In One, Out the Other

Posted: March 16, 2010 at 8:08 pm

My money today was in one ear, er pocket I mean, and out the other. I went to the bank to drop off a check for two weeks' worth of my tutoring payment from one of the kiddos. Then, I had to run some errands for last minute baby shower needs (my friend's, not my own since I'm not THAT desperate for numero dos ;)). Oh baby! That stuff adds up fast! Pun intended. I'm such a dork. 😀 And.....moving on now....

I headed out to a couple of stores.

Home Goods

Hobby Lobby

Why oh why is it so easy to seriously get sucked into these two stores? Especially Home Goods. I could have shopped there all day! And almost did. M and I even shared a snack amidst our shopping.

Asian Pear Fruit Crisps snack

We perused the nice cooking area. With such fun dishes, coffee cups, platters, decorations, cookware, etc. And the adorable little girl bedding decorations. Although I'm not too certain on this one...

Naughty and Nice

Why would you have a pretty Time Out chair? I personally think a different approach would be perfect for Makenzie. All it's missing are handcuffs.

All Naughty

Kidding or no? *insert evil laugh here* 😉

Back to shopping. I picked up some extra serving dishes since apparently I don't have enough for 30+ people attending. You read that right. Also, a nice round tablecloth. Another thing I thought I had but my memory apparently fooled me so I would have to spend more money.

serving platters and tablecloth

And I should have been prepared. TJ Maxx and Home Goods share the same building. And what section would be right by where you line up to go pay? None other than the section where I can easily find four new things I don't really need but refuse to leave without.

new workout tops

I justify with the fact that I live in workout clothes. And they were too nice for the price! Plus, they have patterns embroidered into them which are SO cute.  Please note: purchasing said workout tops while still wearing workout clothes will get you a funny look and a "you must like working out" comment. Compliment, or no? Hmmmm....

After spending money there, it was time to drop into Hobby Lobby. Fortunately this trip was a little shorter. Like 45 minutes instead of almost 2 hours. I picked up a picture frame to place the invitation in for the mommy to be as a keepsake, some melting chocolate for the Oreo truffles I will be making to go along with the polka dot look we have going, gift baggies, a teddy bear cookie cutter and sugar crystal coating for cookie favors, confetti for decoration (I will regret this I just know it), and wrapping stuff. I give Hobby Lobby two thumbs up for not having workout clothing by their registers. I was able to leave with only what was on my list.

various goodies from the Lobby

Now, if only my money multiplied like these two things...

neverending laundry


...then maybe it wouldn't disappear as soon as I deposit it. 😉

No Comments to “In One, Out the Other”
  1. I can always justify new workout clothes! And your daughter is just too adorable!

  2. Mellissa says:

    I laughed out loud at my desk about the workout clothes, I LOVE them and am addicted to them. I buy them every time I am at TJ Maxx or Marshall’s and somehow end up thinking I still need more. I don’t.

  3. Therese says:

    Oh I can’t walk into T J Maxx unless I expect to spend money…same with Target. I will always walk out with something! Needed or not!

  4. TJ Maxx has the best workout clothes! I love your black Nike top.

  5. I love workout clothes too, even if I mostly workout at home!

  6. Marcia says:

    I stopped going to TJ Maxx and Marshall’s…I spend way too much! 🙂

  7. Melissa says:

    I love Home Goods. I’ve been able to find such fun and quirky items for my apartment…for such great prices! Whenever I go home to visit my parents, I always try to take a shopping trip.

  8. Jennifer says:

    Seeing that Hobby Lobby picture makes my heart smile. I looooove that store. Most of our home is decorated with goods from there. Sadly, though, our hobby lobby is a little bit over an hour away. So I don’t get to go there as much as I would like. But…maybe that’s a good thing, because then I would be broke.

  9. ahahahaha you crack me up!

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