You All are Amazing!

Posted: March 16, 2010 at 8:15 pm

I had to do this post so I could say a HUGE thank you to all of you for your support from yesterdays' revealing postabout part of my past. I always strive to be real, open, and honest about myself and my thoughts. I know I have come a long way and tend to be a very positive person, but I think it is only reasonable to show that it can be hard for me too. And my life has not always been rainbows, butterflies, and fairies. We each have the choice to do something about our lives and to have the faith that things will be okay. I can without a doubt say that getting back my faith is what helped turn all of that around.

And I also want to say that I love my father very dearly now.

at my wedding...about a year after beginning to mend our relationship

Our relationship has changed tremendously through lots of hard work and talking. And therapy, especially on his part, to battle the severe depression, anxiety, and anger issues that are prevalent in his family. Things, I too, am very aware of for myself and have to consistently pray and be cautious about to keep myself from slipping. I also want to say I am so thankful to God for how much he has helped my dad. He is absolutely amazing with Makenzie and I am so thankful things got sorted out before him interacting with her. She brings out the best in him. And although it can be disheartening at times to know I missed out on that when I was younger, I love him for the joy he brings her and that he is part of her life.

My Dad with Miss M

I didn't want to just tack this on to my other post today, since I feel my dad does deserve credit for the wonderful man and father he has become. Thank you for reading.


No Comments to “You All are Amazing!”
  1. again, amazing. i’m so thankful that you are willing and able to share y’alls journey with us!

  2. homecookedem says:

    That’s so wonderful that you and your dad have come so far and that your relationship has improved. Also, just read your comment back to me… such a small world!! 🙂

  3. “We each have the choice to do something about our lives and to have the faith that things will be okay”
    <- SO very true. And God can change anything, any circumstance, and anyone. We only have to have faith 🙂
    So happy for you that you and your father mended your relationship!

  4. lisaou11 says:

    I love the forgiveness this post shows.

  5. I’m glad you mended your relationship with your father. Things will only be better and better from there 🙂

  6. Hallie says:

    Aww…this made my heart melt a little bit. No one has a perfect family, but when it comes down to it, they are the only ones who are there for us always, no matter what. At least that’s how I look at it 🙂 thanks so much for sharing your story, you’re really brave, girl.

  7. I just read the old posts…wow, thank you for sharing this with us!!

    On lighter matters, i posted about figure/fitness girls today after a meetup with alyson, I thought you may like to read it…nothing you dont already know but just a topic you may like. I would love to come back in my next life as a figure girl!

  8. Vee says:

    The power of forgiveness is amazing. You are such an inspirational woman. I love this three generation post.

  9. lessonstolearn says:

    What a happy ending! I’m so glad you have a better relationship now and that your beautiful daughter has a healthier and happier grandpa!

  10. Lindsay says:

    so happy for your beautiful ending! It’s so nice to have a good relationship with your father. Mine has been apathetic my whole life, one way or the other would have been nice!

  11. Lindsey says:

    I’m so happy for you that you two were able to fix things and grow closer. Thanks for posting and letting us know.

  12. beautiful, amazing, all of the above, Tina 🙂

  13. How amazing that you and your dad have come so far. It’s awesome.

  14. lisaou11 says:

    Wanna hear something fun?

    One of the google searches that led someone to my blog was faithfitnessfun cavities.

    Intesresting huh? Im guessing they were talking about you haha!

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