutely HATE to see anything happen to their little girl after all the time they have already waited for this blessing of a child.
  • Fun Fact Friday Answer - Spring is my 3rd favorite season, fall wins! I love the temps, the things to do, and just everything about fall. Summer is 2nd. And winter doesn't even get called fourth because I despise it. So, yes, one of my favorite songs is Baby Got Back. It is purely for nostalgic purposes of laughs with my sister. But it never fails that I want to sing along to that song and it makes me smile! LOL
  • Lots of Giveaways in Blogworld - Naomi from One Fit Foodie, Morgan from Live Love Eat and Play, Kate from What Kate Ate, and Eater Not A Runner. πŸ˜€

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No Comments to “Opposite is Opposite!”
  1. I like the hair! Is it blonde with dark pieces? It always takes me a bit to adjust to new hair do’s too. Hmm…I’m so curious as to your surprising news!

    I wanted to ask you: how do you like wordpress? I’m thinking about moving to it from blogspot but I’m not sure.

  2. homecookedem says:

    You must live really close to me! I’ve never been to marlow’s tavern, but know where it is!! πŸ™‚ Too bad the food wasn’t so good…

    I just said prayers for those babies!!

    • Tina says:

      Thanks for the prayers. And it’s so cool that we live fairly close. Marlow’s has a few locations – we were in the Sugarloaf area. πŸ™‚

  3. Mellissa says:

    I think your hair looks great! Sending my thoughts your way since you prayed from my Grandpa this week.

  4. Prayers for your friends…

    Also, your hair looks so great! You are gorgeous!!

  5. Love the hair. Cute! Hope the news is good at least.

  6. sophia says:

    I think it’s so great that you’re requesting prayers for your friends…it reminds me that prayer really works, and I should do more of that, too. Pray for others, I mean.

    I honestly think your hair looks cute and pretty! You’ve got it already…so why not just flaunt it? If you act like it’s the best thing on earth…people will admire it more, too! πŸ™‚

  7. Marcia says:

    I love secrets! I am a mind reader as well…… πŸ˜‰
    Your hair looks fab… πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  8. Vee says:

    I like your hair! I’ll be praying for your friends.
    Can’t believe I got another Fun Fact Friday wrong. πŸ™‚

  9. haha omg baby M is so adorable!!! imagine her when she has a little brother or sister to play with πŸ˜‰

    love the hair girl, you look so awesome!!! glad you had a nice time out with the other couples, date night is so much fun !

  10. lessonstolearn says:

    Love the hair!

    I’ll add your friends to my prayer list. I am only 9 1/2 weeks pregnant and the thought of losing this baby terrifies me. I can’t imagine carrying a child to term, or almost to term, and then face the possibility of losing it.

  11. Cindy says:

    I am with Marcia…..love the hair, love the secrets, and love the mind reading…..

  12. Terri says:

    Loving the hair Tina & the secrets too. Have your friends in my prayers. Hope you have a good start to the week.

  13. morriskr says:

    You must not post enough pics of yourself because I already thought you were that blonde! =)
    I went dark for a few months, REAL dark, but am back to having blonde highlights. Change is fun!

    • Tina says:

      Well, I’ve definitely had it blonde like this before but recently it has been more of a dirty blonde…my natural color. So this seems a lot more blonde to me πŸ™‚

  14. lisaou11 says:

    Great Friends reference! Those are always welcome around here!

    Second, love the hair. I thought you were already pretty blonde, but either way…it really brightens your face up and you look very “glowy”.

    Ah, and you little devil you keeping secrets :). Hope it was a good surprise!!

    Thanks for letting us know about the prayer requests. I’ll keep your friends in my thoughts & prayers.

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