Stretch It Out

Posted: March 8, 2011 at 7:58 pm

Thanks to studios being too expensive and the gym’s class schedule, I currently have no yoga in my life. I have also tried doing workouts, which I love, but that too presents a problem. I won’t mention any names *cough cough Makenzie* but yoga doesn’t work too well when you’re used as a mountain to climb mid downward facing dog.

I miss the feeling of a great stretch that comes with every class. I hate having tight muscles and that happens so easily for me. That is why I have made a strong effort to keep up with stretching despite yoga not currently fitting in my workout routine. I don’t see any reason to have excuses for not stretching and caring for my muscles, especially as I get more involved with running.

I make a point to stretch for 5 solid minutes after every workout. During this time, I usually stick to the standard stretches.

mh295 stretch 6 stretch 7

I also sporadically stretch throughout the day. I will do my favorite yoga poses that I feel give me a good stretch in all the right places while chilling on the floor with the kiddos.

I can downward dog over Braedon and make silly faces at him…until M decides to use me as a mountain, of course.

stretch 2

I will go into a kneeling crescent lunge or pigeon pose…

stretch 1 stretch 3

Makenzie thinks its funny when I foam roll and we take turns together.


It’s only an extra minute here or there, but I think it adds up. Every little bit counts, right?

Question of the Evening – How do you fit in stretching?


39 Comments to “Stretch It Out”
  1. sadly i don’t right now 🙁 i’m hoping to work it into my workout schedule soon though! i miss yoga too!

  2. Cynthia says:

    I am so bad at stretching! I need to be better at it though and yoga isn’t a bad idea. My hamstrings have been really tight and I need to loosen them. I did do a few downward facing dogs in my office today and I felt much better. I also did a few yoga poses after my run tonight to get in a nice stretch.

  3. Those are all great stretches. I try to do a few minutes at least of stretching, but sometimes there just isn’t the time. I’ve been making myself foam roll and at least do a few downward dogs and pigeon right after a run. I also do a little bit in the morning before heading to work sometimes.

  4. Errign says:

    I am slightly obsessed with my foam roller – I roll around on it all the time.

    I am kind of bad at stretching my legs post run though – I am good about after strength training though!

  5. Lee says:

    I am really bad at stretching. I’ll do it for about 2 minutes after I run. Sometimes.

  6. I lost peace with yoga when the kids were little and really I never went back to it. I feel like I just don’t have the time for it anymore, but I do miss it. I stretch right after working out, but sadly, not long enough. I try to also stretch some throughout the day just to keep things from getting tight.

  7. I try to get up from my desk periodically and do some lovely downdog action or chest opening stretches to counteract sitting at a computer all day. Doing yoga has definitely made me more aware of the need to stretch often! It just feels so good!

  8. I love stretching. I generally do it everyday after I workout. I think it’s just conditioning from my ballet dancing days, but I don’t feel like my workout is complete unless I stretch.

  9. Kelly says:

    I am a terrible stretcher. I need do it more. I even developed a bursa sac in my knee by not stretching…that was fun. Especially having it drained by a huge needle. And yet I still don’t stretch enough…WHAT IS WRONG ME?? haha!

  10. I do a little stretching before a workout and always end with 5 minutes of harder stretching. I also will stretch in the shower…

  11. I don’t fit in stretching enough! I know how important it is, but I always seem to be running short on time and that’s what gets the axe. I need to fit it in more.

  12. I’m not flexible at all, therefore I tend to shy away from stretching even though I KNOW how much better I’ll feel afterwards. Nowadays I make myself do a few downward dogs and sun salutations first thing in the am. It definitely energizes me and gets me more connected with my body

  13. Lauren says:

    I find myself going into random yoga poses during the day to stretch out. It just feels so good to stretch out after sitting for a while.

  14. Allie says:

    Awww, little M climbs on you when you do your yoga LOL! I LOVE doing random poses when I need a good stretch 🙂

  15. I try to stretch after my workout. I also have a corefusion energy flow dvd that is a decent yoga workout.

  16. I have made it my goal (and I have kept up with it too!) to stretch/foam roll at least once per day. I set my timer for 10 minutes and just go with it. My legs feel so much better when I include lots of foam rolling.

  17. lindsay says:

    I learned the hard way, Too tight of hamstrings caused a lot of other issues. Now I do my yoga DVD 2x a week and foam roll. WOOHOO
    I wanna see M foam roll! too cute!

    • Tina says:

      Her foam rolling is more sitting in my lap and riding along. Doesn’t work too well. Or just sliding over it, which that is pretty hilarious to see.

  18. I stretch after every run.. which is a new thing for me. It took a lot of practice to make that a habit.. over 2 months! It definitely makes a difference and I can really feel it.

  19. I get most of my stretching through yoga, specifically Bikram. It feels oh so good! I nearly wanted to do a double class on Sunday!

  20. I usually put stretching on the back burner and pay for it later with tightness. :/

    LOVE pigeon pose!!

  21. I definitely don’t stretch enough. I felt it on my run today. So when I got home, I made certain to stretch for extra long! I will do random stretches throughout the day though, especially for my lower back and hamstrings!

  22. Dorry says:

    I foam roll at such random times – whenever I have a free minute, or if I’m watching TV. It’s an almost daily occurrence during half marathon training.

  23. Sadly, I am with the many others who don’t do enough stretching. My hamstrings and low back often pay the price. I swear I get tighter as I get older – I really should lean my lesson!

  24. Groff's Girl says:

    I am a Yoga Teacher (not teaching right now, will start again when we get to Germany) I always loved teaching because I would always push myself harder in order to motivate my students! Since I am not teaching, I have a hard time just practicing on my own. Insert: Jillian Michael’s Yoga Meltdown. I get it done in like 26 minutes, it adds movement, which I like for something different, and it really does stretch me out and push me hard!!!! You should give it a try!! My son loves watching and usually busts out a few poses with me 😉

    • Tina says:

      I would love to try that DVD. I have only heard good things about it. I just have to convince myself to cough up the money.

  25. I stretch after I run and if I happen to do a workout dvd that includes stretches (and the dvd’s usually do include stretches). I don’t tend to do stretching on my off days. I must say that downward dog feels really good, as does child’s pose. They both feel so good to my back. Ah….

  26. Coco says:

    I am really good at stretching after my TM runs, not so good about doing it after outdoor runs, but I am working on it. I remind myself that not only can help to prevent injuries, but it really feels goooood!

    I love my Rodney Yee AM Yoga for Your Week DVD. It has 5 different 20 min programs. The “Twist” program is my favorite, but Forward Bends and Standing Poses are close behind.

  27. AmyLauren says:

    I haven’t done yoga in awhile either! But, if you have Netflix, they have all kinds of yoga and workout videos on there, you could try that. Or, try going to your public library and checking one out, that’s free unlike Netflix (although Netflix is definitely cheaper than yoga classes).

    I love the pic of you foam rolling with both the kids in the pic- it’s cute.

    • Tina says:

      We don’t have Netflix but I do need to look into the local library. That’s a really good idea! I love the library.

  28. Michelle says:

    I foam roll in front of the tv while catching up on my DVR. And I stretch whenever I can! I’m actually lucky and have a weight room at work, so I can just go down there, or stretch in the privacy of my office if I need to. For me its more about finding time with the roller!

  29. Jess says:

    I used to be SO SO SO bad about stretching until very recently. Enter Core Fusion DVDs (and classes since they offer them here) and I’m changed. I now realize how important it is and try to incorporate those workouts, plus stretching after cardio more than I ever did before. I can imagine how hard it must be to fit it in with little M trying to climb on your back during downward dog. Really cute. That should be your next video 😉

  30. Emily says:

    I’m SO bad about stretching! I pretty much never do it. I just bought a 20 pack of super cheap yoga sessions at a local studio to try and help me out.

    • Tina says:

      I was so bummed bec they had a great bargain for a local studio last week through groupon…but I totally forgot to purchase it before it expired.. Exciting you get to try out some sessions for a good price. 🙂

  31. I stretch during my classes at the gym. My hubby stretches every day because he has back problems. I think I need to fit more stretching into my life!

  32. Elle Bieling says:

    Hi TIna,

    I stumbled on your blog through alerts I set. I like the look and feel and the message of your blog! I am a body-working devotee and yoga and foam rolling are the best!

    I couldn’t help notice that you used a picture of me, downloaded from Google images, most likely. The page where the picture/video is located is at Thank-you! I am giving myself, Elle Bieling, at the credit for the picture!

    If you would like to hear about my ideas on meditative foam rolling and releasing stuck emotions, check out my page at

    Good luck on your journey to faith, fitness and fun!

  33. What a coincidence! Just this morning I reserved a bunch of yoga DVDs from my library to try at home. I am so inflexible and don’t stretch enough. Last year I discovered a yoga class I loved but then broke a bone on spring break and months later, after rehab, just never got around to going back to the gym.

  34. I stretch (even if it is only 5-10 minutes) after almost all workouts…running or lifting or cycling. It is the one way I keep from being super sore. I used to be SO bad about stretching and have noticed a huge difference since I began making it a point to take the time to do it. Stretching throughout the day is something we should all do!

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