Some Days

Posted: March 21, 2011 at 8:27 pm

Some days all I want to start my day is a butt-kicking in spin class.

on bike
Old picture from about a month ago…but you get the idea.  

Some days, I’m too lazy to add berries to my oats. So I just add more peanut butter.


Some days, I wonder what the heck Dr. Seuss was smoking.


Some days, I crave the flavor of summer.

avocado mango  turkeyavocadowrap2turkeyavocadowrap3
Avocado, hummus, turkey, spinach, + tomato wrap. Mango + carrots on the side.  

Some days, I wish I could have no responsibilities at all.

Some days, I wait until the husband comes home so I can take an uninterrupted 20 minute hot shower.


Some days, I have to admit to kind of being bummed The Bachelor is no longer on.

Some days, I cannot get over how stinking adorable my kids are.


Some days, I feel like unplugging.

And some days I wish I could spell too.   

Some days, all I want is to marvel in the life God blessed me and know that all my future somedays are in His hands.

Finish your own: “Some days, I _______”.


70 Comments to “Some Days”
  1. Some days, I just feel like not cooking so I pop some homemade popcorn and plop my bootie on the couch for some good ol’ Real Housewives crap TV!

    Some days, I feel like I could literally eat everything and never stop (like TODAY for example, eek!!)

    Some days, I sleep in super late and roll out of bed, throw my hair up in a pony and go to work….and it’s totally worth looking like crap to get those extra few minutes of sleep!

    Love this! I could go all day with these 🙂

  2. Amanda Estes says:

    Some days, I wish that June would get here sooner than later so I can meet my daughter, however, I know I need to cherish this time we have together.

    Some days are easier than others but everyday is a gift from God and I need to remember that Every Morning!

    Thanks Tina!

  3. Geraldine says:

    Some days I feel like I have so much energy that I want to run and keep running for miles and miles. Some days I feel so lazy, that the thought of going further than my kitchen fills me with dread. I suppose I should be glad that some days aren’t everyday! 🙂

  4. Jen says:

    HA! I wonder the same thing about Dr. Seuss, he must have had some amazing drugs!!!!

    • Tina says:

      The entire time I read the books to M I wonder where he came up with some of this stuff. Grox and Snuvs and all sorts of madness. LOL

  5. Maren says:

    I’m bummed the bachelor isn’t on anymore almost every day… It’s the truth.

  6. Some days, I just want to keep on driving. Drive right past my work, drive over the county line, drive over the state line and just have my own personal road trip for a few days.

  7. Some days, I just want to stay in my pjs all day long and not lift one finger or do one chore! but that never seems to happen! i just can’t seem to do it!

  8. Beautiful picture at the end!! 😀 Some days, I just want to frolick in the rolling hills alllll the day long while singing about God’s love and His magnificent creation!

  9. Stephanie says:

    I definitely get the unplugged days!

  10. Some days, I wish we lived somewhere that I could walk or bike to the grocery store, farmers market, etc.

    I dream of this often!

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