Guess What I Did Today?
Posted: February 28, 2011 at 8:09 pmAs my Facebook & Twitter pals (are you one?) already know, I went to spin!!!!
It was my first time back since having Braedon. I was a little nervous before heading out this morning for class. This tweet speaks for itself as to why.
I remember my very first spin class. I remember hurting in a particular region for days afterwards. I remember also having a padded bike seat that time. There was no padded seat today. There was also no air conditioning. There was only me…and the bike.
I totally asked a random fellow spinner to take that picture. Blurry shot is what you get!
And lots of sweat. Spinning in basically a sauna is no joke. I took the photo below after having the chance to air out for about 20 minutes.
Ick. Luckily, I had another first time moment that worked perfectly to cool me off.
That, my friends would be banana soft serve. You can pick your jaws up off the ground now. I know I waited way, way, way too long to try this. Honestly, I just kept forgetting to freeze bananas! It only took me a year to remember. And I have to say, I don’t think I will forget to freeze bananas anymore.
Banana soft serve with a sprinkle of honey + a chocolate vitatop = a great snack.
Banana soft serve + Makenzie = a happy kid with “ice cream” = a happy mommy!
Anything else I need you all to smack me upside the head to finally try? I promise I’ll return the favor to get you into spin class. I survived today, after all. Hip-hip-hooha-ray!
Question of the Evening – Is there anyone else out there yet to try banana soft serve? For the many of you who have…what’s your favorite “mix-in” or topping?
great job at the spin class!
i haven’t tried it yet, im afraid it will just be like mushy bananas!
I LOVE peanut butter on top! I felt silly when I finally tried it too…what in the world was I waiting for? I am so glad you had a great day Tina!
You should totally try using quinoa as a breakfast in place of oatmeal. The texture is fun and a great source of protein to keep you full.
Oh and Evan’s Snickerdoodle Hummus!
I have a feeling that’s one I’m going to regret putting off too. I’m just having trouble getting past the thought of sweet hummus.
Congrats on going to spin! 🙂
I have about a bajillion bananas in my freezer – but I don’t have a food processor (I KNOW!). Do you think a blender would work?!
It would probably be more like a smoothie in a blender. It thickens up in the food processor. At least for me it did.
I have not done the BSS! But one time I made “soft serve sorbet” with bananas and strawberries and pineapple. It tasted…like a smoothie. HA.
I still haven’t tried it. I’m with you, I just forget to freeze the bananas!
How have I never read about this on your site? What is banana soft serve? Is it just frozen banana in a blender? Would a magic bullet do the trick or not strong enough?
PS: Rockin’ arms on that bike!! 🙂
Yep. Just a frozen sliced banana in a food processor. I’m pretty sure I have heard of people using a magic bullet for it. It’s so good!!!
Thanks on the arms. That’s what lugging kids around will do I guess. I was kind of shocked to see any sort of definition myself!
Thats awesome that you went to the spin class! As they say, showing up is half the battle!
Way to go girl!!! I tried BSS again the other day…hard to beat real ice cream though 🙂
I’ve never tried spin! Plan to Thursday – great pic – love that you got someone to take it! 🙂
I’ve never tried BB soft serve!
You’ve never done spin?! I thought you had. You MUST go!
obsessed with fro yo. i love mixing all the fruit and chocolate toppings in so they get kind of frozen 😛
i tried spin. it was a disaster! so intimidating to me hah
That picture of M with her mouth open eating the “ice cream” is absolutely adorable!!! Way too cute!
Woohoooo! I’m so happy you did a spin class! And you’re not joking about the sweat – even when I’m teaching, I sweat wayy more in a single 45 minute class than I do in 60+ mins on the treadmill! 🙂
Yay for you! I haven’t tried it, but it looks really good!
I loooove banana soft serve! I like to add some chocolate chips or a drizzle of almond or peanut butter… or both! So good!
I’ve been going spinning four times a week since 11 days postpartum. It hasn’t hurt at all, but, then, I didn’t have to push with Henry (I delivered him while I was napping, unbeknownst to me). So, no pain.
Oh, and I adore banana soft serve. It’s an awesome snack.
Tina, that is AWESOME!!! I know how much your *hmm hmm* can hurt after a spin class…you are so brave! 🙂
I have yet to try the banana soft serve….no food processor for me (yet). 🙁 But it is going to be my next kitchen purchase, just for that sweet stuff alone!
Mackenzie is just too cute! She melts my heart every time!
I love banana soft serve! I like it with a touch of honey and peanut butter (big surprise there, right?) and something crunchy on top (granola or peanuts or whatever I have on hand). Meghan loves it, too, of course. 🙂
GO YOU!! I can’t wait to make my children think that banana soft serve is actual ice cream – I’m so excited for that daaay!!! 🙂 You know I’m not joking.
Hooray! Glad you made it and that it went well 🙂 That soft serve looks fabulous. I’ve had frozen bananas in smoothies, but not on its own.
this post just makes me happy all around! Makenzie and soft serve = ADORABLE!
Makenzie looks like she loves it!
I sometimes put frozen berries in with the bananas. It tastes like sorbet.
Congrats on the spin! That’s quite the accomplishment. My favorite mix-ins are coconut and chocolate chips…mmm… so good. My biggest problem with soft serve is that I save my browning bananas for my oatmeal so I never have enough to freeze.
Yay for the spin class!!!! And banana soft serve – yum yum
I love adding chocolate sauce or peanut butter to banana soft serve! So glad you made it back to spin, I always choose the bike next to one of the fans so I don’t get way too hot.
I love banana soft serve! I’m a big fan. It’s great with chocolate chips blended in or granola on top. Peanut Butter Puffins makes a great topping, too!
By the way, you look awesome. Loving your toned arms!
Good for you!! Spinning is no longer an option for us… we canceled our gym membership! Only the real bike (which, honestly, we never make hardcore enough to match the spin workouts…)
So glad you got to spin class today! I have yet to try banana soft serve. Do you make banana soft serve in the food processor or blender? I have a banana in the freezer that I could turn into soft serve : )
I LOVE spin! Isn’t it the best? Glad it wasn’t uh, painful in the nether regions 😉 I concur on the arm definition too 🙂 And that banana soft serve looks delish! I LOVE soft serve!
YAY!! Spin class returns!!! That must have been one craaaaazy “spinner’s high” huh?? LOVE IT!!! PS. I NEED to try banana “soft serve” – I keep hearing about it but am afraid it’ll taste too “banana-ry” if that’s even possible?? Do tell!
I love mixing in chocolate chips, cocoa powder, strawberries and peanut butter! So glad you like it!
I love banana soft-serve! So obsessed 🙂
I throw peanut flour into the blender with it for some peanutty flavor!
So glad you had fun at your spin class! I wish I enjoyed spin, but I just don’t. I cant stay in one place like that for that long haha 🙂
Woo-hoo for spinning! I love it and wish I could go more often.
I have yet to try banana soft serve – I just heard about it! Though I am woefully behind on everything in the blog world. It’s on my list of things to try very son – especially since my kids are obsessed with bananas.
i haven’t tried banana soft serve yet (i’m crossing my fingers i get the food processor off my wedding registry!!), but when i do, i cannot wait to mix in the trader joe’s mini peanut butter cups. mmm. it’s going to be glorious.
That does sound glorious!!!! I may have to use that idea myself.
I have yet to try banana soft serve, but I totally need too! That looks like and awesome snack! Banana soft serve AND chocolate! 🙂
I haven’t tried it. Been meaning to for SO long though! Once we get moved into our new place, I am definitely going to! I blame my lateness on the fact that my food processor is packed away. 😉
yeah for spin! i love it…too bad it costs money to go to a class 🙁 i love banana soft serve! it’s definitely something we make a TON of in the summer!
I would love to try a spin class! Its something thats always scared me, but it just sounds so fun.
Banana soft serve is amazing eh? Im obsessed.
So funny you had the banana soft serve with a vitatop, because that’s what my husband and I snacked on just last night!! So tasty, right?? I added some chocolate chips to his soft serve and walnuts to mine…not bad but should have stuck with the chocolate. 😉
Way to go on the spin class! Kev and I go a few times a week. Actually joined a new gym this past weekend and the class was not what we expected, bikes were old and I could not do standing runs or climbs and was pretty disappointed but we’ll still go.
I have never made the banana soft serve. I remember hearing about it somewhere but not sure how to make it. I would probably use another fruit if possible unless of course I could mix peanut butter in because I cannot eat bananas by themselves LOL
You can definitely add in some other fruit or top then mix with some melted pb. Yum!
All you do is process a frozen sliced up banana. That’s it!
Cool! Now if I don’t have a food processor would the Magic Bullet mixer work do you think? I need a food processor stat!
I haven’t tried it with the bullet, but I’m pretty sure I’ve heard others using it for some. Not positive though!
I have never tried that before…and to sound even weirder….that is the first I have heard of it!! Really, just frozen bananas blended and then stuff added… is SO on (as soon as I get more bananas)!! Way to go on the spin class, another thing I have yet to try!! I have been busting my but with Jillian Michaels, though! Something I would also like to try, and never get around to it….frozen grapes. Now I feel SOOOOO out of the cool eats zone!! 😉
I haven’t tried frozen grapes yet either and always hear such wonderful things. So, thanks for the reminder!
And yes – just a frozen banana processed for a few mins. That’s it!
I knew there was a reason why I brought bunch of bananas last night. Popping 2 into freezer now. I have never heard of it before.
It’s really good and has a great soft serve texture. And all it is is processing frozen bananas. Insane! 😀
I can’t wait to try it with cocoa powder or different fruits to get different flavors.
Oh – spinning and our delicate lady bits… can only imagine after having a baby. I didn’t try biking until years after mine were born and I have a gel seat with a cut out especially for women!
haha I love that you asked a random to take your picture while spinning.. you’re awesome!
I have yet to try banana soft serve…. but by looking at your pictures makes me want to try it asap!
Congrats on getting through such a big fitness milestone!
Girl, your arms look awesomely jacked in that photo. Nice work!
Whew, looks like that was a rocking workout. Go you! Spin class is the one thing I miss about not having a gym membership anymore.
Banana soft serve is seriously amazing. I add a drizzle of honey to mine too. At one point I was having 3-4 servings a day. Yeah, that many bananas a day will start giving you problems…..
Yay for spin! You rock girl!
I love banana soft serve but I never make it because I hate dealing with my food processor. I’m too lazy, haha!
Yours looks amazing!!